The abandoned wife of the noble family, she is Black Heart Lotus

Chapter 145: After being sold, I have to help count the money

Magistrate Lin and his in-laws were escorted up. He struggled all the way and was pushed into the lobby. He looked up and saw Xiao Mingzhang and Gu Deyin. He stared at them fiercely with red eyes.

"Xiao, you have no right to do this. I want to impeach you for exceeding your authority..."

Unlike Magistrate Lin who clamored desperately, his brother-in-law pretended to be reasonable.

"Master Xiao, you are a civil official and I am a military general. You are exceeding your authority by detaining me like this. If you release me, I will not hold you accountable for your behavior this time, otherwise I am afraid that your backstage will not be able to protect you..."

As he spoke, he winked at Gu Deyin, the fake princess, indicating that Xiao Mingzhang should be aware of current affairs.

After hearing what he said, the others also tried to persuade Xiao Mingzhang to let them go with nice words.

Xiao Mingzhang was not moved at all, and without even looking at these people, he directly ordered the people around him.

"Show them all the incriminating evidence."

A lot of evidence of his committing crimes was found from Magistrate Lin's study, which confirmed several people's charges.

There is also the arrested bandit leader. When he came in, he first said that he was unjust and that he was not a bandit but a soldier. However, after seeing that the prefect Lin and his immediate boss were arrested, he immediately changed his story and said that he was doing everything. Those who were instructed by them sold out their immediate superiors.

Magistrate Lin and his brother-in-law were filled with hatred and said that this was a slander and an attempt to incriminate him.

But no one listened to their excuses, and witness testimony one after another made these people's accusations hard to prove.

Magistrate Lin and others still wanted to fight to the death, but after seeing the latest regent order, they knew that the end was over and they lowered their heads in despair.

Xiao Mingzhang on the spot appointed Wang Tongzhi to temporarily act as the prefect of Lin, and the deputy general who had not participated in the bandit game to temporarily act as the chief general. He was in charge of local military affairs and cooperated with Wang Tongzhi to rectify the local officialdom. All criminals had to be escorted back to the capital for trial.

All the female relatives of Magistrate Lin's family had to be detained pending trial. Suddenly, the entire Yamen was filled with cries.

Gu Deyin couldn't bear to listen to these voices. Their joys and sorrows were not the same. If they could still smile, it would be her turn to cry.

"Let's go to Daqingshan."

Xiao Mingzhang directly sat on the horse and stretched out his hand towards her.

Gu Deyin looked at it and wanted to refuse. She could take a carriage.

Xiao Mingzhang said: "Whether the carriage runs slowly or the horse rides faster, didn't you say that your adopted brother is not in good health? Then we can't drag him."

Everything he said was from her standpoint and for her benefit. How could Gu Deyin refuse anymore?

Without hesitation, she stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Mingzhang's big palm. He pushed hard and she got on the horse smoothly. She sat in front of him. He tightened the reins of the horse and the horse started running.

She had never ridden a horse before, and she was still a little scared at the moment.

"Don't be afraid, I have everything."

After hearing this, she calmed down and did not dare to look back at Xiao Mingzhang's expression, fearing that he would see her blushing. This was the first time in her two lives that she was so close to a foreign man in public.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Xiu'er following on horseback. She was immediately annoyed, forgetting that the maid could also ride a horse. She didn't have to ride the same horse as Xiao Mingzhang.


She found that she had been led by Xiao Mingzhang repeatedly recently.

After losing his memory, he was too clever in his methods. He always pretended to be thinking about her and spoke pleasantly. She would be fooled by him as soon as he got involved.

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, she turned back to look at Xiao Mingzhang behind her and said seriously.

"It's a shame you don't go into business." "Why?"

Gu Deyin saw the curiosity in his eyes, and she replied with a smile.

"If you do business, you will definitely make a lot of money, because if you sell me, I have to help you count the money, and many people will have to accept your defeat."

When Xiao Mingzhang heard her somewhat resentful words, he laughed out loud on the spot, knowing that she was reacting to the fact that he had been tricked by him.

When Gu Deyin saw this, she didn't get angry like a child, but laughed in relief. That's all. Without him asking for help, she would probably still be on the way to find her father and brother.

The two of them understood each other tacitly, and the atmosphere was quite good at the moment.

But there was a disadvantage. Gu Deyin tried to sit up straight so that he could reduce physical contact with Xiao Mingzhang.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is sad.

The road was uneven and the horse was bumpy. She would often fall into Xiao Mingzhang's arms due to inertia.

Every time this happened, she couldn't help but blush. Fortunately, Xiao Mingzhang didn't take advantage of her. In this regard, he was quite disciplined.

Finally, she reached Daqing Mountain. The mountains and forests in summer were quite cool, but seeing the mountains and forests stretching for thousands of miles, her mood sank to the bottom of the valley. She didn't know how much suffering her father and brother had suffered here.

The bandits guarding the mountain pass were originally soldiers disguised as soldiers. Now that they saw the warrant to go up the mountain, these people immediately opened a way for their group.

Xiao Mingzhang's secret guards all turned from darkness to light, and led people to guard several exits to prevent accidents from happening.

Gu Deyin just glanced at it without saying anything. It was difficult to ride a horse in the mountains and forests. When she saw Xiao Mingzhang dismounting, she held his hand and dismounted as well, and then went to the mountains and forests with him.

Looking at such a large mountain forest, she was a little worried. She didn't know where her father and brother were, and it might be difficult to find them.

It would be great if she could induce her father and brother to come to her proactively. This would save a lot of trouble.

After thinking about it, she said to Xiao Mingzhang, "I have a unique contact method for the Gu family. Now I can give it a try and see if I can get my father and brother to show up."

"So good."

Xiao Mingzhang nodded. This method can be tried. However, if Gu Jianghuai is a wary person, he may not show up easily, but he does not intend to pour the cold water on the spot.

Gu Deyin actually prepared for the worst in private, but she still had to give it a try. What was going to be tested now was her tacit understanding with her father.

Taking out the communication fireworks specially made for her by the Gu family, she set them off directly in the daytime sky.

Then, a black cloud appeared.

Gu Jianghuai and Bo Qingya, who were still hiding in the woods, saw the black cloud in the sky. They hurriedly stood up and watched. This was indeed a contact signal from the Gu family.

"Master, our reinforcements have arrived."

The experts of the Gu family were all happy that they could finally leave this hellish place and save their lives.

Gu Jianghuai frowned but remained silent.

Bo Qingya said, "Don't take it lightly. This might be a trick by the enemy to induce us to surrender, just to lure us out and catch them all. I suggest that we send someone out to investigate first before making any plans..."

Gu Jianghuai interrupted him loudly, "No, my daughter came in person."

Bo Qingya's expression immediately changed, "Father, are you sure it's Yinmei who's here in person?"

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