Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 181 1 We must let Shingo and Myobokuyama sign a contract!

Chapter 181 We must let Shingo and Myobokuyama sign a contract!

"Oda! Go quickly! I'll hold him back!" After the spy pretending to be a customer recognized Jiraiya, he shouted to the woodcutter.

"What?" The woodcutter still looked confused, but after the customer's reminder, he stopped rushing towards Jiraiya and retreated back together with the customer.

"We are not opponents. You try to escape as much as possible. Then just be careful about lurking and don't cause trouble." The spy dressed as a customer stared at Jiraiya who had jumped in and warned the woodcutter without looking back.

"Hurry up! If it's too late, you won't be able to leave!" Seeing that the woodcutter was still hesitating, the spy dressed as a customer had to urge loudly.

"It's really rude! The host has to leave as soon as the guests arrive, so please stay!" Jiraiya was also afraid of alerting other enemies in the dark, and planned to fight quickly.

In order not to alarm others, Jiraiya used a teleportation technique to reach the woodcutter who was already running outside.

"Five Elements Seal!"

Before the woodcutter could react, Jiraiya opened his right hand and pressed it into his abdomen like a claw.

"One!" As the woodcutter was successfully sealed and fell limply and unconscious on the ground, Jiraiya waved his hand and looked at the spy dressed as a customer with his mouth wide open.

"Damn it! Can't you escape?" Knowing that he was at the end of his rope, the spy dressed as a customer raised the kunai in his hand and stabbed himself in the heart.

"Even if you die, you don't want to get anything from my mouth?" As he spoke, he concentrated all the chakra in his body and rushed towards his brain, intending to destroy it together with his own brain.

"This is not okay!" Before he could complete his suicide, he suddenly found that he couldn't move, and he couldn't even control his chakra.

After several attempts, the chakra finally curled up in his abdomen and could not be mobilized.

He looked up at Jiraiya who had a joking look on his face: "When?"

Jiraiya did not answer his question, but jumped up to the spy dressed as a customer who was lying on the ground, squatted down and looked at him,

"I think we can talk now!"

"Hmph! You don't want to get any information from me!" After hearing Jiraiya's question, the spy dressed as a customer tilted his head and said without fear.

"It's really troublesome! In this case..."

"Hahahaha...you...you are despicable..."

It turned out that the spy dressed up as a customer refused to speak, so he took off his shoes and socks. The ninja's feet smelled so bad that he picked up a feather and started to tickle the soles of his feet.

The spy dressed as a customer had never seen such a punishment before, and he couldn't help but burst into tears with laughter.

"Can you tell me?" Jiraiya saw two wads of paper stuck in his nostrils and stopped to look at the spy dressed as a customer and asked.

"Stop your wishful thinking! You won't get anything!" Perhaps because he had calmed down, the ninja dressed as a customer regained his courage.

"Then what's next?" Jiraiya shook the feather in his hand in front of him and slowly moved the feather towards the soles of his feet.

"Kill me!" The spy dressed as a customer opened his eyes wide and shouted at Jiraiya.

"Tell me who your target is? I can let you go." Jiraiya stopped what he was doing and tempted the spies.

"Shingo! It's Yuda Shingo, Yuda's son!" Seeing that Jiraiya wanted to torture him again, besides, it wasn't an important secret who the target was.

In order to get rid of Jiraiya's torture, the spy gave up.

"It would have been fine if it had been like this!" After getting the answer, Jiraiya threw the feathers in his hands, stood up, clapped his hands, and left directly.

"Hey! You bastard, please break the seal for us!" Seeing that Jiraiya let them go so easily, the spy breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he thought that he and his companions were still sealed, he hurriedly shouted in the direction where Jiraiya disappeared. "Get out of here! You can't get involved in what happens next!" Jiraiya's voice came from a distance.

After hearing Jiraiya's words, the spy was stunned for a moment, hurriedly struggled to stand up, picked up his companion on the ground and ran towards the distance.

But before running very far, there was a "pop" sound, and several long wooden thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, piercing the bodies of him and his companion.

"Sure enough, we came in the wrong place..." The spy slowly lowered his head with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe... trash! If you can't even mix the water, then die!" Bai Jue's body appeared from a short distance away and looked at the two dead people with a smile.

"Zhengo! Let's get out of here quickly! The area is surrounded by spies of other strengths."

After Jiraiya returned to the village, he found Shingo and Nagato.

"Okay!" Shingo is not ignorant! Seeing Jiraiya's serious expression, he nodded and turned around to pack his luggage.

"Nagato! You can't live here anymore, why don't you come with us..." After seeing Shingo leave, Jiraiya turned to look at Nagato.

"Can you send me to the Land of Rain?" Since Jiraiya and the others had no specific goals, Nagato revealed his plan.

In this way, you can learn more from Jiraiya and ensure your own safety on the road.

Jiraiya looked at the disciples who were affected, looking a little guilty.

He nodded: "Go and clean up quickly! We'll set off right away!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Jiraiya agreed, Nagato didn't waste any time and hurriedly ran back to the house to clean up.

"Alas! The rest of the trip is not going to be peaceful!" As he said this, he turned over his right hand, and a communication frog appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Please send this letter back to Konoha! Give it to the Hokage!" He said and took out a small scroll.

After the communication frog swallowed the scroll in one gulp, he was about to leave when he seemed to have another thought. He took out a scroll from somewhere and held it up to Jiraiya.

"Do you have any instructions from the Great Toad Immortal?" Jiraiya waved his hand and dismissed the communication frog, then unfolded the scroll and took a look.

His expression became painful: "The Great Toad Immortal will really give me problems, Zhenwu has his own psychic beast! How can I see you toads!"

"Hey! Little Jiraiya! It's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs!" Suddenly an old voice came from behind him, startling Jiraiya.

After seeing clearly what he was talking about, Jiraiya patted his chest and yelled unhappily at a skinny old toad: "Fukasaku Sennin! You will scare people to death!"

"Sorry! But little Jiraiya, do you look down on us toads?" Fukasaku Sennin waved his hand indifferently, but then stared at Jiraiya and asked.

"This..." Jiraiya was speechless, unable to think of a reason to defend himself for a while.

He rolled his eyes and began to complain: "Lord Fukasaku! The toad clan is very powerful, but Shingo has his own ancestral psychic beast, and it is also very powerful. He may not necessarily look after us toads, right?"

Seeing Jiraiya mentioning Shingo, Fukasaku Sennin's face became solemn. He looked at Jiraiya solemnly and said, "No matter what, you must make your disciple sign a contract with the Toad Clan! This is related to the life and death of our Myoboku Mountain."

"Did the Great Toad Sage dream again?" Jiraiya looked at Fukasaku Sage seriously after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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