When it comes to her own arrangements, Wang Lu feels a little unsure.

Facing her uneasy eyes, Song Zhi smiled slightly and said a good word.

Compared with Wang Lu who went to Lingxian Sect to stuff her younger generation.

Song Zhi was even more happy that Wang Lu was calm about the death of her parents.

Only by letting go of worldly ties can the journey of cultivation truly begin.

"Hongyun, why are you here at Lanxinshui Peak?"

"Didn't Fifth Senior Brother specially allocate a small island in the river for you?"

"What? It's not fun there. Do you think that I, Lan Xinshuifeng, will become a mountain beast?"

Song Zhi knew it.

Since she went into seclusion, this passionate half-dragon began to frequently travel between Lanxin Water and Jiangliu Island.

He came when he came, but every time he found various excuses and tried his best to win over Wang Lu.

It's a pity that Wang Lu is young and has no idea.

Throughout the whole process, he only regarded Hongyun as his senior and treated him with utmost respect.

Song Zhi glanced at Hongyun with a half-smile, seemingly joking, but actually warning.

Hongyun's face tightened, and his throat suddenly began to feel stiff.

"Peak Master Song has misunderstood!"

"I'm just bored and want to find someone to hang out and chat with..."

"But Master Wu Lian is so busy that his feet never touch the ground, and the other juniors are afraid of me and respect me."

"None of them are fun. Only Lulu is willing to talk to me and accompany me patiently."

"So, I couldn't help but come a few more times..."

"I'm not here for nothing!"

"Master Song, your Orchid Water is surrounded by water and its water quality is average. But I show up every once in a while and go down to help purify the water and clear the mud!"

As a natural demon, even if Hongyun cultivates human form, he is still different from human beings in some aspects of cognition.

He could see that Song Zhi had some complaints about his visit to Lanxinshui Peak.

But he couldn't understand the origin of Song Zhi's emotion at all.

After thinking about it, Hongyun could only attribute it to the reason why he did not contribute.

Seeing the chicken talking to the duck, Song Zhi silently turned his eyes away.

"That's all, let's talk about it today."

"I have something to do with Brother Five and Brother Six, so we'll go our separate ways."

Song Zhi waved his hand majestically, stopping Hong Yun from trying to entangle him.

She swayed, stepping on the escaping light and went to the main hall of the head.

There, Feng Ye was writing quickly with his magic pen in hand.

Ji Yu, Baili Wei, and Zhuang You, who were familiar to Song Zhi, were going back and forth to deal with the letters that Feng Ye had reviewed.

"Senior brother."

"We haven't seen each other for two years. Are there already so many affairs in our sect?"

Song Zhi quietly descended to Feng Ye's side.

She came uninvited and reached out to flip through the posts on the desk.

Song Zhi's expression began to become subtle when he saw the settlement posts from old shops such as Jinlin Pavilion and Jinxiufang.

When she was in seclusion, apart from a half-dead elixir shop, there seemed to be no other business in Lingxian Sect...

Why did the Lingxian Sect change its appearance after not coming out for two years?
"Xiao Zhi is out of confinement."

"Oh, you are finally released from seclusion!"

"Save me, senior brother!"

"I can't stand this acting head for another day."

In Feng Ye's explanation, which was full of tears and runny nose, Song Zhi finally learned where the changes in Lingxian Sect in the past two years came from.

First of all, Zhuang Fei, the head of the Zhuang family in the Desert Continent, suddenly announced his identity as a disciple of the Lingxian Sect to the entire Qianhu cultivation world.

He also handed over all the Dingling Pavilions in the Southeast Continent of Dongzhou to the Lingxian Sect as a small tribute to the sect.

Afterwards, the top management of Tingfeng Pavilion came to visit and handed over part of the intelligence business directly to Feng Ye.

Later, the Jishidan Sect sent someone to bring a box of land deeds to the shop, saying that they were giving compensation and apology to Zhao Muyang on behalf of Zhao Chenghui and the Wu family.

It doesn't matter if Zhao Muyang is away, senior brother Feng Ye can take over on his behalf. Therefore, it was only necessary to patrol the sect regularly, pay attention to the cultivation progress of the sect disciples, and Feng Ye who signed the reply to the invitation.

He was forced to take on many unexpected matters.

"Junior sister, senior brother is really feeling bitter!"

"But fortunately you are finally out of seclusion."

"For the position of acting head, it's up to you, junior sister, to do more of your work if you're capable!"

"Senior brother, please leave now!"

Feng Ye let out a small cheer that he was about to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

He couldn't wait to get up and wanted to rush out with great interest, but Song Zhi held the Xuanyuan Sword firmly in his hand.

"Senior brother."

"You may have to work hard for a few more days."

"I left the country this time because of other important matters."

"This matter also has something to do with senior brother."

"After I go to the Desert Continent, maybe senior brother will be able to truly escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

Song Zhi originally planned to make an agreement with Feng Ye to go to the ancient battlefield to hunt for treasure, but unfortunately the plan could not keep up with the change.

She never expected that Feng Ye would be entangled in chores.

If she takes Feng Ye away, it means that there is no one in the Lingxian Sect to take charge of the overall situation.

Therefore, Song Zhi, a serious acting head, must first find someone to take over this task.

And the fourth senior brother Zhuang Fei who started the incident is the best candidate.

If Zhuang Fei doesn't want to, no matter what, there is still the fourth master's sister-in-law Thyme.

Song Zhi made a good calculation.

Probably because she and Feng Ye had too much resentment, Zhuang Pei and Thyme Xiang, who were far away in Desert Continent, unexpectedly sneezed twice.

On the way to Desert Continent, Song Zhi specially turned to Linxian City.

At this time, Linxian City seemed to be the same as before, but in fact, it had changed inside.

The most obvious thing is that passers-by keep calling Qin Weizhong the Lord of the City.

Thinking of the invitations to the city lord's enthronement that had been accumulated in front of the cave gate, Song Zhi knew that the change of power in Linxian City had been completed.

I just don’t know what is happening to Sixth Senior Brother Zhao Muyang at this time.

Since being abducted by Qin Weizhong on the way, Zhao Muyang has not sent out a communication talisman so far.

He has a talkative personality and is insecure.

In the past two years under Qin Weizhong, Zhao Muyang's life was probably not easy.


Song Zhi tried hard to suppress his gloating emotions.

She first wandered around Linxian City and ate in the food street, and then wandered to the entrance of the newly built City Lord's Mansion.

After sending a greeting note to Qin Weizhong Zheng'er Ba Jing, Song Zhi waited outside the door obediently.

Just when she was eye-to-eye with the gatekeeper, waiting for the yellow cauliflower to wither, a high-pitched cry with an obvious cry came from the city lord's mansion.


"Zhizhi, brother's good junior sister!"

"You heartless, bad girl..."

"It's been two years, and you still remember me, your dear senior brother!"

"Do you know that it's been very painful and painful for me to wait for you?"

"Junior sister, senior brother, please take me away!"

"If I stay here any longer, I will be beaten to death if I am not exhausted."

The young Dan Xiu, who came in tears, was wearing a gray robe, with his sleeves rolled up to his forearm boldly.

His cheeks were thin and bloodless, with black bags under his eyes, and he had a sense of desolation that had been ravaged all over his body.

As soon as he saw Song Zhi, Zhao Muyang showed a face of surprise at seeing his relative, crying and laughing, like a ready-made maniac.

Facing Xu Zhao's green eyes, Song Zhi silently showed a confused black face.

Then the problem is coming.

In the past two years, Qin Weizhong, City Master Qin, what has he done to her heartless, innocent and stupid senior brother, what have he done to make people and gods angry? ?

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