Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 192 Hokage selection, the battle between Naoki and Jiro

Chapter 192 Hokage selection, the battle between Naoki and Jiro

A month later, Yagura returned to the Land of Water with a two-year-old boy.

When the Wind Kingdom found out, it was already half a month after Luo Sha became the Fourth Kazekage, and there were no clues to be found.

After an investigation yielded no results, they had no choice but to let it go. However, this incident also made countries protect their seeds more closely. After all, no one wanted to lose hope of rising in the future.

The ninja world has returned to peace since Rasa came to power, and Hatake Sakumo also transferred Ganta Kyoko back.

Because Yuuto was getting married, as the groom's family, the daimyo couldn't let the daimyo feel that Konoha didn't understand etiquette.

Yuuto's wedding was much grander than Ganta's. In order to show off, the daimyo not only sent invitations to daimyo from all over the world, but also invited the kage and leaders of various ninja villages under the name of the Tian family.

Yuuto's wedding was not held in Konoha, but was held in the capital at the daimyo's repeated request.

On the day of the wedding, all the forces looked at the cheerful daimyo and felt sad, because they knew that after Yuuto got married, he would stay in the capital. Doesn't this mean that the daimyo of the Fire Country recruited a second-generation legitimate son of the Tian family? A visiting son-in-law.

The daimyo was not stingy either. After the wedding, Yuuto was officially appointed as the general of the House Protector, officially entering the officialdom of the Fire Country.

After confirming the candidate, Hatake Sakumo announced his retirement at the end of the year.

"Well, after this competition, the winner will directly become the only Hokage candidate." Hatake Sakumo pulled his hat and announced seriously.

"Who loses and who quits?" Jiro looked at Naoki with a serious look on his face.

"Hokage-sama, who do you think will win?" The Uchiha clan leader asked nervously, but he obviously wanted to seek some psychological comfort from Hatake Sakumo.

But just when everyone thought that Jiro and Naoki would promise benefits to each voting ninja to win votes, a competition that only a few people knew about started in the Valley of the End.

Uchiha's son-in-law became Hokage, so it would be one step closer to their Uchiha becoming Hokage.

After Hatake Sakumo returned, he really revealed the news that he was going to retire. When everyone's persuasion failed, they all introduced their favorite Hokage candidates.

"Nonsense, Master Naoki is the grandson of the first generation, and he has also awakened Mudun. He is also Master Yuda's disciple. Master Naoki obviously wins."

An angry Hatake Sakumo said directly: "I will retire when I get back and let Jiro come and talk to you next time."

"Start!" Hatake Sakumo announced and immediately stood with the ninja witnesses, looking solemnly at the two guys who had formed the seal of opposition.

"It must be Jiro-sama! Jiro-sama is Yuda-kun's son!"

After all, if Jiro wins, then the next Hokage must be Jiro's.


In the end, it turned out that Naoki, who had the support of Senju Uzumaki and other clans, and Jiro, who had the support of Uchiha, Yuda and some minor ninja clans, finally became the candidates.

Reluctant to return his forehead protector to Hatake Sakumo, who had not yet left, Yuuto quickly entered officialdom mode and had a fierce quarrel with Hatake Sakumo over funding issues.

No one present was worried about safety issues, because Yuda, who was sitting on the head of Madara's statue, rarely came out to watch the competition.

"Are you sure?" Hatake Sakumo, the referee, looked at the two of them and asked.

"Then just do what my brother-in-law said!" Jiro also wanted to know his current strength, so he might as well give it a try today.

"Whoever loses will quit. Losing means that you don't have the ability to protect everyone."

There were several ninja clan leaders around who came with their juniors to witness.

From then on, Yuuto was no longer a ninja of Konoha.

Before Hatake Sakumo could answer, the people supporting Nawaki and Jiro started arguing.

Finally, the Uchiha clan leader asked: "What do you think, Hokage-sama?"

"It's hard to say. After all, I haven't seen Jiro take action in two years. Who knows how much he has improved." Hatake Sakumo stared at the two people who began to test each other with taijutsu ninja tools. "So can Jiro's strength two years ago be able to defeat the current rope tree?" After the Uchiha clan leader asked, he found that Hatake Sakumo looked at him like an idiot, and his old face turned red.

If Jiro could defeat Naoki two years ago, then there would be no need to compete with Naoki now.

"Back off!" Suddenly Yuda's voice came to everyone's ears. Yuda opened his eyes and stretched out his hand gently. A huge barrier covered the two people competing. The huge barrier directly covered those who were watching the battle. Everyone pushed for several hundred meters before stopping.

"Yuda is getting more and more terrifying! I really don't know how this guy practices?" Hatake Sakumo exclaimed after standing still and staring at Yuda who continued to close his eyes to rest.

This time no one refuted his words, because just now everyone was forced back several hundred meters by Yuda's understatement without the ability to fight back.

"Even during the heyday of the first generation, Yuda didn't put as much pressure on me." An old man from the Senju clan looked at Yuda and couldn't help but sigh.

"Wood Release: The tree world is coming!"

"Magnetic Release: Infinity Blade!"

After Naoki and Jiro tested it, they began to release ninjutsu.

As soon as he made the move, the surrounding spectators were stunned. The giant trees that kept pouring out and countless rotating shurikens made of iron sand collided with each other. For a moment, the battlefield was covered with broken branches and broken wood, and then slowly piled up into a pile. hill.

"Ha!" Seeing that his ninjutsu couldn't do anything to Jiro, Naoki clapped his hands together, and eye shadow and a few splashes of paint appeared on his face.

At the same time, Jiro also put the iron sand back into the gourd behind his back. A pair of iron wings appeared behind his back, and a black diamond-shaped mark appeared in the middle of his forehead.

This is the unique immortal mode of the Tian family.

"What kind of monsters are these?" Seeing both of them entering sage mode, some older ninjas couldn't help but ask.

"Let's decide the outcome with one strike!" Naoki shouted, ignoring Jiro's disagreement, he shouted directly: "Immortal magic: Thousands of hands, Buddha on the top!"

A huge wooden Buddha with a height of two hundred meters and thousands of arms stretched out behind it appeared in the barrier.

Jiro looked at the giant Buddha calmly, as if hesitating for something, and secretly glanced at his father.

Yuda knew what Jiro was worried about and nodded to him.

Seeing Yuda nodding, Jiro breathed a sigh of relief and flew directly into the sky, not stopping until he reached the top of the seal. Then he pointed his right hand to the sky and shouted: "Immortal Magic: The Rod of Punishment and Judgment!"

After hearing this, everyone found nothing unusual and looked at Hatake Sakumo, waiting for him to explain.

"Ahem..." Hatake Sakumo coughed a few times. He didn't know what was going on, but he couldn't lose face at this time: "This... that's it..."

Before he could think of his words, there was a sudden buzzing sound in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a small black dot falling from the sky with flames, flying towards them at high speed.

Just when everyone was confused, Naoshu and several powerful ninjas among them all felt in danger.

Just when they were about to remind others, Yuda made another point, and a barrier enveloped everyone, and then they were in a trance, as if nothing happened.

Naoki stared at the thing falling from the sky, and behind him, thousands of fists clenched at the same time, blasting towards Jiro and the thing.

Just when the rope tree's attack was about to come, the thing falling from the sky finally arrived.

Only then did everyone see its appearance clearly. An iron rod made of iron sand, more than a hundred meters long and five meters in diameter, with a red tip caused by friction, penetrated directly through the huge wooden Buddha, nailing him to the On the ground, the high temperature caused the wooden Buddha nailed to the ground to burn. Because this was a physical attack, the Buddha could not absorb chakra to restore itself, and was burned to ashes in a moment.

Seeing that the winner was decided, everyone was in a daze again, and then a wave of heat hit their faces.

"That was just now...?" The Uchiha clan leader looked at Hatake Sakumo and asked in disbelief.

"The seal of time and space! You can seal a whole world with just a few words. Does it really seem like something big is going to happen?" Hatake Sakumo ignored the Uchiha clan leader, but looked at Yuda and speculated in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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