The White Fox Banshee is the most perfect person among the seven banshees.

This means that her cultivation level is the highest among the seven demons.

But in just a short time, the white fox banshee was burned into black ashes by the strange red fire.

The remaining banshees were immediately frightened and fled in all directions.

The Black Bear Banshee has the second highest cultivation level and the fastest reaction.

She yelled, pushed aside the little red fox succubus beside her, turned around and ran out the door.

But in the next moment, he screamed and suddenly fell to the ground, holding his head and hitting the ground hard.

A cluster of strange poisonous fire intertwined with red and silver spread from her feet little by little.

This is the body of the first furnace, the yin and yang fire poison refined over many years!

It only takes a small cluster to poison Su Zhi, who is carrying the fragment of the Sky-Swallowing Pot, and swallow Wu Ziye's third strange fire, the blazing blood fire.

Faced with several transformed banshees who were in the late stage of the highest golden elixir and the lowest in the early stage of the golden elixir.

Yin and Yang, fire and poison are completely out of the question.

Not to mention, Zhao Muyang also has the second-ranked Earth Flame Fire among the three different fires in his body.

The earth's flames burst out.

The entire mountain wall cave suddenly became Zhao Muyang's absolute control.


"Don't kill me, I can take you out!"

"Fellow Taoist! Please spare my life..."

There were also clever banshees who kept begging Zhao Muyang and cleverly offered conditions for survival.

But the murderous Zhao Muyang couldn't hear any sound.

this moment.

Having been sucked out of his body by the Earth Flame, he has become its slave.

He just wants to burn everything in the world and turn the world of cultivation into a sea of ​​fire.

It/he should have been swaying at the top of the world of cultivation, being worshiped by all the immortals.

Instead of living in a small world like now, enduring the misery and humiliation of the lack of fire.


Burn everyone to death!

Burn everything! !


"...Xiaoyang, Zhao Muyang?!"

"Wake up!!"

"Quickly stabilize your mind and take back the earth's flames!"

"If you don't stop, you really won't be able to leave."

Zhao Muyang summoned the earthly flames and combined with the yin and yang fire poisons to kill everyone. The pill furnace spirit clapped his hands at first.

When he saw that Di Yanhuo and his six relatives didn't recognize each other, they actually started to attack the remaining fire poison, and even turned the target on Zhao Muyang himself.

Dan Luqi was startled when he was born.

It quickly took the main body and fled crazily, while screaming crazily in Zhao Muyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, Zhao Muyang has not been completely pulled into the abyss.

He was suddenly awakened from his sinking consciousness by the Dan Furnace Spirit's hysterical shouting.

"small fire……"


"Pfft, cough cough cough cough!!"

Zhao Muyang pulled out a trace of soul blood from the center of his eyebrows, and chanted the magic formula in his mouth.

After giving up all his efforts, he finally let go of his earthly flames and recalled his dantian.

Looking around, there was only a strange black and gray land.

Zhao Muyang spat out a mouthful of blood, caught the alchemy furnace that flew into his arms, and then took out an intermediate concealment talisman and an intermediate teleportation talisman, and fled decisively.

With his low-level cultivation of five levels of foundation building.

He has clearly sensed several powerful pressures, which are rapidly approaching here.

If he didn't leave, Zhao Muyang would be afraid that he would just leave the wolf's den and enter the tiger's den again.

What is the purpose of the teleportation array under the Ji Yan Secret Realm?

Why was he teleported to a place so far away from Wude Mountain after he fell into the crack?

Wude Mountain...

This is already the territory of the demon clan!

It's really killing me.


"Small stove."

"The red thread of love between me and my junior sister is broken."

"Do you know the whereabouts of Zhizhi and the fifth senior brother when they separated?"

In a small cave in a mountain stream.

Zhao Muyang, who escaped here with the teleportation talisman, looked at the red broken thread on his wrist, frowned and asked worriedly.

In response, the Alchemy Furnace Spirit spread its hands and said helplessly that it was helpless.

The situation was critical at that time, and it only took Zhao Muyang to avoid the attack of the Earth Splitting Beast.

It really had no intention of paying attention to the whereabouts of Song Zhi and Feng Ye. Let it be said that Zhao Muyang is too soft-hearted and too honest!

Song Zhi and Feng Ye, one is in the foundation-building Dzogchen stage, and the other is in the early stage of the Golden elixir.

Both of them are sword cultivators, and their combat prowess is off the charts.

The two of them went on a rampage in the secret realm, but neither of them took action to protect Xiaoyang.

He doesn't care about Xiaoyang's safety at all!

Xiaoyang should not care about their life and death now.

One of them is greedy and the other is upright and brainless. Even if they really die, they both deserve it!


"Xiaolu, Zhizhi and senior brother are very good to me and are very important to me."

"Don't curse them."

"Zhizhi was internally injured by the ground cracking beast's attack. Senior brother can't think of a better sword technique than him."

"Under those circumstances, it is normal for him to leave me when he sees that he is hunting."

"I hope junior sister and senior brother are not scattered, otherwise, things will be really bad,"

Zhao Muyang leaned against the mountain wall.

He closed his eyes slightly, gently caressed the red broken thread on his left wrist with his right hand, and knitted his delicate eyebrows.

Seeing that he was upset and angry, although the Alchemy Furnace Spirit was unwilling to do so, he honestly shut up.

Don't say it, really don't say it.

If it hadn't seen it with its own eyes, it wouldn't know that its new owner was so powerful.

He usually looks silly and sweet.

I didn't expect that the master would become so decisive and cruel after being out of Song Zhi's sight!

Tsk tsk, those seven female fairies.

Not to mention the white fox, who is gentle, charming and pitiful.

The little antelope demon, sparrow banshee, and silver snake banshee inside are even more beautiful, passionate, and full of affection.

Even a normal male cultivator would be tempted.

But Zhao Muyang is an exception.

Not only was this guy not charmed by the banshee, he also destroyed all these enchanting and cowardly banshees.

There's not even a bit of dregs left.

There really is no male cultivator who is more cold and heartless than Zhao Muyang!

Loved it.

A master who is not moved by beauty and is devoted to Taoism.

Qi Ling was most relieved.

"That's all, let's leave the demon world first."

"Da Mo Continent is where the Fourth Senior Brother is."

"This time I am looking for my junior sister and senior brother. I can only take the liberty of disturbing the fourth senior brother."


Zhao Muyang pretended to be weak on the roadside and successfully attracted a kind-hearted rabbit demon.

Knock the rabbit demon unconscious and tie him up, and then force him to go out to the demon beast forest's exit.

He took out the wind talisman and teleportation talisman on his body, and began to rush towards the exit of the demon world without sleep.

at the same time.

In the cave of unknown corpses.

Song Zhi and Feng Ye worked together, with the help of the green arrow of [Safe Passage].

They finally left the corpse cave.

Under the guidance of the green arrow, the two people made twists and turns deep in the mountain.

After walking like this for a long time, the two finally saw a living person besides him.

"Junior sister, be careful!"


There was great turmoil in the Ji Yan Secret Realm, causing the five monks in the secret realm to disperse and disappear.

But to the outside world, the Extreme Flame Secret Realm is no different.

Therefore, people were sent to closely monitor Shui Yixin at Ji's manor until the third day after the incident.

He still didn't know that his three uncles were in danger and their whereabouts were unknown.


"Someone from Qingyinchi came to report that a strange male cultivator suddenly fell from the sky just now."

"This man is handsome, dressed in tatters, and has a lot of injuries on his body and face, but his aura is restrained, and he looks like a golden elixir monk."

"He has woken up and claims to have amnesia."

"He took this out and said he hoped to stay in the building and work to pay off his debts."

"Well, when he smashed into the Qingyin Pond, by accident, he hit our oiran, Sister Huahu's favorite maid, to death."

"Sister Huahu refused to let me go. She insisted on asking him to pay for it."

In Fengyue Building, outside the door of Shui Yixin's exclusive wing.

The subordinate reported the report respectfully, completely unaware that at this moment, the towering landlord in his eyes was kneeling on one knee in front of a mirror screen, with an unprecedented humility.

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