
Shui Yixin arranged for the half-demon Sirius to approach Song Zhi for a cruel trick.

He even paraded his float through the streets and chose Song Zhi as a guest...

Are they all just under the orders of Third Senior Sister Sang Yan? ?

"Wait a minute!"

"Lord Shui, if my guess is correct."

"The succubus I met at the border of the Desert Continent was also assigned by you, right?"

"What on earth, no, are you my third senior sister who I have never met before? What on earth do you want to do to me?"

Compared to Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, Song Zhi, as the master of suffering, has a much more flexible mind.

As soon as Shui Yixin mentioned it, Song Zhi reacted.

Facing her aggressive questioning gaze, Shui Yixin's face moved slightly, and a complicated expression that seemed to be embarrassing appeared on his calm and handsome face.

He did not look at Song Zhi, but looked vaguely at an unknown place, and replied in a scripted manner: "Uncle Song's guess is correct."

"Mei Zi is also from Fengyue Tower."

"The reason why we approach Uncle Master in all possible ways is not out of malicious intent, but to follow Master's arrangements."

"So that the three uncles will know."

"My master, your third senior sister Sang Yan, in addition to being the boss behind Fengyue Tower, she is also the real owner of Tingfeng Pavilion."

"The photo stone that Uncle Song sold to Tingfeng Pavilion was noticed by Master, and Master learned about Uncle Master's temperament from this."

"Master liked him very much, so he wanted to use the resources in the world of cultivation to give Uncle Song a meeting gift."

"In addition to the known Mei Zi, Chujiu and I, Master has also arranged for dozens of male pets to be on standby in secret."

"Master said, unless Master Song discovers something is wrong and takes the initiative to stop."

"Otherwise, otherwise, we, the male favorites, must take the ultimate goal of knocking down Master Song, if it is not completed within the stipulated time."

"Master will personally end our lives."

So, in other words, Song Zhi discovered something was wrong and even broke Chujiu's disguise on the spot.

For Chujiu, Shui Yixin, and a bunch of backup male favorites, it was actually a blessing.


"That, uh, Mr. Shui, no! Master Shui's nephew."

"Let me ask more."

"It's the meeting ceremony for the male favorite's harem group prepared by your master and my third senior sister."

"Are you targeting only your Uncle Song?"

"Still, it's me and your Uncle Feng, do we both have a share?"

The atmosphere in the alley was slightly cold.

Just when Song Zhi's three views were shattered, his cognition was shattered, and he was trying to calm down.

Zhao Muyang suddenly popped up on the side and inquired cautiously.

If it weren't for the excited light in his eyes that was eager to try.

Song Zhi thought he was resisting and disapproving of this unconventional greeting gift to the harem male favorite.

He is indeed a stinky old man!

As the owner of Fengyue Building, Shui Yixin has always been graceful and good at dancing.

He immediately heard what Zhao Muyang meant.

While feeling both dumbfounded and dumbfounded, Shui Yixin remained patient and explained in a gentle voice: "Master only ordered us to serve Uncle Song."

"Uncle Feng and Uncle Zhao were never mentioned."

"I heard from Master that Uncle Song is a close disciple who was only accepted by Master. He has only been a disciple for less than a year."

"To Master, Uncle Song is the serious new junior sister."

The meaning of Shui Yixin's words was that to Sang Yan, Song Zhi was like kissing his new junior sister.

Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, who have been here for decades, are old pickle gangsters who stay wherever they want!

She really doesn't want to see them.


This difference in treatment was too obvious. Song Zhi curled his lips and seemed a little dumbfounded.

Zhao Muyang on the side hugged Feng Ye's arm and started to fake cry.

"Wow, Third Senior Sister is so partial!"

"Third Senior Sister favors girls over boys!!"

"When I walked in, Third Senior Sister didn't give me a welcome gift." "Fifth Senior Brother, did Third Senior Sister give you a welcome gift?"

Zhao Muyang pretended to express his dissatisfaction.

The topic was passed to Feng Ye.

Feng Ye thought about it carefully and was suddenly speechless.

It seems, as if, as if...

Third Senior Sister didn’t even give him a greeting gift!

When he entered, he had never met the third senior sister.

But later, Senior Sister was injured and was recuperating in Master's Cave.

He cooked spiritual food every day and fed her every meal.

Oh, to satisfy her damn appetite.

He also secretly bought her a pot of Wanli Qingling wine against his master's orders.

As a result, the good senior sister had enough to eat and drink, so she turned around and sold him to the master, saying that his Taoist heart was unstable and his ears were soft.

As a result, he was punished by his master to go to the body refining pool and was frozen for ten days.

Forget the past.

When I look back, I see a sinkhole in my face.


"I have only seen this meeting gift from Master."

Feng Ye held the sword in both hands and leaned against the wall with his legs crossed. His brows were stern and he replied softly.

Although he acted calmly, his accusations against Sang Yan, the senior sister, were full of accusations.

In this regard, Shui Yixin had no other choice but to keep smiling.

Based on his understanding of Master.

Master's refusal to give the two male master uncles a meeting gift was probably intentional.

She was an unruly old man who flirted with cats and dogs every day, causing numerous love debts.

Even if the accusations and grievances of the two male junior uncles really reached her ears.

She would only think that this was the special interest between her and her two junior brothers.

Thinking of the things Master has done.

Shui Yixin's calm and handsome face couldn't help but twitch.

Fortunately, he is a hidden demon, born with no heart, and will never change his ordinary heart.

Otherwise, he would be regarded as his own disciple.

Sang Yan can also play with him, making him trapped in the web of love, unable to love, hate, and unable to escape.


"Uncle Song."

"This thing is the token of the owner of Fengyue Tower."

"With this token, you can order everyone in Fengyue Tower to do anything."

"Master said that if Uncle Song doesn't like the male pampering group she prepared, let me give you the Fengyue Tower in Bianyao City as a meeting gift."

"This is my nephew's personal token. If my uncle has instructions, I can use this token to summon my nephew."

"I found out that three uncles had inquired about the method of entering the Extreme Flame Secret Realm at the Tingfeng Pavilion. The news coming back from the Tingfeng Pavilion has some clues."

"When it is confirmed, my nephew will summon the uncle."

Compared to the mysterious and elegant person before, Shui Yixin now even seemed a bit shabby.

He didn't mind if Song Zhi took over his post as host.

On the contrary, he was very grateful to Song Zhi for his greed for money and not for sex.

After all, he wants to live with dignity more than losing his rights.

"Well, the meeting gift given by Third Senior Sister is really..." What a big gesture!

"Lord Shui, please take back this token."

"Fengyue Tower should not be owned by the righteous monks. You should continue to be the owner of the building."

"You can help me reply to Senior Sister and tell her what she means. I appreciate it. In return, I would like to give Senior Sister a motto."

"Please also ask Master Shui to come over."

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