"Brother Wujun, my senior sister still refuses to see me..."

"I already knew I was wrong, but senior sister just refused to give me a chance to admit my mistake."

"I'm so sad!"

Seeing Song Zhi ruthlessly raising the isolation formation.

Su Zhi blinked and tears flowed out.

She was wearing a white dress, crying like pear blossoms with raindrops, and looked pitiful.

Some of the monks who knew about her entanglement with Song Zhi just stared blankly, while other monks who wanted to flatter the young city lord thought they had found an opportunity.

Upon hearing this, the people of the Ma clan from the vassal city of Linxian City immediately shouted and rushed forward with bared teeth.

"Wuna female cultivator!"

"The young city lord's wife has invited me. Please quickly withdraw the isolation formation and come out to see the young city lord's wife!"

The young male cultivator with a horse face punched Song Zhi's isolation formation, causing ripples of spiritual light.

He is a middle-level Jindan cultivator, and he is also a respected Jindan master outside.

Therefore, it is inevitable to act in a domineering manner.

In this attack, he used 80% of his strength. He thought that the isolation formation would be broken immediately, revealing the true appearance of the golden elixir female cultivator.

But the seemingly ordinary formation was motionless.

Matthew: "..."

Everyone watching the show: "..."

Su Zhi, who was waiting to see Song Zhi make a fool of herself: "..."

It is true that there is not enough success and more than failure!
"Senior Ma, you misunderstood."

"The female nun inside is not my rival, she is my direct senior sister."

"Thank you for your generous help, but there is still a misunderstanding between me and my senior sister."

"That's why Senior Sister doesn't want to see me. It's okay. If I beg again, Senior Sister will calm down."

Su Zhi said almost humbly, looking like she had suffered endless grievances but had to endure it.

Those who didn't know the inside story thought that Song Zhi was making trouble unreasonably, and that Su Zhi, as a junior sister, was infinitely tolerant of her.

Song Zhi watched Su Zhi and the others acting coldly and ignored them.

Her face was calm and she only focused on the first event of the Alchemy Alliance.

"Uncle Song."

"Young City Master invites you..."

Song Zhi was looking for Zhao Muyang at the assessment site with nearly ten thousand people, when Bailiwei beside him suddenly whispered.

Song Zhi paused and turned to look outside the formation. Sure enough, he saw Gong Wujun hugging Su Zhi and looking at him with a smile on his face.

If it were in the past, Young Master Song Zhi would not have to be afraid of Gong Wujun in the Yuan Ying stage.

But now, Song Zhi, whose cultivation level has reached the Golden Elixir Perfection, has seen a huge difference.

She saw it.

Gong Wujun is not a real Yuanying monk.

He is a fake infant!

Song Zhi can kill veteran Nascent Souls like Xiao Heng, Xiao Hanguang and others on his own.

Song Zhi would not look at a mere fake infant monk now.

"not see."

"They can wait if they want."

"Don't ruin the reputation of our Lingxian Sect."

"Don't disgrace Commander Qin either."

Song Zhi said coldly without looking back.

Bailiwei, Zhuang You and Ji Yu looked at each other. Their eyes were fiery and they retreated even more humbly.

"Yes, I will obey Uncle Song's orders!"

Gong Wujun didn't expect that Song Zhi, who had been respectful to him in the past, would dare to ignore him in person after not seeing him for a few months.

Is it the courage given by Qin Weizhong?

Thinking of Xiao Heng who disappeared in Wentian Mountain, Gong Wujun blinked lightly and finally coaxed Su Zhi back to his exclusive box.

Song Zhi.

Lucky darling.

They have a long way to go.

"Uncle Song, Uncle Zhao is over there!"

In the isolation formation, Song Zhi looked at the huge stone screen and carefully searched for Zhao Muyang's figure. Before he could find it, Ji Yu saw Zhao Muyang with sharp eyes.

Song Zhi immediately clicked on Zhao Muyang's exclusive photo stone to watch only his game.

At this time, Zhao Muyang had just passed the first assessment and was entering the scene of the second assessment.

The second assessment mainly tests the alchemy cultivator's control over the furnace fire.

As soon as Zhao Muyang stepped into the arena, several clusters of flames flew out of the air and hit him.

Zhao Muyang sidestepped, and a purple sand pill furnace appeared in his hand. He saw the pill furnace rotating slowly, and several clusters of flames were sucked under the furnace.

Zhao Muyang shot out a few rays of spiritual light and continued to speak magic formulas.

Those few flames trying to escape suddenly became calmer.

Soon, the announcement indicating that Zhao Muyang had passed appeared on the big screen.

Zhao Muyang took advantage of the situation and stepped into the third assessment site.

This time, it was a collective assessment.

"You are all the best in this assessment."

"First of all, congratulations to all of you for passing the first two assessments."

"As long as you pass this third assessment, you can obtain the title of the lowest alchemist, the third-grade alchemist."

"I hope you will continue to work hard!"

"This assessment will be in counting mode."

"We will randomly distribute medicinal herbs, and everyone will grab the medicinal herbs and name them as soon as possible."

"The top one hundred people with the largest number can directly enter the assessment competition for the Alchemist level."

"Everyone, get ready, the game will start soon."

"Time, three sticks of incense!"

Following the host's order, the huge arena instantly became chaotic.

The organizer wrapped thousands of spiritual herbs with spiritual light and swayed down from the sky.

The alchemists who entered the arena immediately used their own unique tactics to capture and rob those herbs.

Zhao Muyang is among them. He is not the most powerful one, but he is definitely the most eye-catching one.

Because the way he snatches herbs is particularly unique.

Others relied on their hands or spiritual light to plunder, but Zhao Muyang held a fish basket in one hand and a fishing rod in the other.

With a slight flick of the fishing rod, he successfully captured two balls of spiritual light wrapped in spiritual grass.

"Gaolan grass, Shilixiang."

"Qi Cao, Mao Er Shao."

"Green Cloud, Blood Soul Grass."

"Half Moon Bay, Firefly..."

Zhao Muyang relied on this ingenious method to capture the spiritual grass while constantly saying the name of the spiritual grass.

Every time he said something right, the spiritual grass would turn into nothing and turn into a nameplate engraved with Zhao Muyang's name.

The nameplate was placed in the fish basket by Zhao Muyang.

When calculating the total score later, the number of nameplates will be used as the criterion.

Seeing Zhao Muyang's outstanding performance and victory in sight, Zhuang You and the other three people watching could not help but show excited and nervous expressions.

"Uncle Zhao is mighty, Uncle Zhao, charge forward!"

"Uncle Master, charge bravely, Weiwei will always be with you~"

"The first one must belong to the Spiritual Immortal Sect!"

In the isolation formation, the three little ones looked excited, and in their words, it seemed that the first place was already in Zhao Muyang's bag.

However, Song Zhi, who was sitting firmly in the top spot, narrowed his eyes slightly and tensed his nerves subconsciously.

The back-up plan arranged by Wu Ziye is here!
I saw five alchemy cultivators gathered into a small team. They pushed away the alchemy cultivators in front of them and rushed towards Zhao Muyang.

At this time, Zhao Muyang repeated his old tricks and just caught three groups of spiritual grass with a fishing rod.

Just as he was about to say the name of the spiritual grass, a pair of hands came out from behind and covered his mouth with great force.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao Zhao, please leave some way for our brothers to survive."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Zhao Muyang's fish basket was taken away.

The spectators who saw this scene said: "..."

Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Who said that alchemists who focus solely on refining alchemy have a pure mind?

It's just fart! (End of chapter)

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