Chapter 237: I will pay for saving you!

"Junior sister, it's really you!"

"You are actually willing to save me..."

"I knew, Zhizhi, you must not be really angry with me!"

Gu Zichen stumbled to Song Zhi's side.

He said with a face of surprise, his eyes were extremely moved, and he looked flattered.

At this time, Song Zhi had just finished transmitting the news found through the Soul Searching Technique to Feng Ye's Consciousness Sea.

When she came back to her senses, she heard Gu Zichen talking to himself.

Hearing this, Song Zhi's eyes were indifferent and his expression was sarcastic.

She ignored Gu Zichen, but turned to Feng Ye and teased with a smile: "Fifth Senior Brother~"

"If you don't express your stance, your little junior sister will be taken away~"

As soon as she said these words, not only did Gu Zichen's heart sink, Feng Ye even raised his eyebrows and cast a cold and disapproving look at Gu Zichen.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, please respect yourself!"

"Xiao Zhi has joined our Lingxian Sect and is my master's seventh disciple."

"She is not your junior sister, but the younger junior sister of everyone in the Lingxian Sect!"

"Please also, fellow Taoist Gu, please stop barking."

"If this incident causes a dispute between the two factions, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Gu will be blamed!"

Feng Ye took a step forward.

He turned sideways to block Gu Zichen's gaze and warned forcefully.

Gu Zichen looked stunned, and his heart was filled with bitterness.


He forgot again.

Song Zhi is no longer a disciple of the Hanyuan Sect, but a disciple of the little-known Lingxian Sect.

He really shouldn't call her junior sister...

"Yes, I have been taught."

"I have overstepped my bounds, please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

"It's just that I haven't seen Zhiwei in four years, so I'm too excited."

"Zhizhi, thank you and this fellow Taoist for saving me!"

Gu Zichen could both pick it up and put it down.

He didn't worry about the title and quickly changed his mind.

But it sounded very natural for him to call Song Zhi Zhizhi.

The real senior brother Feng Ye said it was even more unpleasant!

However, there was no need for him to take action at this time.

Because the real owner Song Zhi took action himself!
"My Taoist friend Gu and I are separated from each other. We have neither enmity nor kindness."

"Fellow Daoist Gu, it's better to forget about the past and call me Daoist Song, or just call me by my first name."

"I don't want to deepen the karma between us because of fellow Taoist Taoist's wishful thinking."

Song Zhi said softly.

She was clearly smiling, approachable and polite.

But Gu Zichen just felt a sense of alienation and coldness that made people thousands of miles away.

A flash of frustration quickly emerged in his heart.

There is an emotion called loneliness that overwhelms him.

Song Zhi was going to completely break off relations with him.

He gritted his teeth and turned his head slightly to look away.

After several surges in his throat, Gu Zichen finally called Song Zhi in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist Song."

After Song Zhi nodded slightly, Gu Zichen's call to Fellow Daoist Song became more smooth.

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Song can find any useful information?"

"Maybe you can tell me?"

Gu Zichen didn't approve of Song Zhi's use of the soul-searching technique on the two monks.

After all, soul searching is an evil cultivation technique.

Not ashamed to practice the true way.

But when he saw Song Zhi's indifferent and cold eyebrows, his ridiculous sense of morality completely disappeared.

Song Zhi had known that he would ask, and he did not hide it from him when he heard the question.

She picked and told Gu Zichen the truth about the settlement plan.

They also briefly talked about the situation they were exploring outside the valley.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Song Zhi finished speaking, Gu Zichen, who was listening carefully, let out a scream. "Suffer it!"

"Junior sister is in danger!"

Song Zhi and Feng Ye looked at each other with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Gu Zichen felt good and told what happened before.

Only then did Song Zhi know that it turned out that Gu Zichen and Su Zhi had the bad luck to meet Zhu Sixiang, the master of the Yuqing Palace.

It was because of Zhu Sixiang's plot that Gu Zichen and Su Zhi were forced to separate.

He guessed that Zhu Sixiang wanted to separate the four of them so that he could defeat them one by one.

Gu Zichen, who realized this, was anxious for a moment.

He naturally wanted to ask Song Zhi for help, but in the next moment he remembered the grudge between Su Zhi and Song Zhi.

Thinking of this, Gu Zichen immediately chose to shut up.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, there is no need to be anxious."

"Your junior sister may be in danger, but it's not fatal yet."

"I said it before."

"The clearing plan implemented by that group of people is intended to wipe out the Jindan monks and return the spiritual energy to heaven and earth."

"To do this, they must escort the living Jindan monks to the spirit sacrifice array in the sword pool."

"So, fellow Daoist Gu, instead of looking around like a headless fly."

"Why don't you put away your unnecessary worries and set off for Sword Pond with us two senior fellow apprentices?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention it just now."

"Senior brother and I exposed our bodies, saved you from the fire and water, helped you escape successfully, and saved your life."

"We didn't do this for nothing."

"You yourself said before that as long as we save you, you will give us a lot of thanks."

"Elder brother Gu Zichen of the Hanyuan Sect has always kept his word. I know this."

"So, if it is convenient for you, fellow Taoist Gu, please keep your promise and give us one of the sword test stones that open the sword pool as a reward."

Song Zhi said softly.

It was so pleasant to Gu Zichen's ears when he first heard it. After listening to it, he felt chilled and frightened.

"Junior sister!"

"How did you know that I have the sword test stone in my hand that opens the sword pool?"

It shouldn't be.

When setting off, the master summoned him alone and gave him two sword-testing stones.

And gave him a road map to Qian Huazong Jianfeng.

The purpose was to allow him to accurately find the sword pool and enter it to accept the test of the first generation sword master Canglan Supreme.

The master said that as long as he got the sword box left by Supreme Canglan.

He will be invincible and his cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

The realm of Nascent Soul is no longer an unattainable dream.

Master claimed that he had not even informed his junior sister about this matter.

Why did Song Zhi know so much in detail?

At this moment, Gu Zichen was really shocked.

He looked at Song Zhi in confusion, as if Song Zhi was an unsolved mystery.

Song Zhi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

The explanation that came out of my mouth was a bit difficult to explain.

Can she say that the sword-testing stone in Gu Zichen's hand was actually retrieved by her while she was out training on sect missions in the early years...

Last week, I heard that the reason why Gu Zichen obtained the sword box left by Supreme Canglan was because of the two sword test stones she brought back to successfully open the gate of the sword pool.

Song Zhi was immediately dizzy with anger.

What is injustice?

Song Zhi in the last week was a complete injustice!

"Without further ado."

"Fellow Daoist Gu just needs to say whether he is willing to give it or not."

Song Zhi finally chose to hide the matter.

She asked calmly, with an extremely strong attitude.

After Gu Zichen hesitated again and again, he was finally defeated by his strong sense of morality and his past love for Song Zhi.

He summoned a small round stone filled with sword intent and silently handed it to Song Zhi.

He thought that Song Zhi was asking for it for herself, so he didn't resist it as he imagined.

Little did he know that Song Zhi was just making a wedding dress for Feng Ye.

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