"Zhao Muyang of the Lingxian Sect..."

"I didn't pay much attention before."

"Now I know that he is as lucky as Song Zhi."

"Wujun, finding a way to attract Zhao Muyang into the main palace will be an excellent help to you and me."

In the exclusive auditorium of the Young Master's Mansion, Gong Wujun heard a rough male voice say excitedly in the sea of ​​consciousness, causing Gong Wujun's heart to surge and his eyes to be fixed on Zhao Muyang.

Just watching, Gong Wujun couldn't help but feel discouraged.

He forgot.

His fiancée Su Zhi is a sworn enemy of Song Zhi.

Song Zhi now doesn't even want to see him.

How could she allow her senior brother to enter the young master's mansion? ?
This really means you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Gong Wujun glanced at Su Zhi with some resentment, but was surprised to find out.

His little fiancée was not by his side at this moment, but was clinging to a very tall male disciple of the Dan Sect with snow-skinned skin and blue silk hair.

The male disciple has broad features and is wearing a set of elegant blue robes of a disciple of the Alchemy Sect.

On the jade crown that ties the hair on top of the head, there is an exquisite pattern of an alchemy furnace engraved on it.

Because the two sword eyebrows are black and long, flying diagonally into the temples, there is a sense of coldness.

Gong Wujun also knew this person. He was a close disciple of Zhenjun Yuan Dengzi, the head of the Dan Sect, and he was also Wu Ziye.

Gong Wujun has no so-called romantic feelings for Su Zhi. He wants Su Zhi to marry him, but he is just greedy for Su Zhi's luck.

At this time, when he saw that Su Zhi was not abiding by women's rules and was whispering to Wu Ziye in public, he just looked away silently and pretended not to see her.

Speaking of which, Wu Ziye from Danzong also had a very strong power of luck.

If Su Zhi can persuade Wu Ziye to enter the young master's mansion, it will be a good thing for him.

Su Zhi didn't know yet that her fiancé Gong Wujun had such an idea.

When she saw that Zhao Muyang was named a sixth-grade alchemist, her mentality suddenly collapsed.

She was not familiar with Zhao Muyang.

But she knew who he was.

He is Song Zhi's new senior brother!
I thought he was just a venomous weakling.

He never thought that he would shine in the Alchemy League competition and steal the halo of all the alchemists.

Even the junior sister Song Zhi also followed the rising tide and was highly praised by others.

Su Zhi couldn't bear this tone no matter how much she thought about it.

So he deliberately found Wu Ziye and made some insinuations, hoping that Wu Ziye would come forward to polish Zhao Muyang's spirit.

To achieve the purpose of indirectly stimulating Song Zhi.

Unexpectedly, Wu Ziye was even more angry than she thought.

"Don't worry Zhi Mei!"

"Zhao Muyang won't be proud for long."

"I have already laid a dragnet for him."

"I want him to fall from the clouds when he is most proud and never get up again!"

What does it mean to win the official rank in the second game?
In the third defending battle, he was able to accept everyone's challenge and successfully defended.

That's really cool!

Soon, the host came out and said that the break time had come and the third defending match had officially begun.

The participants this time, in addition to the players who had obtained the rank before, also included all the registered alchemists in the Qianhu cultivation world who appeared at the competition site.

No matter the level, if you have any doubts about the alchemist's strength or want to show off, you can come forward and challenge him.

The challenger sets the question, and the two of them refine the elixir for the question within the specified time, and the audience acts as the referee to decide the winner or loser.

Within the Alchemy Alliance, the third stage was jokingly called the Alchemy Rebellion.

Zhao Muyang performed the best, and it was almost a no-brainer to know that Zhao Muyang was about to become the first choice to be challenged.

"Brother, do your best."

"If you can't hold on, give up."

"Grade does not completely represent your own strength."

Song Zhi glanced at the alchemy cultivators who were eyeing Zhao Muyang, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel worried.

Zhao Muyang smiled heartily and was full of confidence in the next challenge.

"Junior sister doesn't know." "I have been waiting for this day for thirty-seven years."

While speaking, Zhao Muyang slowly turned around and looked at Wu Ziye, who was several miles away, with burning eyes.

He swore an oath to his grandfather and his mother.

He would stand upright in front of Wu Ziye and use alchemy to defeat him openly.

And now is his chance to fulfill his promise.

"The game officially begins!"

"Alchemists please feel free to do as you please!"

Following the host's order, Zhao Muyang, who had just entered the venue, was immediately surrounded by ambitious alchemists.

Zhao Muyang held up his body-protecting aura and refused to accept any challenge from the alchemist.

His eyes were always fixed on Wu Ziye.

He mobilized his own spiritual power and relied on methods such as kneading pills to endure the difficult challenges one after another from the alchemists, and won the challenges again and again.

Under this human sea tactic, Zhao Muyang relied on an alchemy furnace, an earth fire, and thousands of high-grade elixirs in storage bags.

Finally, after defeating seventy-seven forty-nine alchemy masters, he stood alone in front of Wu Ziye.

"Zhao Muyang of the Lingxian Sect, who has cultivated the foundation of Dzogchen, is now a sixth-grade alchemist."

"If you want to challenge Wu Ziye, the great disciple of Dan Sect, please give me some advice."

"Challenge questions, no limit."

Zhao Muyang raised his head and stared at Wu Ziye with burning eyes. At this moment, he felt his blood boiling all over.

He had seen similar scenes countless times in his dreams.

This time, he finally got what he wanted.

And this is just the beginning.

Next, like in his dream, he would suppress Wu Ziye, belittle Wu Ziye, and win against Wu Ziye again and again.

He wants to prove it to everyone.

He, Zhao Muyang, is the real darling of Alchemy, and he is extremely talented.

Wuzi night.

It's just a hard climb.

"Dear brother."

"Stand upright in front of me. It's been a hard day for you, right?"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, I will give you a chance to recognize yourself."

"Refining the Yuan-Zeng Dan is just a matter of luck."

"You are still far behind!"

"I have here a statistical table of elixirs recorded by the Alchemy Alliance."

"Today, you and I will take this statistical table as our topic."

"Whoever refines all the elixirs first will destroy his spiritual roots, destroy his cultivation, and be completely cut off from the path of elixirs."

"What do you think?"

Since Zhao Muyang wants to play, they might as well play bigger!

He doesn't really think that he, a sixth-grade alchemist, can beat him, the youngest fifth-grade alchemist, right?

Wu Ziye's eyes sparkled, and he made it clear that he had bad intentions.

But Zhao Muyang accepted the challenge with a calm expression.

Wu Ziye wouldn't know.

He had endured so much hardship and prepared so much for this day.

If necessary, he can expose all the backhand.

"Let's set a time."

"Otherwise, the spectators will be bored to death."

"How about just seven days?"

"The medicinal herbs are provided by the Alchemy Alliance."

"The elixir prescriptions in the booklet are for us to figure out ourselves."

"Whoever practices more and practices correctly will win."

"Wuziye, do you dare to compete?" (End of Chapter)

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