Gu Jianghuai didn't explain too much why he was sure that Gu Deyin was here, but he still nodded.

Bo Qingya said hurriedly, "This is too bad. Yinmei must have been caught by them. Foster father, what should we do now?"

At this moment, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but in the bottom of his heart he hated himself for being useless, making Gu Deyin have to take risks himself. If he had known this, he should not have agreed to her divorce in the first place. After all, the Xu family was here, Outsiders still have to be wary.

Gu Jianghuai didn't look anxious at all on his face. Seeing his adopted son being so anxious, he stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders.

"With my daughter's personality, do you think she will actively cooperate with others to lure us out of the mountain after being caught?"

Bo Qingya was startled.

Gu Jianghuai didn't need him to answer, and said directly, "If she is really caught, she would rather die than cooperate with others to arrest us. Now that the fireworks appear, it means that it is safe outside."

Bo Qingya's face was a little ashamed. He had always thought that he knew Gu Deyin best, but now he realized that he had never really understood Gu Deyin at all, let alone guessed her every move.

Gu Jianghuai patted Yizi on the shoulder again and smiled cheerfully.

"I am her father, and my daughter is as good as her father. Don't think too much about it. Compared with me, you are still far behind."

Finally feeling at ease, he first took out a firework used by the Gu family for communication and set it off in the sky to show his daughter, telling her that I was still here.

Then, he waved to his subordinates, "Let's go out of the mountain."

He has long been tired of being trapped here for so long.

Bo Qingya was weak, so Gu Jianghuai personally supported him on the way out of the mountain.

Gu Deyin, who was outside the mountain, was also waiting impatiently, but when she saw a black cloud echoing in the sky on the other side, she was so excited that tears filled her eyes. Her father was indeed safe.

She rushed towards the direction of the black cloud. At this time, she couldn't stay for even a moment.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Mingzhang hurriedly chased after Gu Deyin to clear the way for her.

Gu Deyin didn't have time to say thank you. She could see her father again after two lifetimes, and she couldn't calm down her excitement even if she wanted to.

Both parties ran towards each other and soon met each other.

When Gu Deyin saw her very energetic biological father Gu Jianghuai, she couldn't help but burst into tears. She ran towards Gu Jianghuai like a wild goose throwing herself into his arms without even thinking about it.

Gu Jianghuai didn't care to support Bo Qingya, threw him to the people around him, and then ran towards his daughter.



Gu Deyin threw herself into her father's arms and immediately burst into tears, venting all her grievances in her two lives.

In this world, no one loves her more except her biological father.

Gu Jianghuai couldn't help but burst into tears. He was afraid that he would die without being able to see his daughter again. Fortunately, God was merciful and allowed their father and daughter to reunite.

Bo Qingya stood watching from a distance and did not step forward to disturb the reunion of their father and daughter. But when he turned his eyes, he saw the man on the other side who was also watching.

Who is this person? Why are you following Yinmei?

He frowned and searched in his mind for a long time, but couldn't find any memory about this person, so he must be someone he didn't know.

Xiao Mingzhang naturally felt the appraising gaze of the man next to him. He looked back at him frankly and turned back without saying a word.

This man is nothing to fear and not worth his troubles.

Bo Qingya frowned. He could feel the man's contempt for him. Standing next to him, he felt a lot of pressure. This man's identity must not be simple.

He didn't dare to guess the identity of this person.

Where did my adopted sister know such a person?

His brows furrowed even more tightly. Since the other person ignored him, he would not put his hot face on someone else's cold ass. He was instinctively wary of this person. While he was thinking about it, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone. He looked over in surprise. She was a woman dressed as a maid. Yixi remembered that she was serving beside her adopted sister. He wanted to take back his hand in displeasure.

Unexpectedly, the maid grabbed his wrist and wouldn't let go.

"Your condition is very serious. If you don't receive treatment, your life will be in danger."

"Don't worry about it."

Bo Qingya didn't like this woman's independent decision-making.

Xiu'er sneered, "If the girl hadn't told me before, would you have thought that I would take the initiative to treat you?"

She can't heal everyone, okay? She prefers poisoning people than healing them.

After hearing this, Bo Qingya obediently cooperated with the treatment. This was the care that his adopted sister had for him, and he couldn't live up to it.

After the excitement of Gu Deyin's reunion with his biological father subsided, he calmed down a little and walked back with Gu Jianghuai to join the main force.

Gu Jianghuai didn't ask much about how he found his daughter on this occasion. Some words were only suitable for the father and daughter to talk in private.

However, when he saw Xiao Mingzhang, his expression changed unnaturally.

This man was unknown to others, but he was familiar with it. He was the famous regent. He had dealt with him before, so he recognized him at a glance.

He hurried forward to receive the gift. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Xiao Mingzhang say, "Mr. Gu doesn't need to be so polite. I have a close relationship with Ling Qianjin. This is just a small effort and nothing to mention."

When Gu Deyin saw this, she quickly grabbed her father. Seeing the astonishment on her father's face, she quickly whispered about Xiao Mingzhang's amnesia.

Gu Jianghuai's face was full of surprise. Is it true?

Gu Deyin nodded firmly, but he still didn't quite believe it.

After all, he had never seen many people with amnesia in his life, and this amnesia person was saved by his daughter by such a coincidence. Why didn't he believe it so much?

Of course, he can be rich, and he has both IQ and EQ, so no matter what he thinks in his heart, he won't show it on his face.

Of course, words of gratitude are indispensable. He immediately thanked Xiao Mingzhang with a smile on his face, saying his good words as if they were free of charge.

Xiao Mingzhang listened to these words with a confused expression, but his eyes were fixed on Gu Deyin. What he wanted was never the gratitude of her Gu family.

Gu Deyin did not stop her father's actions. Besides, she felt that no amount of words could express her gratitude to Xiao Mingzhang.

Gu Jianghuai thought so too.

"If you need me in the future, I will be obliged..."

Xiao Mingzhang liked hearing this, so he smiled and said, "I will remember what Mr. Gu said."

Gu Jianghuai would say that, and he was indeed ready to repay his kindness, but when he saw Xiao Mingzhang's response, he was still stunned. His intuition told him that there was a pitfall, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't find anything wrong.

The words had been spoken and there was no reason to take them back, so he had no choice but to reply, "You can just tell me when the time comes."

Xiao Mingzhang nodded, then looked at Gu Deyin and said, "It's not too late to go back to the city to rest for a while before making plans."

Gu Deyin's eyes turned red again when she saw her father's embarrassment and wounds, and when she saw Bo Qingya's face was not good-looking, she didn't care about anything else at the moment and directly agreed to go back to the city first.

Fortunately, the carriage had already arrived. She helped her father get on the carriage first, Xiuer helped Bo Qingya get on the carriage, and the others sat in the carriages behind.

Xiao Mingzhang got on his horse, looked at the empty space in front of him, frowned slightly, and finally ordered to return to the city.

Gu Jianghuai, who was sitting in the carriage, ate something and treated his wounds a little before he began to ask about the details of his daughter's journey north.

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