As soon as Song Zhi and the others stepped into the inner circle of the ancient battlefield site, Feng Ye saw the fierce battle not far away with sharp eyes.


Song Zhi knew both sides of the war.

Isn't it the female protagonist Su Zhi, the male protagonist Gu Zichen, and the young master of Fangzhou City, Lan Yu, who took the initiative to form a team with her outside the ancient battlefield?
Glimpse the green arrow, pointing in the other direction.

Song Zhi knew that the three of them could not go to where that group of people were.

"Junior sister, it's Jiuyou Tongxinlian!"

"Take it orally on an empty stomach to achieve perfect progression."

"It can avoid the intrusion of inner demons and avoid the calamity of inner demons, and it can also provide the essence of spiritual energy to help users advance quickly."

"The higher the cultivation level of the user, the better the effectiveness of this product."

"Fifth Senior Brother, Junior Sister, you guys said, if we get hold of such a treasure, we can bring it back to the sect and present it to Master."

"Isn't it safe for Master to advance to become a god?"

You know, when Yuan Ying advances to become a god, if he doesn't do it well, he will go crazy and die on the spot!

The higher the cultivation level of a monk, the more powerful and vicious the inner demon tribulation will be.

If he could capture the slowly blooming Nine Nether Tongxinlian, Master Liu Yuyin would be able to leave the seclusion early and shock the world with his power of becoming a god.

Zhao Muyangguang couldn't help but tremble with excitement when he thought about the scene of chickens and dogs ascending to heaven.

Feng Ye on the side heard him mention his master, and his sharp eyes became hot.

Among the three, only Song Zhi looked calm and did not show any signs of coveting.

Of course she knew that Jiuyou Tongxinlian was a good thing.

But the problem is that the guardian beast of Jiuyou Tongxinlian, the Star Devouring Bee, also knows this.

The Mac paniculata swaying in the green lake has thick branches, big leaves and full flowers.

You can tell at first glance that it has been carefully cared for.

This is obviously something with an owner.

It's ridiculous that Su Zhi and Lan Yu are a group of people, but whoever sees it first will have the right to pick it first.

On the territory of the Star Eater Bee, a war is going on.

"Junior sister, Mactropis paniculata is almost in full bloom!"

"If it is not picked in time, the mahogany paniculata will wither automatically after an hour and lose all its effectiveness."

"Junior sister, are we really not going to come?"

Now take advantage of the opportunity and rob someone while they are still alive.

In Zhao Muyang's opinion, it is completely feasible.

Zhao Muyang was so anxious that his voice was a little unstable.

But Song Zhi on the side remained calm and indifferent.

"Little junior sister, something seems wrong."

"I detected a powerful and furious coercion, which is rushing towards this direction."

"Looking at his spiritual pressure, he doesn't look like someone who has great power..."

"Could it be! Is this the guardian beast of the Nine Nether Tongxinlian?"

Feng Ye has more experience and knowledge than Zhao Muyang.

Feng Ye came up with the key points that Song Zhi had not mentioned before using his brain a little.

After realizing the danger of this place, Feng Ye's covetousness for Jiuyou Tongxinlian quickly dissipated.

Star-Eating Bee, that is the legendary ninth-level monster.

Not to mention one him, even ten of him would not be a match for this Star Devourer Bee.

"Sixth Senior Brother, stop looking."

"Let's go quickly."

"If the ink continues, we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

Song Zhi took a deep look at Su Zhi, who was protected by Gu Zichen behind him.

She narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, having a battle between heaven and man in her heart, and finally gave up her plan to use the heaven-level tracking formation to take advantage of the situation to kill Su Zhi.

When she came up with the idea of ​​assassinating the heroine, a suffocating feeling shrouded in murderous intent quickly rose from her body.

Song Zhi couldn't even describe the feeling of heart palpitations accurately in words.


It's God who doesn't allow her to kill Su Zhi!

Song Zhi closed his eyes slightly and quickly figured out the origin of this feeling. She filed her teeth unwillingly, and finally led Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang to retreat decisively.

At this time, on the shore of Bihu Lake, Gu Zichen relied on his strong strength and a life-threatening sword with brilliant light to finally kill Lan Yu, who had caused the dispute.

When it was the turn of Lan Zhi's beauty Zhi Yan, Gu Zichen looked hesitant and could not bear it.

He remembered that earlier, when the young master of Fangzhou City stepped forward to challenge them, intending to snatch the Nine Nether Tongxinlian.

This girl named Zhi Yan'er once pulled Lan Yan's sleeve and whispered persuasion.

Although her final persuasion was fruitless, she did not stop Lan Yu.

But Gu Zichen thought that he wanted to accept this love.

"You go."

"I only kill those who deserve to be killed."

Gu Zichen held up a beautiful sword flower and put away the Changming Sword.

He said in a deep voice, with a graceful and majestic air.

In Zhi Yan'er's eyes, Gu Zichen, who spared her life, was simply her reincarnated hero.

"My dear daughter, thank you Mr. Gu for not killing me."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Gu, my daughter will never tell anyone about today's incident."

"I'm leaving now. Mr. Gu, please pick the lotus as soon as possible."

"I heard from Lan Yan that after the Macintosh paniculata is fully bloomed, if it is not picked in time, it will automatically wither after an hour."

"Treasures are rare, please take care of yourself, Mr. Gu."

Zhi Yan'er said softly, stood up and quickly retreated.

She is just one of the many concubines of Lan De.

After racking her brains and brains, and practicing diligently, she reached the early stage of Golden Elixir.

She still has a bright future ahead of her.

But you can't die here just because of a man.

While Zhi Yan'er was thankful that she was lucky enough to escape the disaster today, she turned around and flew back as if running away.

Just when she thought she had really saved her life, a spiritual arrow, carrying powerful spiritual pressure, suddenly hit Zhi Yan'er in the back of the heart.

Zhi Yan'er's eyes widened and she couldn't breathe.

He just died with his eyes open.

Not far away, Gu Zichen's shocked scream suddenly sounded: "Little junior sister, what are you doing?!"

"I have spared her life, why do you want to take her life?"

"She didn't do anything, why are you so, so..." aggressive?

Gu Zichen said in shock and anger, intending to say something unpleasant, but he was thinking about his friendship with Su Zhi.

He looked helpless and heartbroken, showing his indecisive side vividly.

In response, Su Zhi showed a calm expression and said calmly: "Senior brother, you don't have to take into account my feelings."

"If you want to scold me, then scold me."

"I know what I did was very vicious and sinister."

"But senior brother."

"I'm also thinking about all of us."

"Not to mention that if you kill the young master of Fangzhou City, you will have a great feud with the master of Fangzhou City and attract endless revenge. Even if we kill the young master of Fangzhou City, we cannot let outsiders know the existence of this Nine Nether Tongxinlian."

"Once it gets out."

"Not to mention the endless trouble, our lives may also be in danger!"

"So, I personally think that Zhi Yan'er can't be kept."

Su Zhi seemed to be explaining, but in fact she was trying to win people's hearts.

Currently, there are only four Jindan disciples sent by Hanyuan Sect to train with her.

Before, she used the excuse to go to the outskirts of the battlefield to practice with the demonic Yin spirits to improve her cultivation. In fact, she was following the instructions of the Sky-Swallowing Pot to collect scattered fragments.

Because the evil spirit was so ferocious and powerful, five people died on the spot.

Thinking about it carefully, this is really a big loss for her.

In order to successfully enter the core site of Hu Sui's death.

Next, she must perform well and try to win over the hearts of the four golden elixir disciples, so that she can gradually become the backbone of the training team.

Only in this way can she have the right to speak and specify the site and direction she wants to go. (End of chapter)

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