Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 179 Kakuzu exits the stage

Chapter 179 Kakuzu exits the stage

When Yuda saw the kid's cool moves, he almost sent the guy to meet the Sage of Six Paths without a big move.

"You guys get out first!" It was indeed difficult for a few little shrimps to stand in his and Kakuzu's aura.

So Yuda waved his hand and drove the others out of the bounty house.

"Yes! Thank you, Mr. Yuda!" After receiving Yuda's permission, everyone else ran away, and even the person in charge of the bounty office planned to follow.

But Kakuzu glared back at him.

I haven't settled the bill yet, how can I let you go?

"Don't talk about those useless things, you should know that I have nothing to do with those tasks!" Kakuzu didn't want to experience the heart-breaking feeling last time again, so he rearranged the trophies that Yuda had messed up and pushed them to the person in charge.

The person in charge could only check the body tremblingly, and immediately handed over a safe to Kakuzu, trying to get the two of them to leave here quickly.

Yuda just watched the transaction between the two parties quietly, his eyes never leaving the safe.

The iron sand traded with daimyo in the past few years was all purchased by Yuuto himself.

Yuda was also embarrassed to ask for money from his son. Besides, except Yuuto who left some daily expenses for himself, everything else was left to Kiko.

Therefore, Yuda has lived in extreme poverty in the past few years, and with the support of Orochimaru's research, his funds have been almost exhausted.

At this time, his eyes were shining when he looked at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu glanced disdainfully at Yuda, who was about to drool, and put the safe away pretending to be calm.

He didn't believe that Yutian dared to rob his finances for no reason. If he dared to do that, then his reputation would be ruined by Yutian.

For a guy with unparalleled fighting power but who doesn't follow the rules, no one among the high-ranking rule makers would want to deal with him, right?

Kakuzu packed up the reward for the mission, ignored Rita, and just walked towards the door.

Just when he was about to go out, Yuda said: "Wait a minute! Our work is not over yet. Can you give us an explanation for these tasks?"

"What's wrong!" That's the business of the bounty house and the mission publisher. Besides, I didn't accept those missions, so it's none of my business.

Kakuzu kept walking and opened the door to go out.


Just as Kakuzu stepped out of the door, his body suddenly sank and he almost crawled to the ground.

"Huh?" He staggered to his feet and looked up at Yuda who was standing up.


He threw the safe away, then took off his shirt and tossed it aside, revealing his upper body covered in stitches.

"Do you really want to rob me? Aren't you afraid that doing so will make it difficult for you to move forward in the ninja world?"

"How could it be a robbery? It's obviously a bad mission issued by the bounty office. I just want some mental damage fees?"

Yuda slowly walked not far from Kakuzu and said quietly.

"Then you go find the bounty house? If not, go find the mission publisher. What does it have to do with me?"

If he hadn't been unable to defeat Yuda, Kakuzu would have cut this guy into pieces.

"You are from the bounty house." Yuda doesn't care what others think, Kakuzu only accepts tasks from the bounty house, so he is from the bounty house, so there is nothing wrong with him?

"You bastard!" Kakuzu was defeated by Yuda's shameless remarks. He opened his eyes angrily and shouted,

"Earthly Resentment Mode!"

Dense black thin lines sprouted from Kakuzu's body, and the whole person looked like an octopus with its teeth and claws.

Yuda just looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to attack first. Once he attacked, everything else would be easy.

Kakuzu was just dizzy with anger, but when he saw Yuda waiting for him like this, he immediately understood Yuda's plan.

"Hmph!" Just when Kakuzu put away his resentment and was about to leave, Yuda raised his hand and pointed at his feet.

"Bang!" A humanoid monster jumped out of the ground carrying the safe that Kakuzu had just thrown away.

"Magnetic field stripping!"

Yuda ignored Kakuzu's shocked eyes. He looked coldly at Kakuzu's clone in front of him and activated his ninjutsu again.

"Uh...ssssssss!" The humanoid monster let out a strange cry.

Then a pale humanoid monster slowly peeled out of his body.

"White Zetsu!"

As Bai Zetsu was peeled off, Yuda looked coldly at Kakuzu who was at a loss.

"Have you joined this guy's organization?" Yuda stopped joking and his tone became colder.

Originally, Yuda planned to recruit this guy in order to resist Otsutsuki's invasion in the future.

But if he has already come into contact with Hei Jue and the others, then it will be impossible to recruit this guy.

"That's right, this guy has been here since I lost to you last time."

"He said he had a way to improve my strength. This thing is just their sincerity. I didn't expect it to be quite useful!"

Since Yuda knows this thing, there is no need for Kakuzu to hide it.

"If this is the case, then I can only end you here."

Yuda didn't expect Black Zetsu to find Kakuzu so early. In order to have fewer twists and turns when facing Otsutsuki in the future, Kakuzu's journey could only end here.

At this time, Bai Jue, who was stripped out, collapsed on the ground, and the mask of the clone also broke.


Kakuzu re-enters the earthly resentment mode,

"It seems that the agreement was hasty. Who would have thought that that guy would have a grudge against you?"

"Do you want to come to my place?" Yuda also thought it was a pity that such a good tool man like Kakuzu died like this, and planned to give him a chance.

"You underestimate my nindo too much. Although I am only trustworthy with money, once I make a decision, I will not betray easily."

"Come on! Although I don't know what conflict you have with our organization, since we are enemies, I accept the fate that follows."

"Why are they all like this?" Yuda looked at Kakuzu who was determined to die, and also remembered that in the original work, this guy never betrayed Akatsuki until his death. Even to the Taki Ninja Village, he only chose to defect after being forced to do so. .

The same goes for the dried persimmon Kisame.

"Then farewell!" Although Yuda felt a little pity, he still respected his choice.

It's just a bit heartbreaking to lose such a good tool.

"bring it on!"

I saw Kakuzu turned into a black sea urchin at this moment, and the entire ground formed eight huge black lines, and then the eight black lines were like eight black spears stabbing towards Yuda.


Yuda raised his right hand, clasped his index finger with his thumb, and flicked his fingers in Kakuzu's direction as if his head was spinning.

The entire space was like broken glass, with dense cracks extending in the direction of Kakuzu, swallowing Kakuzu in a moment.

"So...so strong!" Kakuzu's attack paused, and he only had time to sigh before his body fell apart.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Four consecutive shattering sounds indicated that except for the first clone of Kakuzu, the other four clones were also completely dead.

(End of this chapter)

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