Chapter 231, Su Zhi’s opportunity
Su Zhi has her own plans, and after experiencing so many changes, she has made some progress.

It's a pity that compared to a veteran like Song Zhi who has been reborn for three generations, she has some experience and knowledge behind her.

When she passed Gu Zichen and approached the Jiuyou Tongxinlian with excitement on her face, ready to pick the lotus flowers, a small buzzing sound suddenly sounded in her ears.

Su Zhi still didn't understand why, but Gu Zichen and Yao Yuan on the shore had already reacted.

"Junior sister, retreat quickly!"

"It's the guardian beast of Jiuyou Tongxinlian, the Star Devouring Bee!"

Star Eater Bees are small in size, but large in size.

One has the golden elixir Dzogchen cultivation level.

At this time, the Star Devouring Bees rushed straight towards them, a dark swarm, at least hundreds of them.

They only have six Golden Core cultivators, and facing hundreds of Golden Core-stage Star Devouring Bees is no different than seeking death.

Escape is the best option!

It's a pity that although Su Zhi had done some cramming to popularize it, she knew the location of the Star Eater Bee.

But she had no real idea.

Now her heart and eyes are full of Jiuyou Tongxinlian.

The Tiantian Pot Artifact Spirit said that as long as she took down the Macintosh paniculata.

After taking it, her cultivation level will not only increase to the level of Golden Elixir Perfection.

Her chaotic five spiritual roots can also be purified to enhance her overall qualifications.

How could Su Zhi be willing to give up such a treasure that combines the aura of heaven and earth?
She had heard Gu Zichen's warning, but Su Zhi still decided to give it a try.

"Tuntian help me!"

Su Zhi quickly threw a mesh-shaped magic weapon towards the oncoming peak group.

This is a spirit-dispelling net that specifically restricts monsters and spiritual beasts.

In the past, Su Zhi used it to achieve success, but today she suffered a misfortune.

As soon as the net was opened and propped up, the swarm of bees, with thousands of red eyes, buzzed and swarmed, smashing the magic weapon to pieces.

Fortunately, Su Zhi didn't expect the magic weapon to work.

She was just competing for her own time to pick the Mac paniculata.

But the Star Devouring Bee came with such ferocity that Su Zhi simply couldn't pick it up.

At the critical moment, Su Zhi had an idea.

She quickly tightened the blooming petals, bent her neck and quickly stuffed it into her mouth, and then swallowed.

Jiuyou Tongxinlian, which had been guarded by the Star Devouring Bee for hundreds of years, just took advantage of Su Zhi.

"Damn despicable humans!"

"Kill her and take back the Macintosh paniculata..."

"Oh my god, I'm so angry. I'm so angry!"

When Su Zhi swallowed the Macintosh paniculata, the buzzing in her ears immediately turned into a language she could understand and reached her ears.

Su Zhi was filled with surprises as she unleashed a powerful isolation formation.

She did this not to avoid the Star-Eating Bee, but to cover up the appearance of the Sky-Swallowing Pot Artifact Spirit.

After she designed to kill Gong Wujun, she recovered the remaining soul of the Sky-Swallowing Pot from his body and merged with the weapon spirit.

The weapon spirit became more and more powerful.

In the past, it could only identify who was lucky enough to make friends with them, or it could anger them and cause them to lose control of their emotions.

In this way, the weapon spirit can find the luck gap and absorb it successfully.

But now, the weapon spirit doesn't need to be like this.

As long as it wants, as long as her master wants it.

The Heaven Swallowing Pot Artifact Spirit can display its divine power, appear in front of people, and use its innate divine power to suck out the target's luck and even flesh and blood.


"Junior sister, this ancient battlefield doesn't seem to be as scary and prosperous as the rumors say."

"We've been walking for so long, but not a single evil spirit has been seen."

"We haven't seen any of the rumored magical weapons and spiritual treasures that have fallen into power!"

In a narrow valley, Zhao Muyang, who was following Song Zhi closely, scanned the surroundings vigilantly and kept talking.

Song Zhi rolled his eyes at him, not bothering to pay attention to his naivety and stupidity, and just followed the green arrow and ran straight towards safety. She was not walking randomly, but following the route map given by Liu Ming.

But Liu Ming's road map is not as safe as he said.

If it weren't for the [Safe Channel] being so reliable.

Half an hour ago, Song Zhi and the others almost fell into a trap and ran to the sideburn beast's lair.

Fortunately, Song Zhi changed his route in advance, otherwise, they might have fought a bloody battle now.

"Xiaoyang, don't talk nonsense."

"Where is the ancient battlefield that is not dangerous?"

"It's obviously the power of the little junior sister's spiritual treasure that has led us to avoid danger and be relatively safe."

"As for the prosperity you mentioned..."

"Five hundred years ago, there were indeed many treasures in this core site that was opened in a hundred years. The predecessors left behind several inheritance tests, or they were entrusted by the gods."

"But that was all five hundred years ago."

"At that time, the access rights to the ancient battlefield were only in the hands of the six major sects."

"Of course these good things, both overt and covert, have been looted by the six major sects a long time ago."

"Calculating the time, this time the core secret realm is opened, it is the eighth time in the ancient battlefield."

"On the sixth and seventh times, it is said that the demon race and half of the human monks swarmed in."

"As a result, the ancient battlefield was looted, and we don't know what changes happened. It only requires foundation building to enter the cultivation standard."

"Suddenly, it only accommodates golden elixirs."

Feng Ye said lightly, with obvious sigh and disapproval on his face.

Zhao Muyang on the side was astonished when he heard this, and sometimes he would punch his fists and lament, looking like a drama queen.

Song Zhi, who was walking at the front, suddenly looked up and looked out of the valley after carefully checking the route map.

"Junior sister, what's wrong?"

Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang didn't know why, but they stopped obediently.

Zhao Muyang asked nervously. The next moment, he saw Song Zhi holding his breath and carefully stepping back.

"Junior sister, are there high-level monsters outside the valley?"

Feng Ye followed suit and his movements were extremely skillful.

As he stepped back, he sent a voice message to Song Zhi Shihai and asked.

Song Zhi blinked lightly and shook his head slowly.

Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang heard her red lips move slightly: "It's not a monster."

"It's an isolation formation and a temporary cave with a large number of people!"

"I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend. It's better to be careful. It's best for us to withdraw first."

The most important thing is that the [Safe Passage], which was obviously a green arrow, turned into a blood-red high-risk color at that moment.

No matter how stupid Song Zhi is, he should understand the warning diagram of [Safe Passage].

"But junior sister, according to the route map, after leaving the valley, we will reach the back mountain of Qianhua Sect!"

If they exit the valley, they will have to spend more time and energy taking a long detour to find their way again.

Zhao Muyang read with some reluctance.

Song Zhi gave a soft "hmm", and the three of them kept the same frequency, and finally ran out without any danger.

"Fifth Senior Brother, where can you still find the Thousand Miles Bee that Senior Yan Lin gave you?"

"If there is, please trouble me, senior brother, to use the Thousand Miles Bee to detect the movement."

"If we can figure out the identity of that group of people, we can go with more peace of mind even if we are forced to change our route."

Song Zhi's lips moved slightly and he spoke to Feng Ye Zhihai.

Yan Lin also gave her five Thousand Mile Bees before.

But she thought it was troublesome to feed her, so she gave it to her apprentice Wang Lu.

If you want to use it now, you can only find Feng Ye.

Fortunately, Feng Ye has the attribute of a nanny, so any living creature will be treated well in his hands.

Hearing this, Feng Ye quickly took out five Thousand Mile Bees and put them into the path of the valley.

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