Compared with Song Zhi's Golden Pill Thunder Tribulation, Zhao Muyang's seemed much weaker and calmer.

Of course, this is just Song Zhi's perspective.

From the perspective of Zhao Muyang, the party involved in the tribulation, the fifty-four thunder tribulations of the advanced golden elixir were each more powerful than the last, splitting his skin and flesh to pieces and making him dizzy.

If he hadn't experienced actual combat with real swords and guns in Qin Weizhong's mirror of life and death before, he would have developed a body of bronze bones and iron arms.

Zhao Muyang felt that his fragile body would most likely be destroyed by the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation.

When the last golden elixir thunderstorm dissipated, Zhao Muyang, whose hair was turned upside down by the blast, finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

He quickly gathered his breath, changed clothes, and flew towards the shore.

The spirit body in the golden elixir stage is more abundant and powerful than that in the foundation building stage. Zhao Muyang only feels that the whole person is refreshing and has a feeling of being reborn.

He was so high-spirited that as soon as he landed on the shore, he bent down and knelt in front of Qin Weizhong.

"Boy Zhao Muyang, thank you, Senior Qin, for your protection and guidance!"

Zhao Muyang kowtowed three times to Qin Weizhong.

He sincerely thanked Qin Weizhong for his help and encouragement.

Qin Weizhong deserves this half-master gift!
"There is no need for false courtesy."

"Zhao Muyang, I will give you up to seventy years."

"If you haven't refined Yuan Shattering Pill within seventy years."

"When the time comes, don't blame me for being ruthless and taking your life."

Qin Weizhong lowered his eyes slightly and glanced at Zhao Muyang, with no sadness or joy on his face, a look of indifference with a pure heart and few desires.

The words he spoke were murderous and merciless.

Song Zhi frowned slightly, looked up at Qin Weizhong, and murmured something with his red lips.

Before she could speak, her eyes blurred, and she and Feng Ye Zhao Muyang were moved directly outside the mirror of life and death.

Looking at the carved and painted palace in front of them and Xu Zhao looking at him with a smile, Song Zhi and Feng Ye looked at each other with subtle emotions.

To be honest, until now, she was not sure whether Qin Weizhong was an enemy or a friend.

"Xiao Zhao, remember."

"A Zhong only gives you a maximum of seventy years."

"That Broken Yuan Pill is related to Ah Zhong's life and death."

"If you are truly grateful for Ah Zhong's kindness."

"Please be more attentive and refine it as soon as possible."

"On behalf of Ah Zhong, thank you in advance."

Xu Zhao suddenly bowed seriously and saluted, which not only caught Zhao Muyang off guard.

Song Zhi and Feng Ye on the side also looked shocked.

But Xu Zhao's eyes looked pleading, which was completely different from his usual laughter.

Song Zhi and the others felt the urgency of the situation.

"Senior Xu is serious."

"do not worry."

"Even for my own life, I will work harder to refine this Yuan Shattering Pill."

Zhao Muyang first turned his body to avoid Xu Zhao who was saluting, and then responded solemnly.

He was righteous and awe-inspiring, showing a rare serious look, which made him look unexpectedly reliable.

Song Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling novel.

Xu Zhao, who saw Zhao Muyang's inner changes, smiled happily.

"Good boy!"

"I knew Ah Zhong was right to choose you."

"Hehe, okay, I won't disturb the reunion of your senior brothers and sisters."

"See you later, Ang Xiaozhao. By the way, if you have time, remember to refine some more spirit beast pills for me."

"Hey, my confidante really likes it."

Xu Zhao gave Zhao Muyang a "you know" look, and his figure gradually disappeared from the spot.

As soon as he left, Zhao Muyang immediately shed his righteous and awe-inspiring look.

He slumped down on the chair and showed a bitter smile to Song Zhi and Feng Ye, who were looking over.

"Senior brother."

"Junior sister."

"My heart is in pain and I need comfort and love."


Zhao Muyang first stretched out his arms to Song Zhi, asking for a hug.

After seeing that Song Zhi was indifferent, he turned his head and pointed at Feng Ye.

Feng Ye, as a nanny in the Lingxian sect, was famous for her careful and gentle nature.

He had raised Zhao Muyang single-handedly, and they were both father and son and friends. Feng Ye couldn't resist Zhao Muyang's deliberate coquettishness.

Especially after Zhao Muyang had just experienced the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, Feng Ye became even more affectionate towards this junior brother.

"Xiaoyang, it's okay, it's all over."

"You are now a real person, Jin Dan, and you must have the majesty of a real person."

"Don't let the people in the City Lord's Mansion see your joke."

Feng Ye coaxed patiently.

It seems that Zhao Muyang is regarded as a young monk who is not familiar with the world.

Song Zhi was straightforward. She first sent Qin Weizhong a messenger to say goodbye.

He then took out a flying magic weapon and motioned his two senior brothers to come up. They were about to leave for Tongzhou immediately.

Due to her vigorous and resolute operations.

Zhao Muyang didn't even bother to mention the inner demon calamity for a while.

When the three of them flew out of Southeast Continent in a flying boat, Zhao Muyang found Song Zhi awkwardly and prepared to have a private chat.

At that time, Song Zhi was sitting alone on the bow of the boat, drinking by himself, with a small breeze blowing, looking cool and happy.

Meanwhile, Feng Ye was at the stern of the ship, dealing with the monsters he had killed on the way, preparing to use a secret recipe to cook a feast for his junior brothers and sisters.

Zhao Muyang was consolidating his cultivation in the wing.

Seeing that Feng Ye was away and Song Zhi was alone, he immediately thought of the incident in the inner demon world, and his handsome face immediately turned red.


When he attacked the golden elixir, why was his junior sister in the mirror of life and death? !

Ahhhhhh, Senior Qin mistook me! !

"Junior sister."


"When did you stop drinking spiritual tea and drink spiritual wine instead?"

Zhao Muyang came uninvited and quietly approached Song Zhi.

He glanced at the jade pot containing wine, looking like he wanted to drink but didn't dare.

Song Zhi glanced at him, not bothering to watch him act weird.

She turned her wrist and a brand new wine glass appeared in her hand.

"Brother, let's go together."

"No need to talk too much, I understand."

"I wouldn't mind."

"I'm glad you were able to escape your inner demons."

Song Zhi handed a glass of spiritual wine to Zhao Muyang.

Her eyes were gentle and calm, with a clear understanding of everything.

Zhao Muyang's little thoughts were gone in an instant.

He stretched out his hand to scratch his face, and finally took the glass of spiritual wine.

Zhao Muyang knew that Song Zhi meant that after drinking this glass of wine, the inner demon tribulation would be wiped out.


He was always a little reluctant.

"After drinking, senior brother, go to retreat."

"This time the secret realm of the ancient battlefield is opened, there will be immortal weapons from ten thousand years ago."

"The number of Jindan Nascent Souls that went to the ancient battlefield this time is the highest in history."

"This also means that opportunities and risks coexist."

"Senior brother is an alchemy cultivator. If he wants to keep pace with us, he must hone his attack and self-protection techniques."

Time waits for no one.

In half a month, they will arrive at the Tongzhou Ancient Battlefield.

Zhao Muyang, a newly promoted golden elixir, must seize the time to consolidate his cultivation.

During the gap between Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang talking.

Outside the flying boat, several escaping lights or high-level flying magic weapons passed one after another.

Everyone is heading in the same direction.

It can be seen from this that Song Zhi's worries are not groundless.

"it is good."

"I listen to my junior sister."

Zhao Muyang raised his head boldly and drank the spirit wine.

He suppressed the bitterness in his throat and smiled slightly silly at Song Zhi.

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