Wu Ziye naturally dared to compete.

He had long known about Zhao Muyang's talent in Alchemy.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zhao Muyang would reach this achievement.

The youngest, sixth-grade alchemist with the lowest cultivation level.

It actually surpassed him.

but it does not matter.

Soon, he will shatter Zhao Muyang's hopes and make him fall into the clouds.

Thinking about this, Wu Ziye's eyes couldn't help but meet a busy figure.

While the two were talking, the disciples of the Alchemy Alliance had been ordered to prepare the alchemy room for the two of them to fight alchemy.

This alchemy room is huge, with shadow stones all around.

Using the photo stone as a medium, everyone outside the arena could watch the two men's alchemy process.

As Wu Ziye laughed wildly, the battle officially began.

At the beginning, Zhao Muyang was not aware of the problem.

When he was refining a fifth-grade elixir to seek an elixir, the first furnace exploded and the elixir failed.

Zhao Muyang noticed something was wrong with the spiritual herbs prepared by the Alchemy Alliance.

He checked them one by one and found that the facts were the same as what he had seen.

At least 60% of the medicinal herbs prepared by the Alchemy Alliance are defective.

Either they are replaced by poisonous weeds, or they are useless weeds with no spirituality.

Looking at the many medicinal herbs that could not be used, Zhao Muyang laughed angrily, with a face full of sarcasm.

Playing tricks in full view of the public.

Even if Wu Ziye wins, it will be a disgraceful victory.

He really lost his mind.

Zhao Muyang sneered.

He exerted force in his palm, and all the herbs placed in front of him were completely destroyed by him.

This move caused an uproar among the spectators.

On the one hand, they despised Wu Ziye's unfair methods, but on the other hand, they were worried that Zhao Muyang had lost his position and fell into Wu Ziye's scheme.

Although half of that batch of herbs cannot be used.

But at least the other half is fine.

But now, Zhao Muyang is completely ruined.

What kind of elixir will he use to refine it later?
Isn't this a self-destructive path?

It’s a rhythm to lose!

Thinking of winning the bet in the casino, a group of monks who bet on Zhao Muyang suddenly began to complain.

Even True Lord Bai Lian, True Lord Yao Zeng and others who originally looked after Zhao Muyang sighed.

Among the many spectators, Song Zhi was the only one who acted the most calm and carefree.

"Junior Sister Song is so calm."

"Is it because the mustard vase you seized from Mu Yuanshan's legacy is in Xiao Zhao's hands, right?"

While everyone was talking about it, the Kunjing Beast Xu Zhao, who didn't know when he appeared, suddenly appeared in the box where Song Zhi was and said with a smile.

Song Zhi's back tensed, but he nodded in response with a smile on his face.

If Zhao Muyang hadn't held the Mustard Seed Vase as a backup, how could she have watched this event calmly?

On the other hand, Zhao Muyang became so angry that he destroyed the herbs in the alchemy room with his own hands, causing a group of people to sigh.

On the other side, Wu Ziye was full of confidence and was already racing against time to refine four kinds of elixirs.

It was only at this time that everyone knew that this youngest fifth-level alchemist actually possessed the Blazing Blood Fire, one of the three extraordinary fires.

Just when the onlookers pointed at Wu Ziye and relished the fact that Wu Ziye was in the limelight, Zhao Muyang, who was making no progress, suddenly summoned a thin-necked vase made of jade.

Everyone saw him blowing into the vase, followed by various medicinal herbs.

It poured out of the bottle in a steady stream, neatly placed on the shelves. In the short time everyone was stunned, half of the alchemy room was filled with freshly baked herbs.

Someone pointed at the emerald vase and screamed: "It's the emerald mustard seed vase!"

"It's the Mustard Seed Space Spiritual Treasure!"

Following this man's statement, everyone inside and outside the stadium showed surprised and enthusiastic expressions.

At this moment, all kinds of eyes were focused on Zhao Muyang.

In response, Song Zhi just silently drew out the water-covered mandarin duck swords and took out the high-level teleportation talisman given by the system.

If something goes wrong, she will immediately take away her senior brother.

However, the restlessness only lasted for a while, and was suppressed by Xue Yin, the leader of the Alchemy Alliance.

"Zhao Muyang of the Lingxian Sect is now a sixth-grade alchemist registered in our Alchemy Alliance, and is one of the guests of the Alchemy Alliance."

"Anyone who is disrespectful to Zhao Muyang is an enemy of our Alchemy Alliance."

"I, Xue Yin, solemnly declare that anyone who is unfavorable to Zhao Muyang will be excluded from the Alchemy Alliance and will never sell a single pill to this person."

"I also issued a killing order. I will not stop until I kill the opponent!"

As Xue Yin said these words, the monks who originally coveted the mustard vase slowly calmed down.

The mustard seed vase sounds fancy, but in fact, judging from Zhao Muyang's operation, the bottle is just a function of storing fresh herbs.

It is an excellent treasure for alchemy.

To other monks, they are like useless.

It is not worth it no matter how you think about it, becoming enemies with Zhao Muyang and the Alchemy Alliance for a worthless bottle.

The monks around him were struggling to convince themselves.

At this time, Zhao Muyang, who was in the alchemy room, had already quickly refined seven kinds of elixirs.

It was also at this time that everyone was surprised to find that Zhao Muyang, a foundation-building perfectionist with three spiritual roots, was also carrying the Earth Flame Fire, one of the three extraordinary fires.

Seeing the tyrannical fire obediently licking the bottom of the furnace, the spectators were eerily silent for a moment.

"I don't know how long I will live."

"Is it possible for us to see the mother of the three great strange fires, the first-born spiritual fire in heaven and earth?"

On the referee's bench, Dan Xiu sighed like a babble.

Song Zhi heard this with sharp ears.

Above the dantian, the blue-purple spiritual fire wrapped the golden elixir with a peaceful aura, and it was clearly a mutated version of the heaven and earth spiritual fire.

Song Zhi smiled slightly and chose to hide his merit and fame.

She patiently watched Zhao Muyang continue to refine the elixir, and had a reliable guess about the outcome of the fight between the two.

At this moment, Xue Yin, who was sitting on the referee's bench, was suddenly summoned by the law enforcement disciple of the Chief's Mansion.

I don’t know what the law enforcement disciple said to Xue Yin. When Xue Yin returned to the referee’s seat, the leader of the alliance, who was like a good old man, had a livid face and a sullen look on his face.

On the side, Zhenjun Yaogong and Zhenjun Bailian sent messages to his Shihai respectively to inquire.

I don’t know what the three of them said, but in short, both Yao Zhen and Bai Lian looked annoyed at the next moment, showing expressions that seemed sad or sighing.

This change caught the attention of the spectators, and for a moment, the whole stadium was filled with thoughts.

Song Zhi, however, sat motionless and did not whisper to each other like the others.

A mid-level communication talisman floated in front of her eyes. Song Zhi silently read the content on it, and with a flash of inspiration, he shattered the talisman.

She turned to look at the three outer disciples, thought about it for a moment, and then issued an order.

"Fellow Taoist Tingfeng Hall is planning a big event."

"Because I have some relationship with Sixth Senior Brother, we need to send some help from our spirit immortals."

"Zhuang You, you and Baili Wei Jiyu, take my token and meet with Taoist fellows from Tingfeng Hall."

"They'll tell you what needs to be done."

"If you are unsure, you can summon me for questioning."

"Remember, when doing these things, don't reveal your true identity."

"I don't want the three families of Da Mozhou and our Lingxian Sect to get involved in the internal fighting of the Jishi Dan Sect in Dongzhou." (End of this chapter)

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