While others are serious about cultivating immortality, I will send their idiots to heaven.

Chapter 223: Picking up the leak? Song Zhi is the professional

After you have decided to purchase all the things you want to use.

Song Zhi then piloted Feiyun Luan and flew to the ancient battlefield with Feng Ye Zhao Muyang.

Tongzhou Shanyuan City is actually thousands of miles away from the ancient battlefield.

Song Zhi spent five top-grade spiritual stones before Fei Yunluan took the three of them to a vast plain outside the ancient battlefield.

At this time, the plain was not crowded with people, but it was still bustling with people.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The human race has always put interests first.

Therefore, the ancient battlefield is such a dangerous and unstable place.

There are still people gathering to set up stalls and sell, and it has evolved into a sizable trading market.

It's just that in this market, the monks selling at the stalls have the lowest cultivation level and are all in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

As people came and went, Song Zhi also keenly detected several Yuanying monks who were hiding their cultivation.

It can be seen from this that in this small market, there are not only hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but also dangers.

Whether he can survive in the ancient battlefield and bring out the opportunity is only the first test.

Avoiding the many high-level monks who were squatting outside the ancient battlefield and trying to take advantage of the situation was the second test.

The monks compete with heaven, spiritual beasts and monsters, and they also have to compete with humans.

Looking back at the many famous high-level monks, the word "struggle" runs through the history of each of them.

This is the true side of the world of cultivation.

"Junior sister, let's go for a walk?"

"Pick it up and leave it out?"

Zhao Muyang was wearing a light green brocade robe and holding a gold-woven cloud fan in his hand.

He was dressed like a dandy, but his peach-blossom eyes held a bit of childishness, making him look just like a boy without the greasy smell of a dandy.

Several female nuns in the market were making secret glances at him, consciously or unconsciously.

It's a pity that Zhao Muyang is blind.

He didn't look at the group of female cultivators at all, he only looked at the stall not far away with great interest.

Song Zhi originally didn't want to go shopping because he was worried about causing unnecessary complications.

But then she thought again, this kind of transaction situation where the golden elixirs gathered together and the Nascent Soul loomed was really rare.

Take a stroll around and you might be able to pick up some good stuff.

After all, she is a woman with a systematic golden finger~
With this in mind, Song Zhi nodded and agreed to Zhao Muyang's proposal.

Although Feng Ye is the oldest, he is the most stable.

But he really dotes on the two little ones.

Therefore, he followed the two of them without any objection, acting as a bodyguard sincerely and scanning the surrounding crowd vigilantly.

Compared with Feng Ye's cautious approach, Zhao Muyang seemed much more relaxed.

He walked at the front, shaking his shiny golden cloud fan, looking at the stalls on the street one by one.

[System, turn on the object recognition scanning function. 】

Song Zhi followed Zhao Muyang while whispering orders in his mind.

Soon, the female matching system gave a timely reply.

【Good host. 】

[The object recognition scanning function is turned on and is limited to 30 minutes. 】

[There are 8 free uses left. 】

[I wish the host a happy experience~]

Song Zhi listened to the slightly angry reply from the female supporting system and looked at the stall in front of him.

Wherever her eyes cast, the functional value of the object there appeared in front of Song Zhi's eyes out of thin air in the form of words.

[The Void Bracelet, an ancient spiritual treasure, a defective product, can be activated by the Yuanying monk with all his strength once, and it can shatter the space and escape instantly. 】【Salty Nightmare Fruit is a seventh-level magic fruit from the Demon Abyss. After swallowing it, it can produce natural demonic energy. It will not be disturbed by the demonic energy for ten years. It is a must-have product for walking in the demon world and pretending to be a demon. 】

[The remnant of the rebound formation is a high-quality product. If repaired, it can be reinforced on any formation to have the miraculous effect of superimposing the damage of rebound attacks. 】

[Nascent Soul Spirit Power Attack Talisman, high-end, a must-have product for fighting evil beasts in secret realms. Apart from being too expensive and obviously robbing people, there are no other problems. 】

[The puppet beast has the advantages of being able to die once for the golden elixir monks. It has the bloodline of ancient beasts and can awaken to the power of heaven. The disadvantages are that it eats a lot and is difficult to feed and serve. Choosing it is equivalent to inviting an ancestor to yourself. 】


The market is not large in scale and will be finished after Song Zhi follows Zhao Muyang.

There are still fourteen minutes left for the object recognition scanning function.

Zhao Muyang didn't know much about goods, so he just went shopping to see and have fun, but Song Zhi silently wrote down the things he wanted to buy and exchange.

"Fellow Taoist, is this the Alchemist Zhao Muyang and Zhao from the Lingxian Sect of Dongzhou Wentian Mountain?"

Just when Zhao Muyang felt that he had found nothing and was about to evacuate, an elderly monk who was setting up a stall suddenly stood up and approached with a face of surprise.

He mentioned Zhao Muyang's identity in a suppressed voice, looking impatient, clearly wanting something else.

Song Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at each other with Feng Ye. Both of them took a deep breath and were secretly on guard.

Zhao Muyang covered half of his face with his fan. He wanted to deny it, but when he received a message from Song Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness, he could only put down his fan and show an awkward smile to the old monk.


"The Xiaodao is indeed Zhao Muyang of the Lingxian Sect."

"I wonder if senior has any advice?"

Zhao Muyang blinked and showed a trace of curiosity, looking without any scheming.

But he glanced calmly at the ancient books on the monk's stall.

Junior sister has spoken.

She took a fancy to the ancient book on rebound formation and asked him to get it.

The junior sister has something to ask for, and as a senior brother, I must ensure that the task is completed!
However, how does the junior sister know that the mediocre ancient book is the remnant book of the rebound formation?
Zhao Muyang suppressed his curiosity and raised his eyes to look at the elderly monk.

This monk looks very old, but his cultivation level is only at the early stage of the Golden Core.

He was dressed in shabby clothes and was as skinny as a stick. He looked more like a downcast beggar than a real Jindan man.

Seeing Zhao Muyang admitting his identity, the old monk's eyes immediately lit up and shined brightly.

He said yes excitedly, and his body couldn't help but get closer.

The next moment, an isolation formation covered Song Zhi and the others.

"The two seniors, I think they are the brothers and sisters of Fellow Daoist Zhao."

"Old Liu Ming, I have met two seniors."

"I don't have any ill intentions. I just want to use all my wealth to exchange for a sixth-grade Bao'e Huanyang Pill with Master Zhao."

"The old man's only granddaughter, Yueyue, was assassinated by his companions when he went out for training a few years ago."

"Fortunately, Yueyue was smart and used the secret treasure to get out of trouble at the last moment and quickly returned to me."

"It's a shame that the gangster was so clever, but Yueyue fell into the trap in the end, and her life hangs by a thread."

"I used the spirit-locking formation to keep Yueyue's last soul. I only hope that I can find a way to wake her up in this life."

"After many inquiries, I finally learned about the existence of the Sixth-Rank Bao'e Yang-Returning Pill."

"I got reliable information from the Tingfeng Pavilion that Master Zhao of the Lingxian Sect can refine this Bao'e Yang Pill."

"I originally thought that I would have to spend more time and energy, leave my hometown, and travel across mountains and rivers before I could get to the Lingxian Sect to meet you, Master Zhao. I never thought that it would be better to choose the right day than to hit the sun."

"You and I are so destined to meet here. I am really, really happy!"

Liu Ming said with emotion, his old eyes turned red.

He really felt that his granddaughter was saved, and he cried with joy.

Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang only felt sleepy, and someone gave them pillows.

Thank you to my friends who have been voting for me. I really appreciate it. Because both hands were burned, it is a bit difficult to code, so for those who are following the article and subscribing, I recommend reading it during the day. It’s all text during the day.

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