Zeng Yuan Dan has always been an indispensable magical elixir for Golden Dan monks to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

The purple long grass produced in the depths of the Demonic Abyss is the main medicine of the Zengyuan Pill.

But Purple Grass is rare, and some alchemy cultivators may have never seen it in their entire lives.

But such alchemy cultivation definitely does not include Zhao Muyang.

With the mustard seed vase in his hand, Zhao Muyang could find whatever herbs he wanted.

"Because it involves the final grade judgment."

"So the drawn elixirs, raw materials, etc. must be prepared by the contestants themselves."

"It is allowed to exchange herbs and discuss elixirs."

"If you encounter major difficulties and want to abandon the game, you can explain it in advance."

When the host said this, he glanced at Zhao Muyang with meaning.

Zhao Muyang just pretended not to know about this obvious hint.

Give up?

He won't give up!

He will work hard quietly and then surprise everyone's eyes.

"No. 4931 is ready."

"Apply for immediate alchemy."

While other alchemy cultivators were still gathering to discuss and exchange herbs, Zhao Muyang, who was obviously left out, raised his hand to the host not far away.

As soon as he said these words, there was silence all around.

Bai Jin, who had met him once before, couldn't help but kindly reminded him: "Fellow Daoist Zhao."

"Have you prepared all the main ingredients for refining the Yuan-Zeng Dan? If not, a few friends and I can find a way to give you some."

"In addition, I have a remnant copy of the recipe for refining the Zengyuan Dan."

"If Fellow Daoist Zhao doesn't dislike it, I can sell it at a low price. I hope I can help you."

For Song Zhi's sake, Bai Jin was extremely kind to Zhao Muyang.

Zhao Muyang was grateful in his heart, but on his face he refused without hesitation.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Bai."

"It's just the main herbs and prescriptions of Zengyuan Dan."

"I happen to have both. Don't worry, this matter won't trouble me."

"Although, so far, this is my first time to refine the Yuan-Zeng Dan..."

"But what if I'm gifted and I can capture it?"

Zhao Muyang laughed, whether he was falsely optimistic or truly confident.

Bai Jin did not blindly criticize Zhao Muyang. She smiled politely and encouraged him.

After Zhao Muyang threw out the isolation formation, formed a world of his own, and took out the alchemy furnace to start the formal elixir refining, Bai Jin and other alchemists also began to refine their instant elixir with nervous expressions on their faces.

Among the hundred people, Zhao Muyang was not the only one who was lucky enough to get a high-grade elixir that was higher than his cultivation level.

There was an alchemy cultivator who was unlucky enough to get a magical medicine like Powan Dan.

That alchemy cultivator is already in the middle stage of the golden elixir. Although he has entered the alchemy path late, he is still a gifted being.

But when faced with the three words "Powan Dan", he still showed a bitter smile on his face that was about to burst into tears, and reached out his hand to request to abandon the game.

PoWan Dan, the best of the nine elixirs.

Not only is the main herb difficult to find, it is also impossible to gather together.

Even the prescription is missing.

Even if you want to refine it, you can't find the insertion point.

It's better to retreat when faced with difficulties and make less jokes.

The golden elixir cultivator who retired from the competition looked up at Zhao Muyang, who was quietly refining elixirs in the light curtain, and couldn't help but sneer at the good show.

Compared with the Powang Dan that he drew, the Yuan-Zeng Dan that Zhao Muyang drew was not a simple and easy question.

Even a ninth-grade alchemist cannot refine the Powan Pill.

Increasing pills are priceless in the market because the main ingredients are difficult to find or are on the verge of extinction.

If Zhao Muyang succeeds in refining with the foundation-building Dzogchen cultivation, then he will be able to become a god in Qianhu Continent!
But can Zhao Muyang really do it?
He didn't really believe it anyway.

There are many people who hold such contemptuous thoughts.

Just to see Zhao Muyang preparing in an orderly manner, even taking out a purple dragon grass.

On the referee's bench, there were still several people who were not optimistic about Zhao Muyang. Only Zhenjun Bai Lian and Xue Yin looked thoughtful and extremely silent.

Others may not know it, but Xue Yin knows it.

The test questions that Zhao Muyang drew were clearly changed by Zhenjun Bai Lian.

The question of Powang Dan was Zhao Muyang's real test question.

However, a heaven-defying magical medicine such as Powandan should not appear in a grade examination.

It seems that it was ultimately the internal strife within their Alchemy Alliance that disturbed the purity of the examination room.

It's time for him to step forward to clean up the bad habits in the Alchemy Alliance.

For a moment, everyone had their own ideas and plans.

In the simple alchemy room, Zhao Muyang calmed down, summoned the first furnace according to the pill recipe in his hand, and started the first refining of the Zengyuan Pill.

But those who said they were not optimistic about Zhao Muyang were staring at Zhao Muyang's every move with burning eyes at this moment.

Unfortunately, Zhao Muyang quickly blocked the image stone in the alchemy room with his hand and unilaterally cut off the transmission of images.

"Uh, Uncle Song..."

"Uncle Zhao, there should be no problem, right?"

Because Zhao Muyang's alchemy process could not be seen, someone on the field had already prepared the assessment questions first and sent them for evaluation.

Bailiwei and the other three couldn't help but become nervous.

Song Zhi opened his eyes slightly, the smile on his face was firm and peaceful.

"Don't panic."

"I believe in you, Uncle Zhao."

Even if you don’t believe in Zhao Muyang’s alchemy skills.

They also have to believe in Master Mu Yuanshan, the No. 1 in the Ninth Grade Furnace and the one who refines the most Yuan-increasing Pills.

Besides, the mustard seed vase is in Zhao Muyang's hands, and he is not afraid of refining the useless master herb at all.

Song Zhi didn't believe that Zhao Muyang would end in failure because he had the right time, place, people, and three elements.

As time passes by.

More than half of the Dan Xiu on the court gave satisfactory answers to the referee's bench.

Only a small number of alchemy practices ended in failure, and ultimately failed to reach a higher level of alchemy master.

Only a few people are still working hard in the alchemy room.

Among these people, Zhao Muyang was included.

If at the beginning, some people were optimistic about Zhao Muyang and thought he was a strong dark horse.

So after learning that Zhao Muyang had exploded twice, these people changed their views.

"There is still half a stick of incense left, then Zhao Muyang's third furnace will be opened."

"I wonder if he will make the same mistake again this time?"

"Everyone, does anyone place a bet on the contest?"

"If you don't come, you won't come!"

"There is no need to make any bets on things where you can see the results at a glance."

"Is it possible that brother wants to bet on whether Zhao Muyang can successfully refine it?"

Among the various opinions, some people pointed at Zhao Muyang and laughed. In their words, Zhao Muyang was already nailed to the failure.

Song Zhi lowered his eyes slightly and looked over. When he saw that the man was wearing a familiar disciple uniform, a plan suddenly came to his mind.

"Zhuang You."

"You go over and try to convince those people to start betting."

"You asked them to bet that Sixth Senior Brother would lose."

"And we buy Sixth Brother to win."

“The more people involved, the better, and the bigger the stakes, the better.”

"If you lose, I'll take all the money. If you win, we'll split it 50-50."

Song Zhi chuckled and threw a storage bag containing millions of spirit stones to Zhuang You.

She looked at Zhao Muyang's alchemy room with full eyes, and the smile on her lips was filled with joy.

If she sensed it correctly.

Zhao Muyang has already refined the seventh-grade Yuan-Zeng Dan!
Because she had already experienced the thunder tribulation after the high-grade elixir was refined.

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