Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 176 Otsutsuki 1 style with lots of drama

Chapter 176 Otsutsuki Ishiki with many dramas

"I don't care what you do with the current daimyo, but I don't want the next daimyo to be that fool who intends to marry my daughter."

Yuda ignored their gaffe and directly made his request.

"Of course, you can also try to help that idiot up. But I'm afraid the final result is not what you want to see."

Before Kazekage and Ebizo could recover from Yuda's words, they saw Yuda disappearing like a puff of smoke in the wind.

"Damn it! How dare that Yuda guy threaten us?" Seeing Yuda leave, Feng Ying immediately regained his authority and cursed at the place where Yuda disappeared.

"Alas! What are you going to do?" Ebizo looked at Feng Ying, who only dared to show off his authority in front of his own family, and suddenly felt very tired.

"Um..." Feng Ying was immediately stopped by the question. He coughed awkwardly: "The eldest young master is indeed not our best choice. Let's send someone to contact the third young master!"

"I didn't choose the Third Young Master because of Yuda's coercion!" Feng Ying explained forcefully.

"It's better not to explain!" Ebizo looked at the stubborn Kazekage speechlessly and cursed.

"Okay! I will send someone to inform our internal agents in the capital and ask them to win over the Third Young Master."

The plan that had been arranged originally had to be postponed because of Yuda's words.

"That guy Kakuzu is really good at hiding!"

After leaving Suna Ninja Village, Yuda rushed all the way to the location of Kakuzu.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and I don't know if my gold-making baby has saved enough money?"

Yuda was thinking as he was walking on his way, when suddenly a stranger blocked his way.

"The donor has passed!"

The man was wearing a long white tailcoat and had pony-brown hair. He looked very delicate.

But he spoke like a monk.

"Who are you?" Yuda was sure that this guy was not a hidden strongman from the Kingdom of Wind, but being able to rely on yourself quietly, Yuda really didn't expect that there was such a powerful guy in the ninja world.

"He's just a monk who has encountered injustice! But doesn't Donor Yuda feel that he is too overbearing?"

The monk refused to reveal his identity, but Yuda instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

So Yuda planned to ignore this guy and continue moving around him.

As long as I don't listen to your nagging and care about your thoughts, it's not all in vain.


Just when Yuda was about to bypass the monk, the monk seemed to teleport and stood in front of Yuda again.

Just when Yuda was about to scold him, his eyes suddenly shrank: "What is that?"

It turned out that when the monk put down his hands, he saw a diamond-shaped mark on the center of his left hand.

"Qi!" A title that Yuda had almost forgotten suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Master Ji Xian! Or should I call you Otsutsuki Isshiki?"

Now that he knows the identity of the other party, Yuda no longer pretends. He believes that no matter what the other party's plan is, his own strength can definitely resolve it. It's best if the other party becomes angry and you can collect some information about the other party.

When he first heard Yu Tian call himself Master Ci Xian, the monk was just curious and didn't have much reaction.

But as soon as Otsutsuki's name came out of Yutaguchi's mouth, it was the monk's turn to be stunned.

His eyes shrank, and he no longer had the domineering aura before. Instead, he pointed at Yuda with a look of horror and asked loudly: "Who are you? Did the clan send someone else?"

"No wonder your strength has grown abnormally. If the clan sent you to clean up Kaguya and me, then it would make sense."

Perhaps due to fear of his family, Ishiki didn't believe that anyone in the ninja world would know of his existence.

At this time, he concluded that Yuda must be sent by the Otsutsuki clan to capture him and Kaguya.

"This is none of my business. It was that woman Kaguya who stole the chakra fruit without authorization. I did not return to the clan because I wanted to get the fruit back from her!"

After deciding the identity of the Yuda Otsutsuki clan, Ishiki began to defend himself and put all the blame on Otsutsuki Kaguya.

"Damn it! We already had a clue, so why did the guys sent by the clan suddenly arrive?" Otsutsuki Isshiki was very upset, but at this moment he didn't dare to do anything, he could only stand there and wait for the clan to respond.

It's not that he didn't think about resisting, but when he thought about the clan's strength and incredible methods, he immediately gave up those rebellious thoughts in his heart.

"Huh?" Otsutsuki Ishiki, who had already resigned himself to his fate, looked up when he saw Yuda didn't say anything.

He saw Yuda standing not far away, looking at him with a smile.

"No! You are not sent by the clan!" At this time, Otsutsuki Isshiki carefully observed Yuda and found that since he did not have a contract with him, he also did not have the iconic eye technique of the Otsutsuki clan and the two small horns on his forehead.

"Asshole! Do you know what you did?"

To Yuda's surprise, after knowing that he was not from the Otsutsuki clan, Isshiki did not get rid of him immediately, but pointed at himself and questioned him in horror.

"What? Aren't you happy that I wasn't sent by your predatory family to clean you up?"

The fear in his heart made Otsutsuki lose his mind. He shouted to Yuda: "Asshole! Do you know what you just did? Pretend to be the envoy of the Otsutsuki clan and wait to be cleaned up. Even this planet will be destroyed. Cleaned up.”

"Um...is your family so domineering?" Yuda asked, looking at the frightened Otsutsuki Ishiki in disbelief.

"But I didn't say that I was from the Otsutsuki clan just now! You said everything on your own based on your own imagination."

"Asshole!" It is true that Yuda did not say that he was a member of the Otsutsuki clan, but whenever a member of the Otsutsuki clan meets a strange clansman outside, everything will be caught by the clan immediately, and the clan will be the first to do so. Someone will come over to confirm the time.

Although he has not returned to the clan for nearly a thousand years, his movements just now may have attracted the attention of the clan.

"There was obviously still a chance, but everything was ruined by this guy!" Otsutsuki Isshiki didn't think it was his own problem. He attributed all the responsibility to Yuda for deceiving him first.

"Originally, I wanted to slowly plan to seize your body. But because of you, I didn't have much time left. Then take it, and I will use your body to get back what Kaguya stole. It’s a fruit, not only will I not be able to pass it by then, but maybe I will be appreciated by the clan?”

"Is that so?" Yuda laughed angrily at the strange brain circuit. It was obvious that he was playing too much, but he was irritating others.

But he also knew that people from the Otsutsuki clan might be coming to the ninja world soon. Even if there is no Ten-Tails by then, those guys will be able to release Kaguya.

Then there will be another bloody storm!

(End of this chapter)

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