However, there were not many monks who could survive being bombarded by several potato mines.

Therefore, even the golden elixir monks in the clearance team all have hands and eyes that reach the sky and have countless spiritual treasures.

Under the strong siege of Song Zhi's group of people, they were still dead and injured.

There are also those who have successfully escaped.

But there are only a few of them.

In addition to the monks who were killed and injured by potato mines, the Qingqing headquarters is located halfway up Jianfeng Mountain.

Just like that the whole army was destroyed.

"Everyone, please spare their lives for my sake."

"Don't think too much that I am the Holy Mother."

"Let me make it clear first that this is not what I meant."

"Please save their lives purely because of the spirit sacrifice formation located in Sword Pond."

"Everyone, please think about it calmly. The spirit sacrifice formation requires only monks at the Golden Core Realm."

"We are in the Golden Core Realm. This group has gathered together to kill the bad guys who are chasing us. They are also Golden Core cultivators."

"We can go to the soul-sacrifice formation, and naturally we can go to these bad guys who are carrying out the liquidation plan."

"Leave them alive just to use them to lure out the mastermind and destroy the source of the disaster!"

Song Zhi stood at the front of the crowd.

She shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention and enjoying the scenery.

A strong cohesion and appeal slowly radiated from her body.

Feng Ye stared at Song Zhi with a look of relief, feeling his chest vibrate, a feeling of worship rising in his heart, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

Look, this is the junior sister of their Lingxian Sect!

She doesn't know how to cry, and she's not cute or gentle enough, but she can single-handedly hold up a sky for him, his senior brother, and for the general public!

"Okay! Just listen to Fairy Song, I'll spare their lives for now!"

"Go to the spirit sacrifice formation and destroy the source of Qingjiao!!"


Looking around at the angry Jindan cultivators, Song Zhi smiled slightly, his eyes showing relief.

But in her heart, there was a burst of cynicism.

The settlement plan was under the guise of maintaining the balance of spiritual energy in the Qianhu cultivation world.

What he did was actually using the monks’ flesh, blood and spiritual energy to sacrifice evil things!
As early as when Song Zhi chose the place where he picked up leaks as the ancient battlefield.

She was already prepared to confront the evil thing head-on.

In the previous life, Su Zhi and Gu Zichen came back from the ancient battlefield.

In addition to getting their own opportunities, their cultivation level has been greatly improved.

They also work together to uncover a huge conspiracy that has existed for hundreds of years.

This conspiracy is the settlement plan.

At that time, Song Zhi had been abandoned by Fu Boshan and others.

She was sent to the back mountain of Jian Peak to meditate and feed the beasts guarding the mountain at the same time.

When she learned about the settlement plan, it was the Mountain Guardian Beast in the Nascent Soul stage who told her.

Although Shoushanmon spoke in a strange and sinister voice throughout the whole process.

But Song Zhi still remembered the plot related to the male and female protagonists.

Because he discovered the secret of the spirit sacrifice array, eliminated the evil objects, and saved the lives of many monks.

Therefore, in their previous life, Su Zhi and Gu Zichen, who were just disciples of the Sword Lord, suddenly transformed into guests of the entire Qianhu cultivation world, and were respectfully called Fairy Jinghong and Master Minghe.

From then on, he became famous and completely opened up Shuangwen's life.

At that time, apart from being forced to commit suicide by the system, Song Zhi could only stay in the back mountain with moody monsters, silently moldying and rotting in a dark corner.

It was truly a life that was unbearable to look back on.

Song Zhi closed his eyes gently, and at the urging of Feng Ye and others, he took out the remains of the Zhenyuan Tower and took in all the remaining members of the group who were still breathing.

After doing this, Song Zhi and the other monks remained vigilant and walked to the top of the mountain.

The top of Jianfeng Peak is said to be the top, but in fact it is flat ground everywhere.

There are also large groups of pavilions, gardens and lakes. Whether it's the scenery or the aura, it's all first-rate.

But at this time, no one was in the mood to appreciate it.

Because not far away, on an open plain that was different from the scenery on the peak, a group of complex and ancient formations were being carved.

Where the formation pattern extended, their missing relatives and friends were suddenly tied up and lying unconscious on it.

The attentive monk immediately discovered something wrong with the formation pattern.


"Those formations seem to be alive, absorbing the spiritual energy and blood of those people!"

This so-called spirit sacrifice array is clearly an evil thing!
More and more monks are realizing this.

The fact that they were able to survive until this point shows that they are not impulsive and reckless people.

Therefore, even if you see your relatives and friends being harmed by the spirit sacrifice array.

They didn't dare to rush in to save people.

Everyone looked at Song Zhi intentionally or unintentionally, with a very obvious intention, that is, they wanted to ask Song Zhi to come up with an idea and quickly break the situation.

At this time, Song Zhi's phoenix eyes were fixed on a very inconspicuous place, and his bright and pretty face quickly turned pale.

"Junior sister, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Ye was the first to realize something was wrong.

He looked along and asked about Song Zhi's situation in a low voice.

When he saw clearly that there was an old monk sitting in the corner with five hearts facing upward, Feng Ye didn't take it seriously at first.

Then, the terrifying feeling of being locked up quickly overwhelmed him.

It is the True Lord of Transformation who is even more terrifying than the True Monarch of Nascent Soul! !
Everyone, run! !
Feng Ye struggled, turning his head little by little to look at the group of golden elixir monks who were whispering to each other.

The warning words were at his throat, but no matter how hard he opened his eyes and tried his best, he couldn't even open his mouth.

Junior sister! !
Feng Ye looked panicked, but Song Zhi took a step forward and bowed respectfully to the old monk.

"I dare to ask senior, but the ancient divine beasts, the Black Tortoise clan?"

Song Zhi suppressed his fear and looked down at his toes.

The old man sitting quietly not far away was extremely oppressive.

The feeling of vastness about him was as vast as the mountains and rivers.

With the power of the golden elixir, Song Zhi felt that he could not bear it, so he could only avoid it honestly.

She compared the things she knew in her previous life one by one and quickly guessed the identity of the old man.

The Black Tortoise smiled slightly, with a hint of interest flashing in his eyes.

"So brave."

"What an extraordinary insight."

"You can see my true identity with just one glance."

"You're really worthy of that person..."

The Black Tortoise's voice gradually became deeper.

Even though Song Zhi pricked up her ears and listened carefully, she didn't even catch the turtle's last words.

Song Zhi secretly noted this doubt, and then threw out several bad golden elixir seeds collected in Zhenyuan Tower.

She mustered up her courage and said to the Black Tortoise, "The True Lord."

"Junior wants to make a deal with you."

"I don't know what the purpose of your spirit sacrifice array is."

"But I think the formation must be very important to you."

"Otherwise, seniors would not open the core secret realm once every hundred years and send people to arrest the monks who entered."

"Now, the junior teamed up with fellow Taoists to form a counter-attack and successfully captured all the members of the clearing plan."

"So, the junior wants to use this group of people to exchange those in the formation with the senior."

"I wonder if senior can agree?"

"In my opinion, this spirit sacrificial array can be obtained by ordinary Jindan monks like me. Wouldn't it be more suitable and better to obtain it by members of the clearing team with higher cultivation levels and richer spiritual power?"

"Senior, do you think this is true?" (End of Chapter)

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