While others are serious about cultivating immortality, I will send their idiots to heaven.

Chapter 109: Say no to the adultery between master and disciple!

"Hanjianfeng. Gu?"

"You really made the right decision to call me that little junior sister."

"A male swordsman named Gu actually came to our small temple in Fengyue Tower."


"Junior sister asked me not to get involved with this sword cultivator named Gu. She said that it would lead to death and cease to exist."

"I have been seduce men for hundreds of years, and I have always been among thousands of flowers, and not a single leaf has touched me."

"Xin'er, go and bring this person here. I want to take a good look at it. What kind of beauty and beauty is the destiny of my life? So that junior sister is so sure that I will fall in love with him?"

On the screen, a beautiful beauty half-reclined on a leopard-print lounge chair said in a coquettish tone.

As her tone rose, the identity token originally held in the hands of her subordinates suddenly shattered into pieces.

Not to mention the subordinates outside the door were trembling with fear.

In the side room, Shui Yixin, who was facing Sang Yan, was also frightened.

Different from the fear of his subordinates, Shui Yixin was simply tired.



"The young uncle has opened his mouth and presented the master with mottos."

"Just don't do it knowingly, okay?"

"The Demon Lord has been in seclusion for hundreds of years. Now my Demon Realm is only supported by the Master. If something goes wrong with you."

"Our demon world is in danger!"

Shui Yixin persuaded him earnestly, with a look of worry on his elegant face, looking extremely distressed.

When the woman on the screen saw him frowning, she immediately screamed and stretched out her hand towards him.

"Oh, my dear, please stop frowning."

"Those who frown and have wrinkles, relax, relax quickly!"

"As long as I don't look at that person, I know that Xin'er cares about me the most."

"Master, just be considerate, and everyone else will die."

The woman's slender and tender catkins poked out from the screen.

She hooked Shui Yixin to the nearest part of the screen, reached out and held the man's hands, rubbing her fingers gently and slowly, making it clear that she was taking advantage of him, but her face was serious.

Shui Yixin: "..."

I haven’t seen him for many days, but the master still behaves like that.

"Master is teasing me again."

"Is there ever a time when Yi Xin didn't want to be with Master forever? It's clear that Master didn't want to abandon the dozens of orioles in the back hall and become partners with Yi Xin."

"Master knows the rules of the Hidden Demon Tribe. Are you sure you want to continue touching them?"

Seeing Sang Yan's hands gradually moving up, he was ready to touch places he shouldn't go.

Shui Yixin asked with lowered eyelashes and a half-smile on his face.

As soon as these words came out, Sang Yan's behavior of eating tofu stopped immediately.

Hahaha, with her beauty, she almost forgot about the old clan rules of being heartless and only marrying one person.

"Xin'er, don't talk nonsense!"

"You and I are serious masters and disciples who know the world, and we don't want those unethical relationships."

"That male cultivator named Gu, just throw him away so I don't accidentally bump into him."

"As for the meeting gift I prepared for my junior sister..."

"If she doesn't want it, just keep it yourself. If there's nothing important happening these days, don't call me."

"That bastard is making trouble with me again. I've been having a headache lately."

Probably really upset.

After Sang Yan said this, before Shui Yixin could reply, he unilaterally waved his hand to eliminate the image on the screen.

Looking at the screen that had been restored to its original state, Shui Yixin stretched out his hand to cover the back of the hand touched by Sang Yan, and a ball of fireworks gradually lit up in his cold and calm eyes.

Of course he loves the Master.

But Master has no intention.

She loves the beauty of the world so much.

She will never fall in love with someone and will only be loyal to one person.

Therefore, he would rather just be her subordinate and apprentice.


"Lo, the owner?"

"What shall we do with the male sword cultivator?"

After a long time, after noticing that the room was calm, the subordinate asked cautiously outside the door.

Shui Yixin calmed down and thought carefully for a while before replying: "Don't be too embarrassed."

"Although he has lost his memory, he was born in a large sect such as Hanyuan Sect."

"Give him some elixirs to treat his injuries and take him to the Tingfeng Pavilion." "Bi Xihua knows how to arrange him."

Before this person recovers his memory, he cannot appear anywhere that Sang Yan can see!


In the winding and rugged cave path.

Song Zhi and Feng Ye followed the guidance of the green arrow and kept climbing.

When they saw a bright hole, both of them felt happy.

Song Zhi's legs and feet were intact and she ran the fastest. She rushed forward.

At the same time, two male cultivators suddenly walked into the cave entrance.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ye was so frightened that his eyes widened.

He caught up and gave a low warning, but when he saw Song Zhi who was about to collide with the person ahead, he quickly turned around and hid in a black shadow, and her figure disappeared instantly.

Feng Ye didn't know the inside story, but he was clever enough to imitate the others and immediately got into the shadow beside him.

As soon as he stood still, two patrolling male cultivators who had drunk spiritual wine and were walking unsteadily rushed towards the place where they had stood before.

"Strange, strange?"

"Brother Lu, I just saw a man and a woman walking in front of us?"

“Where are the people???”

"Brother Zhang, where is the person? You are drunk and dazzled, hahaha."

"Let's go, brother will take you to the livestock shed to have a good time."

"Don't look, this is a corpse cave."

"Except for you and me, this place is full of corpses, hahahaha!"


The two male cultivators, wearing uniforms, eventually walked away from each other, arm in arm.

"Senior brother."

"Those two people have spiritual energy floating around them!"

Song Zhi and Feng Ye stood together.

She stared at the male cultivator's retreating figure, her tone filled with surprise and solemnity.

They had been walking in this huge cave for three days and three nights.

Song Zhi was very sure that she and Feng Ye had lost their cultivation.

She could feel that her qi orifices were not blocked.

But the problem is that there is no spiritual energy in the cave.

Therefore, even if their Qi orifices are intact, they cannot absorb spiritual energy for practice.

Moreover, there seems to be a huge spirit-binding array here, forming a natural suppression.

As long as Song Zhi has the idea or method of using spiritual power, she will suffer backlash and her body will become weaker than before.

But those two drunkards had spiritual powers.

This means that they must have treasures that can withstand the cave's restrictions.

Song Zhi meant that she wanted to take advantage of the situation and rob those two people.

Feng Ye is not really a good person.

He listens to the sound of the piano and knows the elegant meaning.

Looking into Song Zhi's ambitious eyes, he understood the meaning and plan of his junior sister.

To be honest, Feng Ye was very moved.


"Xiao Zhi, based on my speculation about the spiritual power of those two people, they are at least in the early stage of Jindan cultivation."

"Both of us have no spiritual power now, and we can't summon the contracted spirit sword."

"We are just like mortals, we dare not stand up to the Golden Core cultivators."

"Let's look for other opportunities."

"Speaking of which, what is this shadow?"

"It can actually completely cover up our aura and body shape..."

The two golden elixir monks passed by them without noticing them.

Feng Ye was surprised by this.

Song Zhi looked back at the black shadow that blended into the mountain wall, with the same puzzlement on his face.

She jumped just now, not relying on quick wits, but doing so under the guidance of the [Safe Passage].

Apart from anything else, the [Safe Channel] golden finger produced by the system can indeed be called reliable.

"Brother, don't worry about this thing for now."

"This is not far from the exit. Follow me. Let's get out of here first!"

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