The secret realm of Extreme Flame is in chaos.

Except for the head of the Ji family who escaped, Song Zhi, Feng Ye, Zhao Muyang, Gu Zichen and Su Zhi, a total of five people, all suffered serious crimes.

While Song Zhi and Feng Ye were looking for an exit in the huge corpse cave, Zhao Muyang was also experiencing a romantic incident.

Yes, it's peachy.

After Zhao Muyang woke up, he found himself in a luxurious cave built in a cave.

He did not lose his cultivation, but his whole body was so sore as if he had been crushed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the Ninth Grade First Furnace Spirit contracted with him appeared from the furnace body and shouted in his ear in a startled voice: "Xiaoyang, you are finally awake!"

"If you don't wake up, your innocence will be lost!"

"These female goblins in the Seven Demons Village stripped you naked and washed you. They said they wanted to take your Yuanyang away first."

"I'll cut you into slices and eat it in a hot pot!"

"Get up quickly and I'll take you out!"

The Alchemy Furnace Spirit is really anxious.

It used its furnace body to protect Zhao Muyang and avoid the attacks of the Earth Splitting Beast in the Extreme Flame Secret Realm.

But he accidentally fell into a wide crack in the ground.

An irresistible suction force came from the cracks in the ground, and the body of the First Furnace was sucked in forcefully.

When the Alchemy Furnace Spirit regained consciousness, it was horrified to see its owner Zhao Muyang stripped naked and thrown into a bathtub.

The two little Teng demons played with the vine branches, raised and lowered their hands towards Zhao Muyang, and washed his body.

The rough technique is just like Zhao Muyang is a piece of clothing, there is no mercy at all.

The weapon spirit popped up and eavesdropped.

Only then did we learn that it and Zhao Muyang had actually been teleported to Wude Mountain, which was far away from the Desert Continent.

Zhao Muyang just happened to fall into Yaofeng Village, the home of seven banshees, and a sheep fell into the tiger's mouth.

The weapon spirit immediately panicked, and he did not hesitate to give up his soul power and spent all his efforts to wake up the unconscious Zhao Muyang.

At this time, when he saw his master wake up, Dan Lu Qi immediately felt a sore nose and felt so excited that he wanted to cry.


"I already know it."

"Thank you for your hard work, little furnace."

"Go back to your main body and rest for a while. I will handle the rest."

Zhao Muyang reached out and patted Qi Ling's furnace body.

He soothed in a soft tone, his fair and delicate face looking calm and deep, unlike the childish and cheerful look he had in front of Song Zhi and Feng Ye.

"Xiaoyang, you have to be careful."

"Those banshees are difficult to deal with!"

Dan Lu Qi Ling has a temperament that makes him shine when he is given some sunshine.

At this time, being treated gently by Zhao Muyang, it suddenly felt as if it had drunk honey water, and its heart was sweet.

The most satisfying thing about its new owner is that Zhao Muyang never treats it as an alien.

Instead, treat it like family and friends.

Therefore, it is willing to dedicate everything to its new owner.


"don’t worry."

"As long as you and Xiao Huo are here, nothing will happen to me."

Zhao Muyang said softly.

It was obviously a strange and dangerous situation.

But at this moment, he curled his lips slightly, and a mysterious smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The alchemy furnace spirit is connected to his heart and soul.

None of Zhao Muyang's ideas could be hidden from it.

Upon hearing this, Qi Ling felt relieved.

Just say it.

The master it chooses for the first batch of its ninth rank is definitely not a mediocre person.

When encountering a big event, the master will not really lose control at the critical moment.


"Hey, my dear husband, are you really awake?"

"You can wake up so quickly after drinking my poisonous nectar."

"It seems that Xiao Langjun's physique is stronger than our sisters imagined!"

"Hehehe, it would be better to be stronger..."

"In this way, we can support the seven of us sisters, hahahahaha!"

The alchemy furnace spirit has just returned to Zhao Muyang's dantian to be nourished.

The pink door of the cave was suddenly pushed open by someone from the outside.

Zhao Muyang turned around and saw a group of different-looking orioles in red and green walking into the cave together.

There are seven banshees in this group, and they are surrounded by followers wearing human costumes.

A group of about ten people just laughed and approached Zhao Muyang. Looking at their demonic symbols that have not yet fully transformed, they are dressed in nondescript ways.

Zhao Muyang was unhappy and frowned subconsciously.


"Hey! Sisters, this guy doesn't like us!"

"If you ask me, let's not be greedy for Yuanyang, just chop it into pieces and bake it!"

"Men, the world of cultivation is full of people. If you don't obey this one, just catch others."

Zhao Muyang's disgusted look offended a banshee with a black bear face and a fat body.

The bear demon roared angrily and stared at Zhao Muyang with a pair of big eyes.

Seeing Zhao Muyang subconsciously avoiding him and seeming to be shrinking, the banshee immediately put her hands on her hips and laughed arrogantly.

"Oh, Sister Black Bear~"

"Didn't we agree that today we will keep this young gentleman for serving as a feast for Little Qimei!"

"Why do you think about eating people?"

"It's rare to see young men with tender skin and tender flesh like Xiao Langjun in recent years."

"Those people in the world of cultivation, Xiu Tiantian, are patrolling the border. Even if we want to get in, we can't even steal a few young boys."

"This little man fell from the sky, he must be a gift from God to us!"

"Xiao Langjun~"

"Don't listen to my sister Xiong's nonsense. We sisters are all good monsters!"

"We don't eat people."

"Don't be afraid. Look, this is our little sister. She was born into the six-tailed red fox clan. She is as pure as snow. She is a talented and beautiful young man, and they are a perfect match~"

"If you are willing, young gentleman, you can have a drink with my sister and achieve good things."

"We have been a family from now on. Not only can the young man survive, but he can also live a very comfortable life!"

"If your husband doesn't obey, we sisters will have to show off our evil intentions today and help your husband sober up~"

"Xiao Langjun, do you know how to choose?"


A woman in palace clothes with white fox-pointed ears emerged from the crowd.

She sat down on the stone bed and reached out to hold Zhao Muyang's right hand.

While rubbing it gently, she persuaded him coquettishly.

It seems to be sincere, but in fact it is a hidden threat.

The little seventh sister she mentioned turned out to be a six-tailed red fox.

She only transformed into the body of a little girl, still wearing a dark red fox head.

Not to mention the beauty of the banshee, the red fox demon doesn't even have the cunning and cuteness of a little fox.

Looking at the group of banshees gathered in front of the stone bed, drooling over him, eager to pounce on him in the next moment and eat him dry.

Zhao Muyang lowered his eyes and looked at the right hand held tightly by the white fox banshee, with a calm look on his delicate face.

"Sister Baihu speaks so nicely."

"If I didn't have a brain, I'd probably believe it already."

"It's a pity, boy, I have a brain."

"So, I don't believe a word you say!"

"I have my way to go."

"Everyone who stands in my way must die!"

"The earth is burning with fire."


"Nine-grade furnace."


"Destroy them!"

“Leave no one behind!!!”

Zhao Muyang suddenly raised his head.

His eyebrows are curved, and he clearly has a gentle and gentle appearance.

But the words coming out of his red lips were filled with murderous intent, full of cruelty and viciousness that could destroy the world.

The black bear banshee realized something was wrong and was about to speak to shock her.

The next moment, the white fox succubus sitting in front of Zhao Muyang screamed and was burned by a burst of fireworks in the blink of an eye.

Black Bear Banshee: "..."

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

They have encountered a difficult situation!

"Sisters, run!"

"This kid has another trick up his sleeve!!"

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