Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 180 More money is needed

Chapter 180 More money is needed

Yuda returned to Konoha with Kakuzu's last legacy, but there was a storm on Shingo's side.

"Are you sure the target is in the Land of Grass?" The ninja in charge of this operation asked a ninja with white eyes.

"Are you doubting our ability?" The ninja who was asked frowned and asked displeasedly.

Not every Otsutsuki clan member on the moon would take the ninjas of the ninja world seriously. This Otsutsuki is obviously someone who looks down on ninjas in the ninja world.

"An ant is worthy of questioning us!" That Otsutsuki still felt that it was not enough, and continued to sarcastically mock the Cloud Ninja who asked him.

"You..." The Kumo ninja was almost furious and pointed at Otsutsuki with a disdainful look on his face.

If the Raikage hadn't told them not to conflict with these guys in advance, he would have given this guy a good look.

"Let's go!" The ninja finally endured this breath and yelled at the men behind him.

"Tch! Ants are just ants! They don't even have any dignity!" That Otsutsuki refused to give up and yelled at the back of the group of cloud ninjas.

It was just that the leading Cloud Ninja pretended not to hear, lowered his head and quickly disappeared into the forest not far away with his men.

"Sir! That guy went too far!" After walking a certain distance, several of his subordinates could no longer bear it and complained to the leader Yun Ninja.

"Remember this feeling! As long as this plan succeeds, then when Yunyin Village rises, we will settle the old and new accounts together!" The leader of the Yun ninja gritted his teeth and promised to his men. Otherwise, he was really afraid that these guys would ignore their mission and turn around to teach that arrogant guy a lesson.

"Yes!" Several subordinates responded in unison, gradually approaching the Kingdom of Grass.

At the same time, the spies from other Ninja Villages also discovered Shingo's traces, and all set off towards the Country of Grass.

"What? Do you want to inform your son?" The actions of several major forces in the ninja world failed to escape Bai Zetsu's detection.

He informed Akano immediately after discovering this information.

He was not concerned about Shingo and Jiraiya, but worried about the Rinnegan that had been transplanted into Nagato.

Hei Jue waited for nearly a thousand years to finally get a pair of reincarnation eyes, so naturally he took great care of these eyes.

This is the key to saving my mother! There is no room for negligence.

"No need! If he can't even pass this test, he's not worthy of being my son! Just treat it as a test for him." Akano flatly rejected Bai Jue's proposal.

If his son dies, then as long as the Eye of the Moon plan succeeds, then their family can be reunited again.

"How heartless!" Bai Jue grinned and said sarcastically.

He was answered by a big foot coming towards him.

"Come again!" Bai Jue's eyes darkened.


"Huh! It feels much more comfortable!" Akano rubbed the soles of his shoes on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at Bai Jue who was already lying on the ground.

"Is the target Yuda's son? I just don't know what Yuda will do when he finds out?"


"Teacher! There's something wrong with the atmosphere around here lately!" As Yuda's most talented child besides Shiyu, Shingo perfectly inherited all the advantages of Yuda and Kiko.

No, just when spies from all forces were lurking and waiting for the opportunity to act, Shingo discovered something was wrong in advance with his excellent chakra perception.

"What's wrong?" After hearing Shingo's words, Jiraiya withdrew his eyes from looking at the young lady, and his face became serious.

"I don't know what happened recently, but there have been a lot more strangers nearby. But they all stopped when they got close to the village." Shingo told Jiraiya exactly what he had sensed.

"It's not like they discovered senior brother, right?"

Shingo looked worriedly at Nagato, who was training hard not far away. If this is really the case, then Senior Brother will not be able to live here.

"Wait here! I'll grab a tongue!"

Jiraiya lowered his head and thought for a while, then told Shingo and disappeared.

"What the heck! Now that you've found the target! Why don't you just capture it and take it back?" A guy dressed as a woodcutter pretended to be doing business and complained to the customer in front of him.

"Shut up! Do you want to die? You know the consequences of leaking information in public!" The customer warned the woodcutter while pretending to check the firewood.

"I'm sorry!" The woodcutter seemed to have thought of something, trembled, and quickly apologized to the customer.

"The firewood is good! Could you please deliver it to my home?" The customer seemed to have finished checking and shouted to the woodcutter.

"You have to pay more!" The woodcutter didn't dare to act like a monster anymore and replied honestly according to the agreed code.

"Okay! Five hundred taels more!" the customer replied proudly, and then led the woodcutter towards a private house.

"Oh! There really are mice!"

Just after they left for a while, Jiraiya's figure flashed out of the corner not far away.

He stared at the backs of the two people and thought deeply: "Who will be the target?"

"Forget it, just follow up and ask, and you'll find out."

"Creak!" The customer opened the door of the private house and walked in with the woodcutter.

"The village wants us to keep an eye on it. The goddesses will arrive in a few days. By then our mission will be completed."

Goddess, this is the name given to the women who implement this plan.

They believe that as long as the plan succeeds, those women will definitely be more valuable than their mothers and their status will be different.

"I know! But there have been a lot of people nearby recently, do you want to clean them up?" The woodcutter put down the firewood and helped the customer tidy up.

"Don't act rashly! This plan is a tacit agreement between us and several other villages. When the time comes, everyone will have to do what they can!"

Seemingly still worried about the woodcutter, the customer reminded again: "Even if we take action, we may not succeed. We will be isolated by then. But you and I will definitely become the sinners of the village."

"Then can you tell me your plan in detail?" Suddenly a voice came from the courtyard wall.

"Who?!" The customer and the woodcutter shouted at the same time, and took out their kunai and threw it in the direction of the sound.

No matter who it is, as long as it is not one of our own, we must silence it.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

After throwing the kunai, the two colleagues rushed towards the uninvited guest on the wall with kunai in hand.

But they saw that the guy's hair on the wall suddenly grew longer, wrapping his figure.

The thrown kunai also seemed to hit the iron plate, making a tinkling sound before being bounced to the ground.

"It's really troublesome!"

After the man on the wall took back his hair, he looked at the two people rushing over and said helplessly.

"Huh? Konoha ninja Jiraiya?!"

After the man on the wall showed his figure, one of them recognized the uninvited guest.

(End of this chapter)

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