"I, Zhao Muyang, swear to heaven!"

"If during this trip to the ancient battlefield, I dare to backstab my junior sister Song Zhi and my senior brother Feng Ye in the slightest."

"I will be punished to die on the spot, and my body will disappear!"

Zhao Muyang was stunned for a moment, and then he took the oath seriously.

Feng Ye followed suit and swore with an expression of understanding and respect.

After the two of them finished speaking, Song Zhi also followed their words and swore an oath to them.

Suddenly, three marks fell on the souls of the three people.

The three of them knew that their demonic vows had been accepted by heaven.

Once they violate their oath, Heaven will punish them as promised according to the content of the oath.

"Thank you two senior brothers for understanding and obeying me."

"Okay, no more unnecessary nonsense."

"Fifth Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, come here while no one is around."

"Let's go collect our loot~"

Song Zhi looked at the dead monk with fiery eyes and a hint of excitement in his tone.

That's great!

Before the official search for experience, someone sent their life savings and a large amount of treasures.

She is willing to do this costless business several more times!

"it is good!"

"Hehe, I want to see what treasures these scum have left for us, who slaughtered us like fat sheep?"

Zhao Muyang is the most positive about this kind of thing.

He chuckled lightly, put two golden armor talismans on his body, and rushed towards the Dan Furnace Artifact Spirit that appeared.

Seeing his cheerful "gold rush", Song Zhi and Feng Ye were not to be outdone, and both rushed into the previous battle circle.

Zhao Muyang focused on picking up treasures and collecting storage bags, while Feng Ye and Song Zhi mainly focused on examining the identity of the unscrupulous monks.

"Junior sister, these people look familiar to me."

"They are second-class killers from the Qingfeng Escort Bureau. They specialize in killing people, selling goods, and avenging others."

When Song Zhi was holding the found token and was thinking, Feng Ye, who was not far away, suddenly sent a voice message to her from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Song Zhi was shocked and flew over quickly.

After some comparison and verification, she agreed with Feng Ye's statement.

"It's just a pity that we can't find out who the employer is."

Looking at the dead escort killers, Feng Ye sighed slightly.

Song Zhi didn't take it seriously.

She has always believed in the principle that when soldiers come, they will be blocked, and when water comes, the earth will cover them up.

The person who hired her to kill her will reveal his true colors sooner or later.

"Senior brother, the three of us were robbed and killed."

"Things may not be as simple as they appear."

"On those dead people, I not only found the tokens of disciples of famous sects such as Fushan Gate and Yuqing Palace."

"I also found three monsters and two demons."

"It seems as if the entire world of cultivation is against us."

Song Zhi showed Feng Ye one by one the many tokens he had found, and his tone was very solemn.

Hearing this, Feng Ye was shocked and stared at the token on the ground with a solemn face.

There was a flash of worry in his eyes, as if he knew something unknown.

But in the end, Feng Ye only comforted Song Zhi and didn't say much.

Song Zhi didn't pay attention either.

Because at this time, Zhao Muyang, who had finished searching the body, was holding dozens of storage bags and happily sharing them with her.

Looking at the storage bags and many magic weapons of different sizes and classes, Song Zhi felt happy and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction of a great harvest.

"Fifth Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, let's finish dividing these things before leaving."

Song Zhi shouted, and Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang came over obediently.

After the apportionment was completed, the three people, who looked satisfied, remembered what they had to do. "Junior sister, you said earlier that there is a chance that this ancient battlefield in Tongzhou could be suitable for me."

"Then where should we go next?"

Wearing a suit of black soft armor, Feng Ye, who looked heroic and heroic, pursed his lips and asked.

He was so straightforward that Song Zhi did not delay and immediately took out the map of the ancient battlefield given by Jindan monk Liu Ming.

This map is not detailed. Except for the safe route mentioned by Liu Ming, there are only a few large-character location signs elsewhere.

But this map was of great help to Song Zhi.

"Senior brother, let's see."

"This direction is the Qianhua Sect we are going to."

"The opportunity I mentioned is within the old site of Qianhua Sect."

"But whether senior brother can come out on top in the end and win the opportunity depends on senior brother's luck and ability."

Song Zhi said with a smile, giving Feng Ye a dose of vaccination in advance.

It is one thing that she is willing to take them to the ancient battlefield to seize the opportunity.

Can Feng Ye grab it?

This is another story.

In this regard, Feng Ye followed the good advice and did not feel anything was wrong.

Song Zhi was willing to help him out of friendship.

This is already a huge kindness. If he is ungrateful, he will only try to take advantage of it.

Then his sword heart is considered to have been cultivated in vain.

"Don't worry, junior sister, success or failure is my own business."

"I will never take my anger out on you."

"Junior sister, if you have any plans, you can arrange it as much as you can."

Feng Ye said solemnly, calming Song Zhi's heart.

With his words, Song Zhi no longer had any scruples.

"It's the best thing for senior brother to think so."

"Then, two senior brothers, please feel free to follow me boldly!"

"In addition to this map, Junior Sister, I also have a magic weapon to guide you."

"Fifth senior brother has already experienced the power of this magic weapon once when he was in the corpse cave in Desert Continent."

Song Zhi said pointedly.

She was in high spirits and felt more relaxed than ever before.

Before Feng Ye could reply, Song Zhi issued instructions to the female supporting system in his mind.

[System, enable [Secure Channel]. 】

[The [Safe Channel] function has been turned on, host please proceed with confidence. 】

As soon as the system's mechanical voice finished speaking, a green arrow appeared under Song Zhi's feet.

Following the direction marked by the arrow, Song Zhi stepped forward casually.

Feng Ye had already recalled the experience of hiding the corpse cave, but he didn't know why before.

Now that Song Zhi had punctured the window paper, he immediately knew why they were able to successfully escape from the corpse cave.

As expected, it was the junior sister who activated the secret treasure and unleashed her divine power!
"The corpse cave in Desert Continent?"

"Hey, brothers and sisters, what happened to you in the corpse cave?"

"Why have I never heard you mention it?"

Seeing Song Zhi and Feng Ye's tacit smiles, Zhao Muyang immediately stopped.

He followed Song Zhi closely, full of curiosity about what happened in the Desert Continent.

Song Zhi didn't want to pay attention to him, but Feng Ye, who was beside him, was rarely interested in talking and briefly told what happened in the corpse cave.

The group of three people walked and talked, stumbling around in the ancient battlefield.

The route seems chaotic and disorganized.

Unexpectedly, Song Zhi actually led Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, avoiding the evil spirits floating everywhere, and officially entered the inner layer of the battlefield ruins.

"Junior sister! There is someone fighting in front of you!" (End of this chapter)

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