Fu Boshan was cultivated in the late Yuan Dynasty, while Gong Wujun was only in the early Yuan Dynasty and was still a fake infant.

Facing the extremely powerful Fu Boshan, Gong Wujun was defeated by Fu Boshan's sword despite all his tricks.

Seeing Gong Wujun, who had half of his body chopped off by a sharp sword, Su Zhi's eyes flashed as he caught up.

She pretended not to be able to bear it and exclaimed: "Master! Please keep someone under the sword."

Fu Boshan, who was about to cut Gong Wujun into pieces as a warning, was slightly startled and stopped.

Red bloodshot eyes were looming in the corners of his eyes.

At this time, facing Su Zhi walking towards her, what he saw in his eyes was his old lover Qin Shuang, whom he thought about day and night.

But soon, Fu Boshan regained consciousness.

He endured the discomfort and asked in a suspicious voice: "Zhi'er, why don't you let me kill him?"

"You can't bear to let him be your fiancé?"

Fu Boshan frowned slightly, with obvious displeasure in his handsome eyes.

This kind of jealous behavior made Su Zhi feel as sweet as eating honey.

Of course she knew something was wrong with Fu Boshan at this time.

But she really enjoys the feeling of being alone.

Worried about Fu Boshan's misunderstanding, Su Zhi quickly put on a smile and explained sternly: "No, Master."

"I just don't think he should be lynched."

"We should let him breathe and let him accept the rebuke and scorn of the whole world."

"In this way, we can also explain Master's actions today and avoid being misunderstood."

"I remember that a few years ago, Master was walking outside. He was supposed to hoe the strong, support the weak, and kill evil spirits."

"But those people deliberately distorted the facts and said that you were so happy with your success that you committed murder indiscriminately."

"Master, Su Su doesn't want you to bear an untrue reputation..."

Su Zhi said affectionately, with a sincere attitude of thinking about Fu Boshan.

Her pretty appearance like a little white flower is the blessing of a kind and weak little fairy daughter.

Not to mention that Fu Boshan was still haunted by inner demons at this time, and his mind was alternately sober and confused.

Hearing this, Fu Boshan felt inspired and immediately transformed into a spiritual rope and directly tied up the barely surviving Gong Wujun.

"Zhi'er is still attentive and thoughtful."

"In this case, for your sake, I will spare the life of this evil cultivator for the time being."

"What happens to him next? We will leave it to the head brother for interrogation and handling!"

It was already two years later when Song Zhi heard that the young city lord of Linxian City was actually the old city lord Gong who had seized his body.

In two years, Song Zhi stabilized his realm and became familiar with the lower three techniques and the middle three techniques of Yaotian Supreme Sword Technique.

She felt that she was infinitely powerful, and even had the strength to compete with the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

Just when Zhi Deman came out of seclusion, Song Zhi received the communication talisman sent earlier by Yuan Da and his son.

Song Zhi read them one by one, and the more she read, the higher her eyebrows raised.

——"The marriage ceremony was initiated by Peak Master Song. A few days ago, the Hanyuan Sect shocked the Fairy Hong and killed her in a righteous way. She kicked her fiancé to death and turned into an old monster to seize her body."

——"Now, Gong Wujun has been handed over to the Hanyuan Sect for his execution."

——"Gong Wujun's original soul still exists. He competed with the old monster for his body in the Hanyuan Sect's prison, but was defeated. He self-destructed and died together. No bones remain."

The following is the message content after four months.

——"Jinghong Fairy Su Zhi's Lingbi broke and she held a grand elixir-forming viewing ceremony."

——"Su Zhi's golden elixir was completed, and everyone in the Hanyuan Sect was overjoyed. The Lord Sword Lord of Hanjian Peak made a rare appearance and personally held a golden elixir celebration for Su Zhi."

After that, there is the communication talisman of the latest time.

——"Master Song, Yuan Lei has officially joined the Hanyuan Sect and become an outer disciple."

——"Yuan Lei found out that Su Zhi and his senior brother Gu Zichen had set off for the ancient battlefield of Tongzhou. It is said that it was Su Zhi who sensed that the chance of his natal magic weapon was in the ancient battlefield, so the Sword Master sent people to look for it together with Su Zhi. Opportunity.”

——"I have not received instructions from Peak Master Song for a long time. I am very uneasy. I also ask Peak Master to give me some advice."*
There were not many messengers sent by Yuan Da and his son.

Song Zhi finished the scan in a few breaths.

When he saw the content of the last one, Song Zhi pondered for a moment, then took out an intermediate communication talisman and sent a text message back to Yuan Da.

Thinking about Yuan Lei obediently sneaking into the Hanyuan Sect and becoming a real undercover agent, it was indeed a great achievement.

Song Zhi then attached a bottle of middle-grade elixir and a foundation-building monk's manual.

These two things can help Yuan Lei survive the foundation building period safely and successfully enter the Golden Core Realm.

As the master of Yuan Da and his son, Song Zhi knew the importance of giving both kindness and power.

"Senior Brother Yuan, remember to protect Xiaomin."

"Xiaomin's cultivation must not be neglected."

"After the master comes out of seclusion and the sect is stabilized, Xiaomin can return to the sect to become a disciple."

After expressing his sweetness unabashedly, Song Zhi sent out the communication talisman.

After briefly reading the greetings and messengers sent by others, Song Zhi straightened his sleeves, formally stepped out of the cave, and announced his exit.

As soon as she reached the main hall of Lanxin Water Peak, a slim and beautiful girl and a tall and tall young man rushed straight towards her.

Looking at the girl's familiar eyebrows, Song Zhi smiled before saying anything, with a kind expression on her bright and pretty face.

"Wang Lu, please meet the Master!"

"Congratulations to Master for his stable state and successful release from seclusion!"

Wang Lu knelt down on one knee and saluted Song Zhi happily.

Song Zhi waited for her to finish her salute before waving her hand to help her up.

Taking advantage of this gap, Song Zhi took advantage of the opportunity to observe Wang Lu's cultivation.

Seeing that she was already at the second level of foundation building, and that the Lingbi was faintly broken, Song Zhi immediately nodded with satisfaction.

"You have the aura of the mortal world."

"Have you returned to Nanliu Kingdom to see your parents and brothers?"

While speaking, Song Zhi glanced sideways and nodded slightly to Banjiao Hongyun, who was silently saluting.

She waved the two of them to sit down, and she teleported to sit on the peak master's seat, looking majestic and majestic.

Wang Lu was moved to tears when she saw that Song Zhi cared about her as soon as he came out of seclusion.

She didn't hide anything, and immediately told everything about her return to the mortal world.

Only then did Song Zhi learn that more than three hundred years had passed by in a flash.

Before Wang Lu's parents passed away, they finally used the token left by Song Zhi.

Wang Lu happened to be out of seclusion, so she rushed over and finally saw her parents one last time.

At that time, her brother Wang Ying was already a gray-haired old man.

At this time, the Nanliu Kingdom was already a dominant family and unified the Central Plains.

They established a new country and also changed its name.

"Brother changed the Nanliu Kingdom to the Lu Kingdom."

"It has been passed down to this generation, which is the sixth generation of Lu country."

"The new emperor is the queen unanimously elected by her subjects."

"Although she is a woman, she is more powerful and tough than a man."

"In order to avoid being misled by the love between my children, when I left, the Queen of Lu State begged me to take away her love."

"I couldn't resist, so I helped her pull out the love string."

"She said that in her entire life, she only needs to be the subjects of Lu Kingdom."

"This queen has three spiritual roots. Master, I have promised her that after she has handed over the next generation of emperor, I will take her to the sect to practice."

"What do you think?"

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