Zhao Muyang realized something was wrong and reacted immediately.

During the assessment of the competition, fighting was not explicitly prohibited.

Of course, the Alchemy Alliance will never allow anyone to lose their lives.

Therefore, the situation Zhao Muyang encountered was still within the acceptable range of the Alchemy Alliance.

Zhao Muyang didn't hide his clumsiness either.

He directly summoned the earthly fire in his body and burned it towards the man behind him.

The man was quite flexible. He rolled on the spot and got rid of Zhao Muyang's counterattack.

But he also loosened his grip on Zhao Muyang.

Looking at Zhao Muyang who took out the attack talisman and attacked the other alchemists crazily, the alchemist who escaped the disaster grabbed the fish basket and ran out.

"Hey, everyone!"

"Free nameplate, don't give it up for free!"

This man is really hateful, he can't suppress Zhao Muyang's grace.

He felt malicious and simply took out all the nameplates in the fish basket and threw them into the crowd.

Some alchemists quickly ran away as if frightened.

More alchemists swarmed up and grabbed the nameplate that fell on the ground.

Rather than snatching the spiritual grass, it is better to accurately identify the spiritual grass.

It is obviously more convenient to snatch the generated nameplate.

"I got it! Hahahaha, I got four!"

"I grabbed six."

You Danxiu held Zhao Muyang's nameplate and laughed maniacally.

It's a pity that these people didn't even laugh a few times before they were thrown to the ground by other alchemists and started a new round of snatching.

Looking at the chaos in front of them, the spectators not only had mixed emotions, but also felt as if their filters were broken.

The alchemy experts on the referee's bench also frowned, showing displeasure on their faces.

Alchemists rely on their true abilities.

Even if that group of people grab Zhao Muyang's nameplate, the nameplate will not be included in their total score.

Because the name on the nameplate will not change.

"Leader Xue, didn't you clearly inform these young alchemists about the rules of the nameplate?"

"Taking advantage of others' wisdom and stealing their merits is really not our style."

"Then the alchemy cultivators who took action to snatch the nameplate will have their results invalidated."

The person who said this was a middle-aged female cultivator.

She looks pretty and has a faint aroma of elixirs. Just like her, she is quiet, indifferent, reliable and calm.

If others speak, Xue Yin, the leader of the Alchemy Alliance, will consider it carefully.

This woman was the only one to speak, and Xue Yin agreed without even thinking.

This person is the ninth-grade alchemist with the highest cultivation level and the best alchemy skills on the referee's bench, Zhenjun Bai Lian of Hanyuan Sect.

It was an unexpected surprise for Xue Yin and others that Lord Bai Lian was willing to accept the invitation.

Now that Lord Bai Lian is willing to speak out to support the younger generation and uphold justice, Xue Yin only feels honored and does not dare to complain at all.

As for the decision on the referee's bench, Zhao Muyang on the field had no idea.

After he relied on the earth's flames and talismans to deal with the invading alchemy cultivators, he quickly left that realm and turned around and rushed to another corner.

There are very few people in this corner, only a few alchemy cultivators, who are leisurely fishing for spiritual herbs and thinking hard about the names of the spiritual herbs.

Zhao Muyang glanced slightly and knew that these people were all above the level of Jindan.

But he was only building the foundation of Dzogchen, and he was separated from these people by a world of distance.

Worried that the previous incident would happen again, Zhao Muyang covered the retrieved fish basket with a trace of hesitation on his face.

At this moment, a female cultivator in a white dress suddenly pushed the spiritual grass in front of Zhao Muyang and said to him with a smile: "My surname is Bai, and my name is Jin."

"I have a good relationship with Junior Sister Song. During the competition, I was entrusted by her. She asked me to help you when necessary."

"You are very good and very powerful. I am very optimistic about you."

"There are few people here. It's not because others are afraid of us. It's simply because the spiritual herbs here are rare and rare. Many of them are extinct and can only be seen on jade slips."

"This also means that the accuracy rate of the spiritual grass here is extremely low."

"If you have confidence in yourself, you don't want to be robbed again." "You can stay here and work harder to identify the spiritual grass."

Bai Jin glanced at Zhao Muyang meaningfully, and in his words, he was quite close to Song Zhi.

Zhao Muyang paused for a moment, and finally decided to stay in this corner to identify the spiritual grass.

At this time, there is only one stick of incense time before the competition.

The nameplate he put in the fish basket had been robbed, and not a single piece was left.

If he wanted to catch up from behind and return to the number one position, he had to do something serious.

Rare and rare herbs, extinct ancient herbs?
What others say is an eternal problem, but for Zhao Muyang, it is indeed a professional solution.

The most indispensable thing in the mustard vase is rare and exotic herbs!
"Ziron grass, black bamboo grass."

"Orchid herb, soil wei, thorn ball."

"Phalaenopsis, five-clawed golden dragon grass..."

Zhao Muyang rose into the air and raised both hands.

He frantically grabbed the spiritual grass and light group in front of him.

Almost the moment he took possession of the spiritual grass, Zhao Muyang accurately called out the name of the spiritual grass.

The nameplate kept falling into Zhao Muyang's fish basket.

As the time approached, Zhao Muyang's movement of identifying the grass immediately left an afterimage.

He was like a strong wind, leaving no trace of spiritual grass behind wherever he passed.

"time up!"

"Contestants are asked to hand over their nameplates and wait where they are."

"We will notify you as soon as the results come out."

The host came on stage with a smile.

As she finished speaking, many Alchemy League disciples entered the arena and took away the nameplates of participating alchemists.

Zhao Muyang stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat, feeling confident about the next report.

Except for the more than one hundred nameplates that were taken away from him.

He later got another one hundred and seventy-nine. This result, among this group of alchemy cultivators, was not to say overwhelming, but at least it was above average.

But Zhao Muyang didn't know that Wu Ziye's conspiracy against him was just another plan that failed to succeed.

After a stick of incense, the host read out the name of the winner.

Zhao Muyang patiently listened to the end, but his name was not among the top 100 people agreed.

At this moment, Zhao Muyang was stunned.

"Hey, that's not right, I'm counting."

"I remember that Uncle Zhao's nameplates were more than seventy more than the number one hundred."

"Why did Uncle Zhao lose the election?"

"Uncle Song, is there a shady secret behind this?!"

Bailiwei exclaimed in disbelief.

What she said was what Song Zhi wanted to say.

But she still sat motionless, and did not stand up to complain for Zhao Muyang as the three outer disciples imagined.

"Senior, wait!"

"Zhao has something to say!"

Looking at the host who announced that the third round of assessment was over and was about to turn around and leave.

Zhao Muyang shouted loudly, successfully attracting everyone's attention.

"Huh? No. 4931 Zhao Muyang."

"Do you have any objections to the results of this assessment?"

The host frowned and asked directly, with a bit of unconscious resistance on his face.

Zhao Muyang chuckled and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Yes, senior, I want to report it."

"Report on the disciples of your Alchemy Alliance who are responsible for checking the nameplates. They operated in secret and stole my nameplate."

"I have evidence." (End of chapter)

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