"It's a coincidence that I still have one of these sixth-grade Bao'e Returning Yang Pills here."

"This was made from an impromptu fight with others when I participated in the Alchemy League competition."

"Senior, look, what treasure did you exchange for this elixir?"

"If the exchange item exceeds the value of this elixir, I can also give you two medium-grade elixirs."

Zhao Muyang said with a smile, not shy about trading with others.

The old Taoist was instantly overjoyed.

If the person who exchanged elixirs with him was another monk.

Liu Ming had no choice but to talk hard and bargain with the other party.

But the person who changed the pill was Zhao Muyang, a sixth-grade alchemist, so he had to show some sincerity.

"Master Zhao, please accept this storage bag."

"What's inside is all my savings since I entered Taoism."

"It's not much, just a token of appreciation."

"The most important thing for the veteran is to create a safe route map after entering the ancient battlefield."

"By the way, Master Zhao, let's take a look at this ancient book. It records the ancient rebound formation."

"Although it is a remnant, after review, it can maintain the formation under the golden elixir, and its power is tripled."

"It's perfect for Master Zhao to use it, and this ancient book was brought out by me from the ancient battlefield."

"The reason why I was able to escape unscathed was because of the exploration route map passed down from my family."

"With this route, after entering the ancient battlefield, Master Zhao and the other three can avoid the intrusion of the ferocious evil spirits and enter the ruins of the Qianhua Sect safely."

"It should be noted that in the Qianhu cultivation world, the last ascended monk came from the Qianhua Sect."

"Some people say that the old site of Qianhua Sect hides the secret of stepping through the void and ascending to the upper world!"

"I think that's why Master Zhao and the two seniors came here, right?"

Liu Ming said with a mysterious face.

It can be seen that although his life is approaching and his path is determined, he still yearns for the secrets and opportunities in the ancient battlefield.

However, this is also human nature.

Zhao Muyang and Song Zhi did not have any doubts in their old hearts.

After Zhao Muyang used his spiritual consciousness to count the rich storage bags, he turned back and communicated with Song Zhi and Ye Zhihai.

After the three people exchanged their opinions, Zhao Muyang nodded and agreed to the deal that was delivered to his door.

When exchanging goods, Zhao Muyang and Liu Ming each made an oath of inner demons.

After the contract is completed, the transaction also means that it is successfully completed.

Looking at the remnants of the rebound formation, Song Zhi showed a satisfied smile.

"Brother, you did a good job!"

"Keep up the good work."


In this way, under Song Zhi's secret guidance, Zhao Muyang's acting skills exploded, and he successfully won several of Song Zhi's favorite goods by acting as a rich man or by having various scarce high-grade elixirs in stock.

When Zhao Muyang's identity was exposed and he was being watched and befriended by others, Song Zhi silently left the crowd and walked to the last stall at the end of the street.

The owner of this stall is a tall female nun with a graceful figure and wearing a black cloak.

The looming demonic energy made her demonic identity obvious.

"No exchange."

"I just want an oath from the inner demon and a promise to find someone?"

Song Zhi stood in front of the stall and softly read the requirements on the sign.

She looked at the four salty nightmare melons placed on the stall, and her heart fell into a war between heaven and man.

Reason made Song Zhi immediately turn around and leave.

After all, swearing a demonic oath to a demon clan is a bit of a recipe for irritation for a righteous monk.

But Song Zhi couldn't help but hesitate because of his greed for Salty Nightmare Fruit.

"Fairy, do you want salty nightmare melon?"

A slightly rough female voice came from the cloak, breaking the peace of the world.

Song Zhi looked up and unexpectedly couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

She didn't care and just nodded slightly, indicating that she did have a tendency to trade. The female demon cultivator immediately glanced up and down at Song Zhi, as if she was evaluating and examining Song Zhi's credibility and ability.

When they swept to Zhao Muyang, who was being highly praised by a group of golden elixir monks not far away, the demon female cultivator made up her mind.

"what's your name?"

"If you want to take away a salty nightmare melon, you only need to swear an oath to me and promise to help me find the person in the mirror image after entering the Lost Land of the Ancient Battlefield."

"You don't have to find it."

“You just have to look hard for it.”

"Of course, if I can find him and bring him out successfully, I will offer more and better rewards."

"What do you think, fairy?"

When the demon female cultivator mentioned the word "fairy", her voice was a little unclear.

She didn't seem to want to address her as a human monk with respect, but she had no choice but to endure it because of her need to ask for help.

Feeling the resistance and patience coming from the other party, Song Zhi stared carefully at the appearance of the person in the mirror.

This is a handsome, extremely masculine adult man.

From his indifferent eyes, it can be seen that this person has lived for at least a thousand years.

This man put one hand behind his back, turned slightly sideways and looked back, with his eyelids lowered, giving him a condescending look.

Not only does he look domineering, he also looks majestic and noble.

On the side of the mirror, Su Yuan's name appeared clearly.


This name alone revealed an extraordinary quality, which quickly aroused Song Zhi's alarm.

She immediately started brainstorming, trying to find the existence of Su Yuan in her past life memories.

But what made Song Zhi relieved was that the word Su Yuan did not appear in her memory and what she saw and heard.

Maybe he's just a passerby with a strong sense of presence, right?

Song Zhi thought in his heart and finally decided to complete the deal.

Just looking for someone, not seducing someone.

She can do this business!

After reaching a consensus with the witch stall owner, Song Zhi immediately solemnly made the inner demon oath.

After the contract was completed, the stall owner took out a fig-shaped salty melon and handed it to her carefully.

"This fruit is so delicate that it will disappear once it hits the ground."

"If you have a spirit-locking treasure box, you can put the Salty Nightmare Melon in the box to preserve it."

"Also please fairy, remember your agreement with me."

"If you see Su Yuan, please be sure to take him out of the secret realm."


When Song Zhi relied on the golden finger of the system and Zhao Muyang's excellent social skills, he almost swept away all the treasures he was interested in and successfully picked up the missing ones.

At the entrance of this market, Su Zhi's group of people who came out of the ancient battlefield were belatedly arriving.

"Junior Brother Gu."

"Now we have left the dangerous place safely."

"Then you and I will act separately for the time being."

"There are still two days until the core secret realm of the ancient battlefield is opened."

"In these two days, let's each look for our own opportunities."

"What do you and Junior Sister Su think?"

Yao Yuan, the one with the highest cultivation level among the small team of Han Yuan Sect, turned around and spoke quietly to Gu Zichen and Su Zhi.

He seemed to be asking, but actually he was announcing.

When leaving the fierce place, Su Zhi stood motionless and failed to defend herself against the enemy in time.

So much so that his junior sister was implicated and died tragically at the hands of the evil spirit.

No matter how loyal Yao Yuan was to the Han Yuan Sect, he couldn't help but scold his mother in his heart at this moment, feeling disgusted with stupidity.

In short, he really doesn’t want to serve Su Zhi, the sect’s junior sister and Hanjian Peak’s treasure!

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