Tongzhou Ancient Battlefield is located in the Zhongzhou area of ​​Qianhu Cultivation World.

This place was originally the heyday of the first sect, Qianhua Sect, thousands of years ago.

It was later destroyed eight hundred years ago during the catastrophe caused by the evil beard cultivator.

Because there were too many human cultivators and demons who died there.

Therefore, the ancient battlefield is also called the Lost Realm.

Everyone in the world of cultivation knows that the more dangerous the place, the more opportunities there are.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, the ancient battlefield has been full of dangers and murderous intent.

But countless monks are still going forward.

However, there are indeed many treasures left over from the ancient battlefield.

Many famous monks in the outside world benefited from the chance skills left by the ancients, and they soared into the sky and changed their destiny.

Song Zhi drove the spirit boat and first went to Shanyuan City, the only city in Tongzhou.

She asked Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang to replenish necessary items such as talismans and magic weapons in Shanyuan City.

As for herself, she took the Zhuangjiabao token to the branch of Dianling Pavilion to receive a batch of spiritual weapons and magic weapons that she had specially customized before.

"Hey, isn't this Fairy Zhizhi from the Lingxian Sect~"

"What kind of wind has blown you to my little Dingling Pavilion?"

As soon as Song Zhi stepped into Dingling Pavilion, Mao Jingling, who was dressed in red and looked pretty, shook a thin cicada silk fan and said with a joking smile.

Facing Mao Jingling's big, dazzling eyes, Song Zhi smiled politely and held out Zhuangjiabao's first-class pick-up sign to her.

"Sorry, Sister Mao."

Facing Mao Jingling's pretty face that changed color in vain, Song Zhi smiled obediently and confidently.

"It turns out that the batch of strange objects from the hands of the eighth-grade weapon refiner actually belong to Fairy Zhizhi..."

"This is really unexpected!"

"Fairy Song, please come with me. Your goods have been delivered to the main city a long time ago."

"I'm just waiting for the buyer to come and pick up the goods."

Mao Jingling couldn't help but take into account the instructions from the main city when delivering the goods.

In other words, based on the friendship between Song Zhi and the head of the family.

As the general manager and shopkeeper of Diantling Pavilion, it should be easy for her to ask Song Zhi for the right to use those spiritual weapons.

However, before that, she had to figure out how to use those strange spiritual weapons.

After Song Zhi politely thanked him, he followed Mao Jingling silently.

The two of them walked towards the upstairs of the store.

Finally stopped on the fourth floor.

Mao Jingling was seen looking at a round mirror, and then the locked door opened.

Two middle-aged male cultivators with deep and reserved auras were guarding the entrance with their five hearts raised.

After seeing it was Mao Jingling, the two of them just opened their eyes slightly and glanced at Song Zhi, then closed their eyes and continued practicing.

What surprised Song Zhi was that these two Nascent Soul monsters were actually identical twins.

"Senior Feng, Senior Yu."

"I was ordered to come and take the customer to pick up the goods."

"This is the pick-up token. Please check it, two seniors."

Mao Jingling said respectfully and handed over Song Zhi's pick-up token.

Senior Feng scanned it slightly with his spiritual consciousness.

Without seeing any movement from him, the token in Mao Jingling's hand disappeared.

Instead, there was a brown storage bag.

"Let the customer clear the goods."

Senior Yu then said quietly.

Mao Jingling did not dare to neglect, and after responding, she turned to Song Zhi and opened the storage bag.

At this time, a batch of magic weapons and spiritual treasures specially customized by Song Zhi finally appeared in front of people.

If there were modern people here, they would definitely be able to recognize Song Zhi's treasures at a glance.

That black, long, short and powerful strange object is clearly the hottest weapon in the modern world, the famous Japanese pistol.

And those "little potatoes" that imitate the shape of spiritual fruits are powerful cultivation versions of land mines.

There are also battlefield motorcycles driven by spiritual power and spiritual stones, mortar shells tracked and positioned by talismans, etc.

It can be said that Song Zhi could think of all the thermal weapons that the Zhuangjiabao weapon refiner could make, and she had obtained them. "nice one!"

"This quality is worthy of being the proud work of an eighth-grade weapon refiner!"

Song Zhi greedily touched the magic weapon in front of him, feeling that the day of killing everyone and dominating the world was just around the corner.

She was full of energy and reached out to pick up a spear.

Plug in the aura ammo and pull the trigger.

Just hearing a few "da da da" sounds, a row of protective shields in the pickup room broke apart.

This is not counting.

After the ammunition shot through the protective cover, it still continued unabated. It shot directly through the specially reinforced floor. This ammunition was considered to have completed its mission.

This scene.

Not only did it attract the attention of the two Nascent Soul Lords Fengyu and Yu, but it also caused panic in the entire Dianling Pavilion.

"Quick alert!"

"Internal enemy attack detected!!"


Listening to the various arrangements going on downstairs, Song Zhi nodded with satisfaction and put away the storage bag.

"I am very satisfied."

"The balance will be paid soon."

"Please also ask Sister Mao to help me thank Master Jiugong."

Song Zhi smiled and cupped his hands, obviously in a good mood.

Mao Jingling then smiled and agreed to Song Zhi's request.

She rolled her eyes and sent a message to her subordinates to stop the panic.

Then, with a flash of her body, she led Song Zhi to change the world, and the two of them came to the exclusive reception hall of Dingling Pavilion.

Looking at Mao Jingling with a smile on her face, Song Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Sister Mao, is there anything else?"

Song Zhi turned the Lingcha cup, already guessing some of Mao Jingling's intentions.

But she pretended to be confused on her face.

Mao Jingling didn't hide anything and made her intention known immediately.

When she heard what she said, she was willing to share the profit 73% to obtain the production and sales rights for those hot weapons in the world of cultivation.

Song Zhi's expression immediately changed.

"I know that Sister Mao is a businesswoman, and profit comes first."

"I'm also grateful that my sister is interested in this little invention of mine."

"But, forgive me for not agreeing to my sister's request."

"This batch of spiritual treasures and magic weapons are not secrets."

"Sister Mao not only cannot imitate and resell."

"You still have to keep my secret."

"This is what Fourth Senior Brother means."

Song Zhi finally declined Mao Jingling's offer to stay and left Dingling Pavilion with his storage bag.

When she returned to the inn where she was staying, Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang had already returned.

Zhao Muyang was playing with the talismans he purchased with great interest, while Feng Ye took out a batch of spirit fruits and spirit beast meat to store.

Facing their curious eyes, Song Zhi silently took out the cultivation world version of the landmine that looked like a potato.

"There is a huge amount of spiritual energy accumulated inside."

"Throw it hard and the little potatoes will explode."

"The weapon refiner has done experiments. A potato mine can break the protective shield of the Golden Core Realm."

"And seriously injured several monks who have cultivated under the golden elixir."

"The quantity is not much, senior brothers, please take it and cherish it."

"Remember, don't use this thing lightly unless it's a group battle or a crisis."

"Before using it, remember to use the Mountain Drilling Talisman to dig a hole, hold up a protective shield, and hide deep underground first."

As Song Zhi spoke, he distributed the potato mines that had just been warmed up to the two senior brothers one by one.

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