Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 182 The Kingdom of Iron

Chapter 182 The Kingdom of Iron

Hearing Jiraiya's question, Fukasaku Sennin sighed: "Alas! The ninja world has undergone tremendous changes, and the magnetic escape is vital."

Then it looked at Jiraiya with a hint of pleading in its eyes: "For the survival of Mount Miaomu, I can only ask you, little Jiraiya!"

"Got it!" Jiraiya had never seen such a Fukasaku Sage before, and nodded solemnly in promise.

"Okay, I'll go back first. The kid's mother is still waiting to go home for dinner!" After seeing Jiraiya agree, Fukasaku Sennin returned to his appearance as a worldly expert and disappeared with a "bang".

"Jiraiya-sensei, I've packed up. Is Brother Nagato not here yet?" Just when Jiraiya was thinking about how to persuade Shingo, Shingo ran over with a big bag on his back.

Jiraiya took back his thoughts, looked at Shingo with an innocent face, and felt a little sorry for Shingo's disciple.

Jiraiya felt a little guilty because his family's spiritual power was powerful, he was friendly to the contractor, and he cooperated tacitly. In this way, Shingo was asked to give up the earthworm clan and sign a contract with Myoboku Mountain instead.

"Forget it! Let me tell Shingo when you have time. As for how to choose, it depends on what he wants!" After Jiraiya made up his mind, he smiled and said to Shingo,

"Nagato will have to wait for a while. How about we send each other to the Land of Rain together?"

"Okay! But why does Brother Nagato want to go to the Land of Rain?"

"Maybe there is someone there who can protect him." Jiraiya thought of the guy who always wore a gas mask, and felt admiration in his heart.

"Teacher! You can go!" At this time, Nagato came over carrying a large bag of luggage and nodded to Shingo and Jiraiya.

"Okay! Let's set off then." Jiraiya waved his hand and set off against the sunset.

"Oh!" Shingo and Nagato agreed and followed him.

In this way, the three masters and disciples faced the encirclement of the major forces and embarked on an unknown journey.


"Sir! We seem to have been discovered. At present, Jiraiya has left the village with a target and an orphan who is suspected to be the Uzumaki clan. Do we want to stop him?"

As soon as Jiraiya and the others set out, they were discovered by the spies who were always watching them, and they immediately reported the situation.

"Which village was discovered?" A ninja wearing a cloud ninja forehead protector asked with a sullen face.

"The spies from the Kingdom of Water were killed not long ago. The news may have been exposed from them."

The subordinates dared not raise their heads for fear of arousing the wrath of their superiors.

But he still wisely put the blame on the dead Water Kingdom spy, and made him die without any evidence.

After all, Raikage had warned him several times about this plan, and he couldn't afford to take the blame if it failed.

"Go down! Let's not intercept. The plan is cancelled."

Now that Shingo and the others have been alerted, this plan has completely failed.

As for taking Shingo back, as long as he didn't have a fever, no one would dare to do it against Yuda's anger.

Just because the major ninja villages dare not hurt Shingo does not mean that no one in the ninja world dares to do so.

Just after the villages stopped planning, Otsutsuki Taka directly approached the Raikage for questioning.

"Are you so afraid of Yuda?"

Looking at the furious Otsutsuki Taka, Raikage asked back: "Aren't you afraid? If you weren't scared, you wouldn't have cooperated with us!" Without giving him a chance to refute, Raikage directly exposed them.

"You don't dare to confront Yuda head-on, why do you ask us to do this?"

Otsutsuki Takashi really didn't dare to fall out with the Raikage, because he knew that without the help of the Kumo ninja, they would not be able to rescue Shiro Shiki from Konoha.

"We will take the lead in the next actions, but you need to provide some information!" Raikage and the others can slowly plan Yuda's bloodline, but they cannot wait.

If it was too late, he was afraid that Bai Shih would really be killed by those guys from Hinata to take out his eyes, and it would be even more difficult to regain the reincarnated eyes by then.

"Okay! But you can't attack Yuda's children, we can't bear the anger of that guy Yuda!" Lei Ying said indifferently, but reminded him not to touch Yuda's bottom line.

"Got it!" Otsutsuki Taka turned around and left the Raikage's office, took the Raikage's warrant, and left Kumogakure Village with a few of his remaining subordinates.


As for Ganta and Jiro, they followed Suzuki out of Konoha and headed towards the Kingdom of Iron.

Along the way, they eliminated several groups of bandits that blocked the road, and finally entered the border of the Kingdom of Iron.

"This is the hometown of samurai? Look at how powerful the swords on their waists are."

As soon as Ganta and the others entered the Kingdom of Iron, they found that the atmosphere here was completely different from that of the Kingdom of Fire.

"Here, samurai are their military guarantee, but the strength of samurai lags far behind that of ninjas. They can only win with numbers, so samurai can be seen everywhere here!"

Suzuki saw the curious two people and patiently explained to them.

"Oh! Are the samurai swordsmen here very good?"

Jiro held the sword in his waist and asked eagerly as he watched the samurai coming and going.

"On the whole, it is stronger than other major ninja villages! The ninja swords here are also good. Do you want to buy a few?"

While several people were discussing, they found that these warriors were all heading in the same direction.

"Hurry! We'll miss the registration time soon!"

At this time, several warriors hurriedly passed by several people, and one of them urged his companions.

"Brothers! What are you in a hurry for?" Suzuki stopped a few people and asked politely.

The samurai were a little unhappy at first being stopped, but after seeing the forehead protectors on Suzuki's foreheads, they became polite.

"Guests from Konoha, aren't the adults in the town recruiting samurai? We are eager to apply!"

The warrior who had just urged him explained politely, and hurried away with a few companions.

"How's it going? Do you want to go and see something?" Suzuki asked with a smile when he saw the eager Jiro on his face.

"I'm leaving first!" Jiro was embarrassed by Suzuki's look, and followed a few samurai toward the town.

"Haha! Let's go take a look too." Suzuki looked at Jiro's back and smiled, then followed him and walked with several samurai towards the place where the samurai gathered.

"Wait for me!" Wanta saw his brother and Suzuki leaving and hurriedly followed them.

"Sign up and get in line! If there is any more chaos, this recruitment will be cancelled!"

After arriving at the place, the three found that nearly a hundred warriors had gathered here.

A middle-aged man who looked like a butler was surrounded by these warriors, and he was so anxious that he shouted threats.

Perhaps the intimidation worked, these warriors all lined up obediently and stood in front of a table in an orderly manner.

The butler looked at the long queue, nodded with satisfaction, then sat behind the table and began to register the warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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