In the food shed, once the steamed buns and water were distributed, Feng Xu'an put away the entire food shed with a wave of his hand.

But at this time, there are still some people and animals who have not received steamed buns and cold water.

But Feng Xu'an didn't care about the life or death of these people, and he would not listen to their pleas.

He shot out a spiritual light that covered the group of people.

Before the group of humans and animals could cry out in pain, they collectively turned into ashes and died in front of everyone.

The humans and animals who witnessed this atrocity fell into silence, even walking cautiously.

"He whose mission is not completed."

"Kill without mercy!"

"After work, everyone goes back to their cells to rest."

Feng Xu'an looked around.

When he faced the manager surnamed Li at the entrance to the dungeon, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, turned around and flew back to the pavilion.

If it hadn't been delayed by harsh measures, the ore mined today would have been more abundant.

We must not repeat the same mistakes tomorrow!

Only by over-fulfilling the task will he have the opportunity to leave the outer pit, enter the Elite Hall, and completely take off this layer of shackles on his body.

As long as he enters the Jingying Hall, he can find the final way to leave the Tiankeng.

Two hundred and forty years.

It means immortality, but what's the point of living in one place?


"Zhao Ye, how was your harvest today?"

When Song Zhi and Feng Ye lined up to return to Prison Y, a familiar voice suddenly rang in Song Zhi's mind.

Song Zhi's ears twitched, knowing in her heart that this was You Weili transmitting messages to her sea of ​​consciousness.

She glanced at Li Yan who was not far away as if she had scruples, and took out several dark red crystals from the inner pocket of her sleeve.

"grown ups?"

Song Zhi shouted in a breathy tone.

The next moment, the Yan Jing in her hand suddenly disappeared, leaving no one behind.

"well done."

"Tomorrow, please pay twice more Yan Jing."

Youweili smiled lightly, his tone revealing a condescending reserve and arrogance.

He ordered it as a matter of course, as if he didn't know that this request was as difficult as climbing to the sky for Song Zhi and Feng Ye.

Song Zhi swallowed, finally suppressing the anger in his heart, and nodded slightly.

"Zhao Ye will not disappoint you!"


"Hey, hey, hey! Woman, I'm calling you!"

"Will you die if you look back at me??"

"Hey, if you don't come over and listen to me, I will call you by your real name, Ang!!"

Song Zhi followed Feng Ye, and they entered the dungeon together.

I am preparing to find a relatively clean place to stay and seize the time to recuperate.

Before the place could be found, where the immortal half-demon was trapped, Sang Yu's noisy shouts could be heard first.

Song Zhi: "..."

What an ancestor you can’t mess with! !

"Brother, please find a place to rest first."

"I'll talk to Sang Yu."

"After the negotiation is completed, I will inform senior brother of everything related to it."

Song Zhi stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, his tone showing a hint of irritation.

Feng Ye pursed his lips and looked deeply at Sang Yu's face.

A guess that was not very reliable, but extremely consistent, began to spread in his mind.

Before he could think about it, Feng Ye was so frightened that his heart went cold.

"it is good."

"Junior sister, do it yourself."

"I'll wait for you there."


Seeing Feng Ye turn around and leave, Song Zhi slowly walked to Sangyu's place.

A powerful restriction was set up half a meter away from Sangyu.

So Song Zhi didn't dare to get too close.

She found a blind spot and sat down diagonally, with her back against the wall and open areas on her left and right.

The eyes can not only look at Sangyu, but also observe the surroundings. Be careful not to be pushed into the restriction and encounter evil hands. "I'm here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I'm in a bad situation right now. I may not be able to come back alive to see you tomorrow."

"So, it's best for you and me to be honest with each other and get straight to the point."

"I ask you questions, and you ask questions and I answer questions again, and again and again, neither of us suffers any loss."


Song Zhi glanced sharply at the people and animals walking around.

Her red lips moved slightly, her voice was soft and clear, and her volume was controlled extremely well.

It can be heard by Sangyu, but it is not loud enough to be heard clearly by humans and animals not far away.


Seeing her caution and pessimism, Sang Yu suddenly lost his interest in playing tricks.

We were both ants at the bottom of the hierarchy, and our lives were in the hands of others. No matter how heartless he was, he couldn't completely ignore them.

"Okay! I agree with your approach."

"But I have to ask first, and you answer first!"

"Let me ask you, how do you know my name?"

"Have you seen me?"

Sang Yu made no secret of his intentions.

Before Song Zhi could respond, he asked his question first.

Song Zhi twitched the corner of his mouth, too lazy to argue with him about the number of questions.

She pondered for two breaths, and then replied attentively: "I have never seen you."

"But I know that your name is Sang Yu, you are the holy son of the demon clan, and your biological mother is the saint of the demon world."

"I also know that without my intervention, you would have died in the sinkhole and become the first immortal half-demon to perish in the world of cultivation."

Song Zhi relaxed his tense back.

She let out a soft breath and slumped against the wall, her body and mind relaxed as never before.

Speaking of which, it was probably because he was afraid of the manager's dislike of Sang Yu.

Therefore, the area where Sangyu is located has always been in a hollow zone.

People and animals like Song Zhi who dare to approach Sangyu and jump on the manager's radar.

Song Zhi is definitely the first in Yilao!


Not only did she answer two of Sang Yu's questions, she also threw out a new "bait."


"Will I die here?"

"I said your surname is Song, do you dare to talk more nonsense?"

"Don't you know? I have been killed by the managers hundreds of times since I was sold into this black mine."

"Hehe, but young master, I was resurrected with full health and crawled out of the corpse cave."

"If they couldn't kill me, why would they tie me up with chains and try to trap him to death??"

Sang Yu snorted proudly, raised his head slightly, and his handsome and noble face was full of admiration for himself.

Song Zhi: "..."


This demon is mentally retarded!

"Is there a possibility that what I'm talking about is something that hasn't happened to you yet??"

Song Zhi was speechless, Song Zhi was indifferent.

Song Zhi was completely desperate for this world full of mentally retarded people.

She rolled her eyes coldly, and under the gaze of Sang Yu's wide round eyes, she lightly asked her question.

"Two questions."

"First, where did you learn about me? Tell me everything!"

"Second, how should I save you?"

Compared with Sang Yu's probing in pediatrics, Song Zhi hit the nail on the head and hit the point more directly.

She held her arms with her arms, and her eyes showed a coldness that was indifferent to everything.

The whole person was as cold as a big ice cube.

But Sang Yu's blood boiled when he heard it, and he was overjoyed.

"You want to save me?"

"Oh, I knew that the woman my mother would care about would not only be beautiful, but also kind-hearted!"

"Woman, I say! I'll tell you everything you want to know!"

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