Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 193 Minato and Kyoko, are they getting along?

Chapter 193 Minato and Kyoko, are they getting along?
Others felt the scorching heat wave and looked at the huge pit filled with ashes and a hundred meters in diameter, and they also realized something was wrong.

They didn't feel any vibration from such a huge movement, and it took a long time for them to feel the heat wave.

Finally, everyone came to their senses. It turned out that Yuda's gentle touch had sealed everyone unconsciously into another time and space. If this was the enemy, they would probably be dead by now.

Wow! After discovering the truth, everyone looked up at the enemy where Yuda was sitting, but found that Yuda had disappeared at some point.

"Minato, who is better, your space ninjutsu or my father's space seal?" Kyoko tilted her head and looked at Namikaze Minato and asked with big watery eyes.

"Uh..." Minato's face turned slightly red when Kyoko looked at him.

Although they grew up together, as Kyoko grew up, the red-haired figure in the ignorant period was gradually replaced by Kyoko.

It's just that he was too familiar with Xingzi and was too embarrassed to take action. Seeing that it is almost 47 years into Konoha, Kyoko is almost an adult.

According to the tradition of the Yuda family, except for Nono Uyu's special circumstances, he will get married at the age of 18.

Just like Shingo, he was recently forced by Kiko to get engaged to a girl from the Nara family, and he was about to get married next year.

Minato felt a slight pang in his heart as he imagined that Kiko might marry someone else next year.

Kyoko, who had come back to her senses after hearing this, had black lines all over her head. Kyoko, who had recovered from Minato Sui's unprepared confession, clenched her fists and hit Minato to the ground with a critical blow: "Be confident, you bastard!"

Kyoko is also very confused about her marriage. She is watching her brothers and sisters getting married one after another. Even her stupid brother will get married next year, but she has not yet found her romantic partner.

Who would have thought that this guy made a sudden surprise attack, but found that she had just resisted a little and then retreated, which made her very angry.

His face turned red for a moment and he took a few steps back.

Although Yuda would not force him to find a partner because of his pampering towards him, the Yuda family would not let him stay unmarried for the sake of development.

Looking at the innocent and lovely face not far away, Minato completely forgot about Kyoko's question just now and blurted out "Kyoko, let's date."

Seeing Kyoko's actions, Minato's face darkened: "Is it true?" Minato thought Kyoko was unwilling to date him, so he was frustrated and kept nagging for Kyoko to find reasons for rejecting him.

"You...what did you say?" Kyoko originally just wanted to tease Minato, but she never expected that Minato would say such a thing.

Kyoko simply searched around and found that Minato, who was only three years older than her, could barely catch her eye.

I am a girl, why should I be more reserved?
"You...you agree to date me?" Minato stood up, covering the big bag on his head, and looked at Kyoko happily and asked.

Kyoko hit Minato and realized there were people around. He looked at the stupid Minato angrily, clenched his fists, then stamped his feet and disappeared, leaving a faint echo of "Idiot" curling up in the air.

"Minato, you...you dare to pursue Kyoko?" Naoki, who was a little disappointed because of losing to Jiro, followed Jiro and planned to come over to say hello to everyone who witnessed their competition, and at the same time announced that he was withdrawing from the Hokage candidacy. Such a big melon. Too late, this guy Minato actually pursued that violent woman Kyoko.

In Naoki's impression, Kyoko is the replica of her sister, who beats her brothers at every turn.

If it weren't for Yuda's strength and courage, Naoki would have suspected that his sister would be alone all her life, so he gave birth to Yuda's two children without any name or role. Not only did he not hate Yuda, but he thanked Yuda for allowing his sister to have him. descendants.

Unexpectedly, Minato is even more powerful now, not to mention his strength, but his courage to pursue Kyoko, Naoki feels that he is more courageous than his master Yuda.

Naoki yelled and woke up Minato who had just been trapped in the world of himself and Kyoko.

He looked blankly at the strange and admiring looks of the people around him, and his face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, but then he laughed and showed a gentle expression: "It's funny, please give me some encouragement, otherwise I really won't have the courage to continue pursuing Xingzi. "

I have to say that Minato was very shameless when it came to taking care of girls. After a moment, he could no longer see the embarrassment he had just felt, as if it was not his fault.

Jiro crossed his chest and frowned as he looked at Minato who was chatting and laughing with the others. Why did he find this guy so unpleasant? What should he do if his fist got hard?
After taking a few deep breaths, Jiro stepped forward and patted Minato's shoulder hard twice, then turned him to face him. He seemed to encourage him gently: "Good boy, come on!" It was just in his fox-like eyes. The faint cold light made Minato tremble: No, uncle, you won't give me the punishment just now, right?

As everyone returned to Konoha, the villagers of Konoha suddenly exploded.

First of all, Jiro Nawaki's strength made the villagers extremely excited, indicating that the next Hokage can still protect everyone's safety.

Then the powerful Nawaki was defeated and withdrew from the Hokage campaign. Then the next Hokage would be Jiro of the Yuda family. For a time, Jiro's reputation in Konoha skyrocketed.

Of course, compared to the first two pieces of news, although they are of great importance to the general public, they are still far away. The last wealthy gossip has completely ignited the working people to talk about sex for a long time in the future.

"Did you know? Minato, the handsome boy from the Namikaze family, is going to pursue Kyoko, the noble lady from the Yuda family."

"Alas! The Namikaze family relies on the Yuda family to live a good life. I didn't expect that his boy would be so ambitious and dare to pursue a girl from the Yuda family."

"I heard that the young lady from the Tian family was conquered by Minato's talent and forced Minato to marry her..."

"Hmph! Don't try hard, you kid. I don't expect you to marry someone like Miss Yutian, but at least it won't be difficult to find me a girl from the Xiaonin clan, right?" A big man with a pockmarked face said the same thing to him Said the son with thick lips and pockmarked face.

Anyway, it hasn't spread from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, but when it reaches the Yuda family, it sounds outrageous to the whole family.

It's completely like a rich girl being conquered by a country boy with good looks and talent. After being rejected many times, she uses violence to force the boy to accept her pursuit. In the end, the country boy tearfully marries a violent rich lolita.

"Kyoko, what do you think?" Since Yuda and Kiko rarely interfere with family affairs, this family meeting was chaired by Wanta.

"What else can I think? I'm old enough and I find Minato is still doing it, so I'll just let it go!" Kyoko was not shy in her own family and directly expressed her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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