Song Zhi said uncertainly.

She handed the straw to Feng Ye's nose.

Feng Ye only sniffed it lightly and immediately frowned.

"Junior sister, this breath doesn't look like the essence of spiritual energy."

"When I smell it, it smells bad, a bit like a magic plant."

Facing Feng Ye's puzzled eyes, Song Zhi was also a little confused.

Although she has lost her cultivation, she is sure of her sensitivity and familiarity with spiritual energy.

Besides, she was pretty sure there was nothing wrong with her nose.

She has no problem achieving Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, and Feng Ye, who is in the early stage of the Golden Core, will naturally have no problem either.

So, does the problem lie with this grass barley?

"deer deer."

"Come and smell this barley."

"Let's see what it tastes like?"

Song Zhi waved to summon the deer-eared half-demon.

Although the half-demon couldn't understand Song Zhi's operation, he still followed it with his big round eyes.

He wrinkled his nose and took two deep sniffs on the hay, with a pleasant smile on his face.

"elder sister."

"I smell the grass growing and the orioles flying, and the flowers blooming and falling!"

"It's free, with the fresh and comfortable smell of flowers and plants."

Song Zhi: "..."

Yes, Lu Lu’s description is even more outrageous than her and Feng Ye’s!

"Okay, maybe they have different attributes and moods."

"So the things you perceive are different, right?"

"Senior brother."

"Let's eat grass too."

It's better to have something to chew than to have a dry mouth all the time.

Song Zhi remembered the appearance of the strawberry in his heart, and finally opened his mouth to eat the hard-won strawberry.

Needless to say, this grass looks ordinary, but when you eat it, it tastes sweet and makes your mouth water.



"so bitter!"

Feng Ye spat out the barley seeds in one gulp, and his whole face wrinkled up in pain.

Seeing his painful and resistant expression, Song Zhi felt baffled.

"Uh, senior brother, my grass is sweet."

"We eat the same kind of grass, right?"

Is it possible that this idiot is still engaging in gender discrimination and treating people differently?

Song Zhi said he didn't quite understand.

However, she didn't know that she had accidentally guessed the truth.

Franchise is a magical species that is a female plant before flowering and turns into a male plant after bearing fruit.

The legend is that it was transformed into an ancient female immortal after her death.

Because this female immortal likes beauties and hates men.

Therefore, this fragrant grass can automatically distinguish between beauty and ugliness as well as men and women.

If a beauty tastes and picks it, it will be sweet and fragrant, showing its most beautiful side.

If the person touching it is a man.

Francaise will produce a fishy smell and turn into a bitter liquid, which can not only protect itself from harm, but also successfully disgust the other party.

Fulan herb was born in the fairy world and is irrigated and nourished by the purest fairy energy.

Now we are living in a small and desolate world where the immortal spirit has been cut off. It is really sad to hear it and shed tears to see it.


"Zhao Ye, Song Yang, Lulu Group, the time for a stick of incense has come."

"Get up and keep working!"

Song Zhi and the other three sat down and chatted for a few words.

The supervisor's cold voice suddenly rang in the ears of the three of them.

Lulu reacted the fastest. While Song Zhi and Feng Ye were still sitting, he jumped up and reached out to lift the hammer.

Song Zhi and Feng Ye looked at each other and quickly stood up to follow suit. "Here, I calculated that when we rest, it will not be enough for one stick of incense."

Feng Ye murmured in confusion as he bent down and picked up a heavy piece of lithium ore.

Song Zhi also felt baffled by this.

She was also counting the time silently in her mind, and it was indeed less than a stick of incense.

The senior brother and sister were both puzzled, so they looked at Lulu in unison.

Lulu took the time to stuff barley into his mouth, while panting and explaining in a low voice: "Sister, uncle, this is how time is measured in the sinkhole."

"The one stick of incense that the supervisor calls is not the real time of one stick of incense."

"It's up to the Lord to have the final say. The Lord asked me to sit and chat for two hours, which is also the time for a stick of incense."

"The adults are behind on words and let us get to work immediately. That is also called a stick of incense time."

To put it bluntly, regulators have absolute say in the sinkhole.

They are the gods of humans and animals!

The principles of the outside world do not work in the sinkhole.

Song Zhi and Feng Ye understood this: "..."

very good, very powerful.

They must get rid of this damn Yan Li Mine sinkhole!


From the moment it gets slightly brighter, people and animals begin to work in the huge, endless mining area.

The sounds of banging and banging in Song Zhi's ears, as well as the occasional painful cries of exhaustion from humans and animals, and the shouts for each other's help, never stopped.

After working like this all day, Song Zhi felt that his body was extremely tired.

The supervisor surnamed Feng, who was aloof and had a good time eating, drinking and having fun, finally relented and let the animals call it a day.

"Put away the tools."

"Go to the food tent and line up for food."

"The completion rate is good today. I will reward you with twenty crocodile eggs."

"let's start!"

Feng Xu'an waved his hand, and a row of straw huts exuding the aroma of food appeared out of thin air.

Song Zhi and the other three were far away from the hut. When they rushed over with support, five long lines were already standing in front of the hut.

It was only then that Song Zhi realized belatedly that except for the demons, half-demon, and demons she was familiar with.

There were many more humans and animals around.

Because there were so many new faces, Song Zhi had to suspect that there was another human being in the tiankeng.

Regarding this question, Lulu lowered his voice and gave an affirmative answer.

"Sister, there is indeed another human barn in the sinkhole."

"The human and animal shed we are in is numbered Prison B."

"The dungeon where that group of people are repairing and harmonizing with the mortals is numbered Armor Prison."

"Almost all of the people gathered in the armor prison are human beings, including human cultivators, mortals, and contracted spirit beasts of human cultivators."

"Sister didn't see them before because the humans in Jialao are meticulous and patient in their work."

"So, the supervisor sent them to the inner pit to peel off the goblin crystals in the raw ore."

Lu Lu stuck out his tongue, stood on tiptoes and searched around the team where Jia Lao was, as if he was looking for someone.

Song Zhi didn't ask any more questions.

She raised her head and carefully looked at the humans and animals two rows apart, with a small dark light flashing in her eyes.

When I first arrived, I encountered a crisis myself, so I didn't think about anything else.

Now that the situation is stable, she can think about other things.

By the way, I also encountered changes in the Extreme Flame Secret Realm.

She and Feng Ye were transported by a huge teleportation array to the sinkhole of the West Desert Yan Lithium Mine and suffered hardships.

Su Zhi fell into the crack one step ahead of them...

Is she also with them at this time?

"deer deer."

"I want to make a deal with you."

"Well, the reward is half a steamed bun, what do you think?"

Song Zhi glanced at the people and animals who were receiving two steamed buns and a bowl of cold water.

While no one was paying attention, she softly discussed with the little deer-eared half-demon.

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