Chapter 228: Eat my potato thunder
"Killing and stealing goods is either for profit or seeking revenge!"

"Boy, you and I know things well, why do you need to wait with me and pretend to be stupid?"

"Let me tell you, you are obviously stalling for time and trying to escape!"

"Everyone, please don't fall into this kid's trap!"


"As long as you kill the three of them, not only will there be a lot of treasures, but the high-grade elixirs in the hands of the sixth-grade alchemist Zhao Muyang will also be countless."

"Isn't this deal as convenient and safe as walking through dire straits in the secret realm of the ancient battlefield?"

One of the monks who killed Feng Ye's three men held his throat and shouted in a high-pitched voice.

Not that no one was aware of the flirtatious meaning in this man's words.

But this man's voice had the ability to bewitch.

Even the golden elixir monks who had a solid Taoist heart couldn't help but feel hot and lost their usual reason.

Feng Ye, a disciple of the Lingxian Sect, has a sword heart and holds the Xuanyuan Sword, the divine sword inherited by the Emperor of Humanity.

Both of these are good things that make people jealous.

As for Song Zhi, his predecessor was from the Hanyuan Sect, the largest sect, and his former master was the current swordsman Fu Boshan.

Now he is a closed disciple of the old Lingxian sect, gathering honor and favor.

You don't need to think too much to know that she must have countless treasures.

As for Zhao Muyang, the newly-promoted sixth-grade alchemist who has become famous a while ago...

There was no need for him to say more.

Although they respect the alchemy master, if they take the elixir inventory of a sixth-grade alchemy master.

It doesn't matter whether the alchemist himself is dead or alive.

The huge benefits prompted dozens of Jindan monks to madly attack Song Zhi and the others with their eyes shining brightly.

As sword cultivators, Song Zhi and Feng Ye were fierce in combat and could fight enemies across ranks, but they couldn't withstand the tactics of a sea of ​​people using all their means.

Song Zhi escaped a spiritual talisman attack.

She retreated behind Feng Ye, panting slightly, and finally decided to release her killer Tianji Lost Formation, trapping and killing the enemies with her golden fingers.

But what horrified Shang Song Zhi was that she couldn't release the Mysterious Formation.

"Sixth Brother, do you have the teleportation talisman?"

"Try to see if you can activate it!"

After trying three times and finding that the lost formation was still ineffective, Song Zhi decisively stopped.

Before coming to the ancient battlefield, Song Zhi had checked it out and said that the spiritual environment of the ancient battlefield was different from the outside world.

Many magic weapons, formations, talismans, etc. that are popular in the outside world will fail from time to time.

Song Zhi was worried that they were encountering this situation now.

Zhao Muyang didn't ask any questions after hearing this, and immediately crushed an intermediate teleportation talisman.

It stands to reason that the moment the teleportation talisman was shattered, Song Zhi and the others should have been teleported away.

But at this time, Zhao Muyang and the other three were still standing still.


"Let's go together!"

"They encountered the spirit realm law of eliminating spirits!"

Someone noticed with sharp eyes the embarrassing appearance of Song Zhi and the others.

He immediately burst out laughing, holding a magic weapon, and rushed towards Song Zhi and the others together with everyone.

Seeing the many monks swarming in like locusts, Song Zhi became numb.

"Two senior brothers, quickly put up the protective shield and dig a hole to hide!"

"I'm going to use our big killer weapon!"

Song Zhi took a deep breath, with an expression of pity on his face, but his eyes were cold and ruthless.

She sent a message to Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang to know the sea.

After seeing the two people quickly diving into the ground, Song Zhi immediately took out three potato mines.

"Dare to take my idea..."

"Today, I will make it impossible for you to come back!" Song Zhi snorted coldly and scolded her softly. She quickly threw the landmine in her hand at the rushing crowd.

These monks are not stupid enough to catch thunder with their bare hands.

But there are always those who are foolish and bold who are not afraid of death and think they can compete with Song Zhi.

I saw a male cultivator with perfect golden elixir, floating in the air, showing a arrogant expression looking down on the world.

Facing the landmine that was about to fall in front of him, he confidently launched a spiritual light ball.

His original intention was to wrap the unknown object with spiritual light.

Unexpectedly, when Ling Guang first came into contact with the potato mine, the yellow round egg exploded with a bang.

A huge wave of air swept away the crowd instantly.

The compressed and purified essence of spiritual power quickly swept through every approaching object.

Not afraid of life and death, regardless of cultivation.

The spiritual energy wave exploded by the landmine directly attacks without distinction.

The three landmine bombs thrown by Song Zhi not only caused the ground in the area to shake, but also caused the spiritual realm to collapse. Dozens of Jindan monks were killed and injured.

The Shui Jing Gate, which was not far away, was also affected. It was on the verge of falling and finally shattered with a crash.

Seeing this scene, the remaining golden elixir monks immediately screamed in shock and anger.

The water mirror door is broken and the entrance disappears.

Doesn't it mean that even if they return from the ancient battlefield with a full load, they can't go out...

"Little bitch, what magic tricks have you used?"

"Destroy the entrance to my water mirror and I will kill you!"

The golden elixir monk who managed to escape angrily wiped the blood from his mouth and charged towards Song Zhi with his sword raised.

But at this time, Song Zhi had already used the invisibility charm to become invisible.

Probably the powerful pressure of the air wave destroyed the laws of the secret place, so Song Zhi's talisman could be used normally again.

Song Zhi didn't even look at the monks who were charging towards her. She swayed and appeared in front of several monks who were lying on the ground.

Song Zhi raised his sword and lowered his hand with a look of indifference.

The seriously injured monk died.

In just a few breaths, seven of the monks lying on the ground died.

Everyone was horrified for a moment and became alert.

But at this time, Song Zhi did not hesitate to tear up the concealment talisman and reveal himself in front of everyone.

She floated in mid-air, staring coldly at a group of unscrupulous monks who were trapped in the mysterious formation without realizing it, and decisively issued the order to kill them.

She said that.

Anyone who comes without any reason will be punished by her!
"Junior sister, are you okay?"

When the Mysterious Formation was killing unscrupulous monks, Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, who were hiding underground, also crawled out together.

They stood beside Song Zhi, with the same indifference on their faces.

Song Zhi shook his head gently.

After using the formation secret realm to crush the last monk's head, she put away the formation and fell to the ground.

"We were probably targeted by this group of people early on."

"Come to think of it, this is not the only group of unscrupulous monks who are targeting us."

"The ancient battlefield is not only difficult to guard against evil spirits, but also unpredictable in people's hearts."

"Two senior brothers, to show our friendship as fellow disciples, we will not let others take advantage of us."

"Before we officially set off, I need the three of us to make an oath to each other never to backstab each other."

"I hope my brothers will understand."

Song Zhi looked at the two senior brothers calmly, with a slight coldness in his tone.

At this moment, she reveals her true side of doubt and self without hesitation.

Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang looked at each other.

Both of them were caught off guard, and felt that this situation was extremely reasonable.

After all, their junior sister is not a delicate female fairy like other sects.

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