Song Zhi hesitated for a moment, but decided to give the third senior sister, whom he had never met, a warning.

After all, she is her direct senior sister.

She is also a vicious female villain...


After hearing what Shui Yixin said, Sang Yan was not only the boss behind Fengyue Tower.

She is also the real owner of Tingfeng Pavilion.

Song Zhi's memory of his previous life was immediately triggered.

She remembered it clearly.

In his last life, Gu Zichen died due to unknown reasons.

He once lived in Fengyue Tower and was taken in for a period of time.

It is said that during that period, not only did his cultivation level decline, but he also lost his memory.

Because of his handsome appearance and gentle personality, he is very popular in Fengyue Tower.

Many female leaders bid high prices for his Yuan Yin Night.

But Gu Zichen failed to successfully list the company in the end.

Because of the female boss behind Fengyue Tower and Tingfeng Pavilion, Sang Yan.

A demon woman.

By chance, I took another look at him, and then I was fascinated by his handsome profile.

From then on, he was shocked and began to coerce, lure, and stalk women to pursue men.

I don’t know what Sang Yan did to Gu Zichen.

In short.

By the time he returned to Hanyuan Sect, he had lost his precious Yuan Yin.

And was given the shameful title of Sang Yan's seventy-sixth male favorite.

By that time, Gu Zichen had recovered his memory.

He deeply felt that Fengyuelou's past was his dark history.

And Sang Yan and Feng Yuelou, who had saved his life, were the shame of his life and would only make him humiliated and disgusted.


Gu Zichen gathered the Hanyuan Sect and the other five major sects to form a righteous alliance, sweeping away all the Fengyue Towers in the world of cultivation and killing them all.

He personally went on the stage to fight with Sang Yan.

Not only did Sang Yan's demonic identity be revealed.

He also teamed up with Su Zhi to strangle Sang Yan on the spot.

They say that the word sex is like a knife in the head.

Song Zhi privately thought that this sentence was very appropriate for Sang Yan.


"I know how to look at the stars."

"Probably there is guidance from somewhere."

"I made a divination on a whim last night, and I figured it out after a little calculation."

"If a noble man from Feng Yue Tower comes into contact with a male sword cultivator named Gu, he will be killed and eventually die."

"I didn't understand why before."

"Today I found out that the noble person in Fengyue Tower in the hexagram refers to my biological third senior sister Sang Yan."

"I hope that the owner of the building, Wang Shui, will inform my senior sister about this matter and tell her to avoid it carefully and not to take it lightly."

"I haven't met her in person to express my gratitude, so I sincerely hope that Third Senior Sister can escape the disaster and live well."

Song Zhi casually told a lie and gave the information to Shui Yixin.

Facing Shang Shui Yi's surprised and puzzled eyes, Song Zhi chuckled lightly and didn't explain much.

This is a plot unique to Sang Yan and the male protagonist Gu Zichen.

The most she could do was remind her from the side, but she had no interest in inserting it.

The reason why she meddles in other people's business is because of Sang Yan's arrogant greeting gift.


"Junior sister, what were you and Shui Yixin whispering about?"

"I'm such a good friend to you, can I listen?"

Shui Yixin turned into pieces of peach petals and just disappeared in the alley. Zhao Muyang couldn't hold back his curiosity and approached Song Zhi and asked. Looking at his gossipy bright eyes, Song Zhi gave him an unceremonious roll of the eyes.

"Children should stop prying into adults' matters!"

"Fifth Senior Brother, let's go back to Xiaoyu Inn first."

"Our third senior sister has a really amazing brain circuit."

"I've been exhausted these past few days. I can finally be clean and tidy."

Song Zhi raised his head and sighed, really tired of his previous experience.

Seeing the fatigue in her eyebrows, Zhao Muyang covered his mouth and swallowed back the questioning.

He and his junior sister were best friends. When the junior sister had rested, she would definitely tell him what she and Shui Yixin had whispered.



Four days later, the three of them, Song Zhi and others, who were waiting impatiently at the inn, finally received the informant sent by Shui Yixin.

The other party's name was Ji Huan, and he was a branch of the Ji family, a weapon-refining family.

Because the elders in the family are responsible for guarding the Ji Yan Secret Realm, he has the means to lead people into the secret realm.

"But three fellow Taoists, before we go in, we are going to be the first to say something ugly."

"You can only pick fire fruits at the edge of the secret realm, but you are absolutely forbidden to go inside the secret realm!"

"I'm not worried about being punished. I'm worried about you being greedy and disturbing the Earth Splitting Beast without a place to bury it."

In the secret realm of extreme flames, there is a fire-attribute spiritual fruit, the Fire Flame Fruit.

Because the fire attribute aura it contains is very strong, it is extremely beneficial to cultivators with fire spiritual roots.

Therefore, the supply of this fruit exceeds the demand in Dongzhou, which has led to the smuggling business of Fire Flame Fruit.

The Fire Flame Fruit generally only grows in secret realms that have lasted for thousands of years. Other secret realms can only be found but cannot be found. However, in the Extreme Flame Secret Realm, you can spend some spiritual stones to find a loophole.

Therefore, this time, Shui Yixin found someone to take Song Zhi and the others into the secret realm of Jiyan. The excuse he made was that Song Zhi and the others wanted to go in and pick the Fire Flame Fruit.

Ji Huan was obviously used to doing this kind of thing. After meeting the three brothers and sisters, Master Song Zhi, he immediately explained the rules straight to the point.

As for the price, Shui Yixin, a good nephew, had already helped pay it.

"Don't worry, Young Master Ji. We senior brothers and sisters have no other ideas. We just want to go to the Extreme Flame Secret Realm to pick a few Fire Flame Fruits for our own use. When the specified time limit is reached, we will exit the secret realm immediately. We will never make it difficult for Mr. Ji!"

Facing Ji Huan's superior look, Song Zhi stepped forward and replied casually.

Her eyes were dazzling, her face was bright, and her tone was sincere, full of sincerity.

Ji Huan's vanity was immediately satisfied.

He took out the spiritual fruit bag he had prepared in advance and handed it to Song Zhi, waved his hand, and immediately turned around and said, "You three, please follow me. Xiaoke will take you to the Extreme Flame Secret Realm right now!"

Song Zhi and Feng Ye Zhao Muyang looked at each other with deep understanding on each other's faces.

After giving a brief signal, the three of them followed Ji Huan.

They want the Fire Flame Fruit.

They also want to go to the inner perimeter of the secret realm!

The Spiny Flame Stone is their real target.


The Jiyan Secret Realm is located south of Bianyao City, in the manor of the Ji family, one of the four major weapon-refining families.

The manor is heavily guarded, with a post every ten steps, and a lethal guard array and protective barrier on the outside.

Ji Huan took Song Zhi and three others, first took a flying boat on a flying magic weapon, and then walked into the surrounding dense forest with his legs.

Finally, they stopped in front of a small door on the outer wall of Ji's manor.

"Second uncle, Xiao Huan is here to see you again. Please open the door."

Ji Huan leaned in front of the door and shouted flatteringly through the crack of the door.

A crunch.

The closed black door opened a gap from the inside, and a dry palm stretched out.

"You boy!"

"I'm used to pretending. Stop talking nonsense and get the Wanli Qingling Wine in your arms!"

Hearing this, Ji Huan did not refute.

He took out a jade bottle and handed it over. The next moment, a gray barrier suddenly appeared on the outer wall.

"You three, please."

"This is the entrance to the outer periphery of my Ji Family's Ji Yan Secret Realm."

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