Zhao Muyang's sudden voice aroused great interest among the spectators.

After all, when the results were announced before, Xue Yin, the leader of the Alchemy Alliance, showed up and said that those alchemy cultivators who had grabbed Zhao Muyang's nameplate were directly eliminated from the competition.

Now, it was Zhao Muyang's turn to appeal to Qu personally, and everyone couldn't help but be curious about Xue Yin's performance.

"Zhao Muyang of the Lingxian Sect, what is your evidence?"

"Take it out!"

"If it is indeed my Alchemy Alliance disciple who is at fault, I, Xue Yin, will personally apologize to you."

"If you talk nonsense and cause trouble randomly..."

"I will take action to destroy your cultivation!"

"I hope you take care of yourself."

Xue Yin didn't really believe Zhao Muyang's words.

You must know that the disciples responsible for counting nameplates and calculating results are all elites of the Alchemy Alliance.

There's no way they could eat the whole thing and do such a dishonorable thing.

But Zhao Muyang's ability is obvious to everyone.

There is no need for him to talk nonsense.

Xue Yin's eyes flashed with haze, and he slowly sat back.

He asked Zhao Muyang to provide evidence, but Zhao Muyang refused.

Everyone saw Zhao Muyang smile slightly, and the next moment, a black pill bottle appeared in his hand.

Just listen to him saying calmly: "What's in the bottle is the antidote for dragon and snake gallbladder."

"Before handing the nameplate to the disciples of the Alchemy Alliance for counting, I was careful and deliberately contaminated the nameplate with the poison of dragon, snake and bile."

"I calculated the dosage. As long as she comes into contact with all the people with the nameplate, she will definitely be poisoned."

"Counting the time, she should be crying out in pain soon."

Zhao Muyang personally counted the 179 nameplates before handing them over.

He would rather believe that there is something wrong with the Alchemy Alliance than he would never distrust himself.

Regardless of whether the disciples of the Alchemy Alliance finally settled matters, as long as she came into contact with Zhao Muyang's affiliation nameplate.

She will eventually become addicted.

This was Zhao Muyang's helpless move to protect justice.

Unexpectedly, he was actually put on guard.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, asking what kind of poison dragon snake gall is, why have they never heard of it?

The next moment, a steward from the Alchemy Alliance jumped out from the background, walked to Xue Yin's side and whispered to him solemnly.

The old god Zhao Muyang was not paying attention.

Onlookers inside and outside, however, figured out that the Alchemy Alliance might have overturned.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Xue Yin waved his hand and brought out a female disciple in white who was all black and was already dying.

"Little Butterfly."

"Zhao Muyang believes that the number of nameplates you liquidated does not match his actual income."

"I will give you a chance to confess and be lenient."

"Tell the truth, how many nameplates did Zhao Muyang get?"

Xiaodie was still conscious, but the pain all over her body was unbearable, and her whole life was worse than death.

She knew that she had been tricked by Zhao Muyang.

At this time, survival was the top priority, and he couldn't care about anything else. He immediately fell to the ground and cried bitterly, telling the truth.

"Reply to the leader!"

"Xiaodie counted wrongly."

"Contestant Zhao Muyang's real achievement is 179 nameplates."

"Someone colluded with me in advance and asked me to falsely report Zhao Muyang's results to prevent him from entering the second level of the track."

"I made a big mistake in a moment of fever. Leader of the alliance, please save me!"

Xiaodie threw herself on the ground and cried bitterly.

She stared at Xue Yin with a painful look on her face, hoping that the leader could save her life, but Xue Yin closed his eyes in disappointment.

Every disciple who participates in the Alchemy Alliance competition is recognized by their Alchemy Alliance and will focus on cultivating outstanding disciples.

But even the outstanding disciples they carefully selected could not withstand the sugar-coated bullets from outsiders, and eventually brought the Alchemy Alliance into disgrace.

What’s the use of keeping such a disciple in the Alchemy Alliance?
"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price." "Go ahead, your family will be taken care of by the Alchemy Alliance."

Xue Yin sighed softly.

He only glanced at Xiaodie lightly, and Xiaodie lost all hope and died in front of everyone with his eyes wide open.

Zhao Muyang paused subconsciously as he took out the antidote.

When he met Xue Yin's questioning gaze with a smile, his face was solemn and he silently bowed to Xue Yin.

He liked the result of Xue Yin's treatment very much.

"The results of this event have been corrected!"

"Zhao Muyang of Lingxian Sect, the final number of nameplates obtained is 179."

"The first place in this competition can be directly awarded the rank of third-grade alchemist!"

With the host's re-announcement, Zhao Muyang became the well-deserved number one.

Seeing everyone whispering, Zhao Muyang pursed his lips slightly and smiled contentedly.

"After two sticks of incense, the final battle of ranks will begin."

"All players, please rest where you are, recuperate, and prepare for alchemy."

"The loser, please withdraw from the competition."


In the huge shadow stone light curtain, tens of thousands of losers exited the field.

It seems that the one hundred alchemy cultivators still left in the arena are quite talented and attract more attention.

Among them, Zhao Muyang received the most probing eyes and received the most criticism.

Most people are not optimistic about his final grade.

Mainly because Zhao Muyang's cultivation level is not high and he only belongs to the bottom class among a hundred people.

Fortunately, Zhao Muyang has an ordinary mind and is not moved by these accusations at all.

"The second level of competition has officially begun."

"Everyone, let's draw lots and decide the name of the elixir to be refined!"

The host flicked his sleeves and announced the start of the second competition.

As she finished speaking, a hundred bamboo sticks wrapped in golden light were delivered to the contestants.

Zhao Muyang reached out and touched the golden light gently, and the bamboo stick inside immediately fell into his hand.

Zhao Muyang immediately opened it and looked it up.

When he saw the name of the elixir clearly displayed on the bamboo stick, even though Zhao Muyang was so confident, his expression also changed, with obvious annoyance in his eyes.

As the photo stone was pulled in, Song Zhi and the other spectators also saw clearly Zhao Muyang's test questions for this competition.


"Did the Alchemy Alliance make a mistake?"

"Uncle Zhao is a perfect foundation builder, how can he refine a seventh-grade Yuan-increasing pill?"

"Not to mention anything else, even the main ingredient of the Zengyuan Dan, Uncle Zhao couldn't get it together in a short while!"

"Uncle Song, this test question is clearly caused by the Alchemy Alliance deliberately making things difficult!"

The moment they saw the name of the elixir on the bamboo stick, the Lingxian Sect disciples and the surrounding onlookers were shocked.

Listening to the indignant screams of the three outer disciples, Song Zhi's face did not change and he still sat motionless.

She smiled slightly and met Zhao Muyang's solemn eyes from afar, without any worry at all.

The person behind the problem probably doesn't understand Zhao Muyang's extraordinary abilities, right?
"Don't give up easily until the end."

"Just watch."

"You, Uncle Zhao, will be able to blind everyone's eyes."

After Song Zhi finished speaking, he closed his eyes calmly.

She was so confident that she closed her eyes and meditated in public.

Not to mention anything else, his unwavering determination and momentum are what make people take a high look.

The three outer disciples looked at each other, and they all calmed down strangely.

They stared intently at Zhao Muyang on the field, sweating for him.

"Uncle Zhao, you must work hard!" (End of Chapter)

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