Chapter 238: Brother Shangguan is the best
"Fifth Senior Brother, let's go."

"Calculating the time, Sixth Senior Brother should have been kidnapped to the spirit sacrifice array."

Song Zhi used the spirit wind to take the sword test stone from Gu Zichen.

She smiled with satisfaction, turned around and called Feng Ye to set off on his way.

Because she had previously said that she would form a team with Gu Zichen, Gu Zichen quickly raised his feet and followed behind the two of them, while taking some medicine to heal his injuries.

With the guidance of the [Safe Passage], when Song Zhi and the others entered Qianhua Zong Sword Peak, although they were not as fast as some monks, they were smoother than others.

And just when Gu Zichen followed Song Zhi to climb up Jian Peak.

Su Zhi, who was led by Zhu Sixiang of the Yuqing Palace into traps one after another and escaped from death many times, finally got her IQ online and recognized Zhu Sixiang's evil intentions.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu!"


"Just now, did you deliberately make a noise and alarm those group of crocodile beasts?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"What good will this do to you?"

Thinking of the shocking and dangerous scene just now, Su Zhi became furious.

Fortunately, she believed in Zhu Sixiang wholeheartedly.

She thought that Zhu Sixiang would take her to find the senior brothers and successfully reunite with them.

Who knows, Zhu Sixiang, who looks like a gentleman, has hidden evil intentions. Ever since they met, he has been deliberately leading her into trouble.

If it weren't for the Tiantian Pot Artifact Spirit noticing something was wrong.

Su Zhi foolishly thought that it was normal for her to be chased by people and bitten by monsters at other times!
In a beautiful mountain stream, Su Zhi, who had just managed to kill several sixth-order pond crocodiles, was trying to steady her trembling body.

On one hand, he held the Jade Water Sword and pointed his sword intent at Zhu Sixiang.

Although Su Zhi had just experienced a hard battle and her spiritual power was exhausted, she was not afraid at all when facing the enemy alone.

Because the Tiantian Pot Artifact Spirit said so.

All she had to do was lead Zhu Sixiang a foot away from her.

It can show its majestic power and suck all the fate and flesh and blood of this person named Zhu clean!

Su Zhi looked shocked and angry, but also extremely scared and nervous.

In fact, it was to confuse Zhu Sixiang in order to achieve her goal.

But Zhu Sixiang is not one of those idiots.

After realizing that he had been seen through by Su Zhi.

Zhu Sixiang quickly stayed away from Su Zhi.

From a safe distance, Zhu Sixiang looked coldly at Su Zhi's seemingly heartbroken question.

He snorted and didn't answer.

His fingers were slightly hooked, and the spirit-binding array that had been buried here was immediately activated.

"So much nonsense!"

"If you have any grievances that you don't understand, you can go to your master and ask for clarification after you turn into a ghost!"

"Now, go and die in peace!"

Zhu Sixiang sneered sinisterly, showing no pity for her at all.

I saw him wave a finger of spiritual light and run towards me quickly.

The malice and murderous aura attached to the aura could be clearly felt by Su Zhi even from a distance.

She immediately panicked and quickly summoned the Heaven-Devouring Pot Weapon Spirit to save her life.

But what shocked Su Zhi was that while she was in a strange formation, she was unable to summon the Sky-Swallowing Pot.


"Master, help!"

Su Zhi struggled hard, trying to take out the teleportation talisman Fu Boshan left for her.

But she didn't move at all. Even Su Zhi's eyes were frozen by the spirit binding formation.

"Haha, just die in peace."

"No one will come to save you." Zhu Sixiang happily enjoyed Su Zhi's twisted face of fear.

At this moment, having defeated Jian Zun's apprentice, he felt very proud.

He was so happy that even a small crack appeared in the Lingbi, which was obviously a sign that the demons in his heart were removed and his cultivation level was improved.

Seeing that the aura was about to swallow up Su Zhi's package.

Zhu Sixiang put his hands behind his back, already showing a confident posture of winning.

Even Su Zhi thought that she would definitely die this time.

But at this moment, a soft sigh sounded in the ears of Su Zhi and Zhu Sixiang respectively.


"I told you a long time ago."

"Brother Zhu is self-willed and does not listen to instructions. He will eventually harm others and himself."

As the man's words rang out, a figure that looked familiar to both Zhu Sixiang and Su Zhi slowly appeared behind Zhu Sixiang.

When the man finished speaking, Zhu Sixiang, who was opening and closing in front of Su Zhi, was so powerful that his chest had been penetrated by a jade-white palm.

Shangguan Ce not only used secret methods to control Zhu Sixiang, who was in the golden elixir, but he also ruthlessly took his life.

Looking at Zhu Sixiang's eyes widened in vain.

Look at the red heart that Shangguan Ce pulled out with his bare hands.

Su Zhi's pupils shrank, feeling that she had just stepped out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den.

"Fellow Taoist Shangguan..."

"You, you want to kill me too?"

Su Zhi silently swallowed the affectionate title of Shangguan brother.

She raised her head and stared at Shangguan Ce not far away, her face filled with panic and helplessness.

Seeing this, Shangguan Ce smiled slightly, and he first used magic to eliminate the dead Zhu Sixiang.

Then he slowly wiped his bloody palms.

After everything was done, Shangguan Ce puffed up his large sleeves and flew to Su Zhi's side.

"Fairy Su, there is no need to panic."

"He is not here to kill you, but to save you."

"So that Fairy Su will know."

"That Zhu Sixiang is not a real casual cultivator, but was born in the direct lineage of Yuqing Palace."

"You are a disciple of the Hanyuan Sect. I think you know something about the dispute between Yuqing Palace and the Hanyuan Sect."

"Then Zhu Sixiang designed to harm you, firstly for the personal enmity between the two factions, and secondly to complete the so-called settlement plan."

"The clearing plan is not just for you, but also for all the Golden Core cultivators who entered the ancient battlefield this time."

"They intend to strangle all the golden elixir monks to achieve the purpose of returning spiritual energy to heaven and earth."

"I was lucky enough to hear this secret. I hope Fairy Su will trust me for the sake of saving my life."

"If the fairy is willing to believe me, I can take the fairy to the Sword Pond to help you rescue your fellow sect."


When Song Zhi led Feng Ye and Gu Zichen, and the three of them reached the halfway point of the mountain behind Jianfeng Peak, wherever they looked, there were not only corpses everywhere.

Several defensive caves were stationed in the original place.

This place is heavily defended, even though it is the [Safe Passage], and there is no safe route to go forward.

Looking at the green arrow pointing down the mountain from the turning road, Song Zhi felt helpless and could only cancel the use of the [Safe Passage] prop.

"Master told me that Canglan Supreme's Wanjian Pond is at the top of Jianfeng Peak."

"But now the mountainside is completely guarded. Master, fellow Taoist Song and Song, how do we break in?"

Gu Zichen carefully explored the movement not far away, and used the Turtle Breathing Technique to the extreme.

He habitually asked Song Zhi what he thought, but Feng Ye rolled his eyes with disdain.

"Junior sister, if you don't break, you won't stand."

"Instead of being cautious, why not make a big fuss and fish in troubled waters?"

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