"Sister, I don't want your steamed buns."

"I, I just hope that you can take me with you when you leave."

"Or, take my parents with you!"

"May I?"

Lulu's big eyes were filled with tears, and he begged softly.

She seemed to trust Song Zhi very much and was sure that Song Zhi could escape from the sinkhole.

Song Zhi suppressed the doubts in his heart and nodded solemnly to him.


"If I can leave, I will keep my promise and take you with me."

After hearing this, Lulu burst into laughter and became visibly happy.

"Sister, don't worry!"

"Lu Lu promises to complete the tasks you tell me, hehe!"

"To be honest, Lulu is half of the blood of the divine elk."

"My father is my mother's master, but my mother is at the seventh level and is already a great demon in disguise."

"So, even if my father falls in love with a human being, God will allow it."

"Because when I was born, I happened to be caught by a supervisor. The supervisor was arrogant and vicious, so he deliberately transferred me to the second cell."

"We, a family of three, were forced to separate."

"However, every day when work is over and everyone gathers to receive food, my parents and I can always meet up and enjoy a warm moment."

"Whatever my sister wants me to inquire about, I will tell my parents and ask them to help."

Lulu winked playfully, finally showing a bit of the liveliness of a little girl.

Song Zhi smiled, feeling relieved.

If Feng Ye hadn't taken the initiative to find Lu Lu.

She would have to work hard to find another informant who could exchange information between Prison A and Prison B.

Not to mention the time and effort it takes, I'm afraid it might even cause trouble.

Lulu is good.


The speed of receiving food was very fast. After Song Zhicai finished talking to Lulu, she was in the queue.

Those responsible for distributing food and water are not managers, nor humans and animals.

Rather, it is a humanoid puppet made of fine iron.

There were two blood-red beads embedded in the puppet's eye sockets, making Song Zhi couldn't help but take a second look.

By the way, the beads were exactly the same as the pyrite she peeled off when mining before.

However, the puppet's eyes are purer in texture and more transparent in color.


The puppet shouted mechanically and waved his hand to push Song Zhi aside.

His actions were arrogant and vigorous, just like the temperament of a manager.

Song Zhi steadied his body and looked at Feng Ye who had received the steamed buns. The two of them drank the cold water from the porcelain bowl without saying much.

Don't blame the senior brother and sister for being anxious.

I am really thirsty and hungry.

And the people and animals around them who had finished drinking the water were eyeing every person and animal who received the water from the stream.

These people finished the steamed buns in two or three bites, and now their hands are empty.

As long as people and animals receiving food pass by, they will swarm them and rob them.

Many humans and animals were carrying water, but before they had a chance to take a sip, they were snatched away by four or five similar people with green eyes.

And in the food shed, the puppet who is responsible for dividing food and water will not give it to humans and animals a second time!



"Give me back the water!"

"Don't take it from me, please don't take it..."

"Let me go, I haven't eaten a bite of steamed buns for three days and three nights, please let me go!!"

In the cave far away from the food shed, in the open space, similar scenes of robbery and robbery were staged in turn.

In addition to the robbed people crying for mercy and resisting.

The rest of the people were either desperately stuffing buns with numb faces, or they were chewing on grass roots and pointing at the atrocities that had occurred with a smile.

The sorrow of the ants at the bottom was materialized to the extreme at this moment.


"Hey, brat, hand over the buns!"

When Song Zhi and Feng Ye were standing not far from the food shed, biting steamed buns, Lu Lu was carrying a steamed bun in her arms and was heading to the place where she would be reunited with her parents.

But as soon as she took a few steps away, several giant demons blocked her way with their bodies. Seeing a male demon reaching out with a ferocious look on his face, Lulu screamed and rushed towards Song Zhi.

"Knock! You brat, how dare you run away!!"

Several demons cursed and chased after Lulu.

Lulu jumped behind Song Zhi with a face full of panic, trembling all over.

At this time, Feng Ye just swallowed the last bite of steamed buns.

Therefore, he took strong action against the vicious demon clan that was chasing them.

He was born tall, and the ninth-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill and Qingxin Pill were slowly taking effect in his body.

Therefore, even after working hard for a day, Feng Ye's own strength and potential were still superior to ordinary animals.

Facing the swooping demons, Feng Ye smoothly knocked down the two of them with a neat sweep.

He pounced forward, and with the powerful impact, he knocked the third person several meters away.

The fourth remaining demon glanced left and right.

After seeing Song Zhi peeking out from behind Feng Ye, he suddenly changed color, turned around and ran away without looking back.

Long live!

The brothers unexpectedly bumped into the hands of the newly promoted boss of Yi Lao.

Isn't this just because you are tired of living and are seeking death? !


"Senior brother."

"I'm hungry."

Song Zhi lowered his eyes and looked at the three demons on the ground coldly, and said softly.

It was clearly a coquettish tone, but the three demons heard the horror that my life was about to end.

"Boss Zhao!"

"I'm willing to hand over the steamed buns!!"

The leader of the demons tactfully knelt down and begged for mercy.

He secretly thought that after he escaped this disaster, he would gather the remaining Demon Devourers and find an opportunity to kill these brothers and sisters!

This demon's idea was very wonderful, but Song Zhi and Feng Ye didn't give him a chance to make a comeback.

"For evil."

"You deserve to die as an apology!"

Feng Ye snorted coldly. His eyebrows were bright and his unshaven face was upright.

He suddenly struck out with both palms, and the demon leader's brains exploded, and he fell to the ground instantly and died.

He turned around and squeezed violently with his claws. The throats of the other two demons who tried to escape were shattered, and their vitality was cut off immediately.

Feng Ye bent down and searched the three demons, and found a total of four large white steamed buns and some dim colored crystals.

With a smile on his face, he held the steamed bun and handed it to Song Zhi, coaxing in a low voice: "Junior sister, come and eat the steamed bun!"

"You won't be hungry after eating."


Of course Song Zhi was hungry.

But what she said just now was simply a hint that Feng Ye would kill the demons.

Facing Feng Yezai's warm eyes, Song Zhi tilted his head slightly, feeling a little moved that he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Senior brother, you have worked hard, you can eat too."

Song Zhi reached for two steamed buns, kept one for himself, and handed the other to Lulu.

When the three of them gathered to divide the spoils, the people and animals around them had already collectively silenced themselves and avoided them like snakes and scorpions.

In the tiankeng, managers with spiritual power of cultivation are excluded.

Powerful violent people are also the class that makes ordinary people surrender to fear.

"Thank you sister."

"It's getting late. I'll go find my parents first. Sister, please wait for my good news!"

Lu Lu took the steamed buns, smiled happily, and rushed out with two steamed buns in his pocket.

During this period, Song Zhi and Feng Ye stood still, following Lu Lu with their eyes.

It wasn't until Lu Lu entered the mining area where the inner pit and the outer pit were connected with various twists and turns that Song Zhi withdrew his gaze and looked up at Feng Ye.

"Senior brother."

"We have to find Sixth Senior Brother first, and then we can make long-term plans."

Song Zhi reached out and stroked his wrist, flicked his eyelashes, and finally let go and showed his true emotions to Feng Ye.

The moment before she was transported to the tiankeng, Song Zhi realized that the red thread of love binding her and Zhao Muyang was broken.

The situation in Jiyan Secret Realm was chaotic and critical at that time.

Song Zhi didn't know if Zhao Muyang fell into the crack and was captured by the teleportation array?

If Su Zhi and Gu Zichen are also in the tiankeng, then Zhao Muyang is very likely to be there too.

Compared to Su Zhi and Gu Zichen, Zhao Muyang, his direct senior brother, is obviously more important to Song Zhi.

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