"Hahahaha, junior, you have such a good mouth."

"What a cunning and vicious intention!"

The Black Tortoise is a monster that has transformed into a god and has lived for an unknown number of years.

Underneath his gray-haired face is a wise and transparent heart.

He immediately saw Song Zhi's intention.

If it were anyone else, Xuanwu Turtle would never agree.

But if he spoke, it was the secret he had been waiting for for a long time.

Then he would naturally be willing to cooperate.


"Your plea."

"I agree."

"Put the person into the spirit sacrifice formation."

The Black Tortoise said slowly.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Before they saw his movements, Song Zhi and others saw their relatives and friends who were trapped in the formation pattern and didn't know what to do, and they all jumped out of the air and flew towards the outside of the formation.

There were monks who were familiar with each other and quickly used various methods to catch these people safely.

Zhao Muyang, who had been recruited earlier, was also among them.

Feng Ye rushed forward and caught him firmly.


"Junior brother, wake up!"

Song Zhi had no time to pay attention to Zhao Muyang, who had never opened his eyes and woke up. Under the indifferent gaze of the Black Tortoise, she quickly summoned the Zhenyuan Tower and put the monks who were executing the liquidation plan into the formation.

Song Zhi didn't see that the moment the Zhenyuan Tower appeared, the mysterious Xuanwu Turtle's eyes widened, and a flash of joy flashed across his old face.

"Dare to ask senior."

"Can I take the first step and leave this place?"

Song Zhi glanced at the sword pool covered by the spirit sacrifice formation with some regret.

I just felt that my luck was bad, and I felt a faint regret in my heart.

In their previous life, when Su Zhi and Gu Zichen uncovered the truth about the "cannibalism" of the spirit sacrifice array, it was after they had a profound opportunity.

It's her turn...

She obviously came here for the opportunity, but she happened to be the first to encounter the liquidation operation.

I originally wanted to gather other monks to form a soul-sacrifice formation, and use the execution of the plan to pay off the monks in exchange for a glimmer of life.

Then take the opportunity to enter the sword pool.

As a result, she never expected that there would be a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise in the god-transformation stage guarding next to the spirit-sacrifice formation.

That's the stage of transformation, family members!

Don't say she's fighting alone.

Even if they use the golden elixir together, it won't be enough to fill the gap between the old turtle's teeth.

It's better to be wise and protect yourself and retreat first.

Song Zhi said unwillingly, appearing to be polite and polite.

There is no other way. Under the pressure of absolute strength, only obedience can survive.

The other Jindan monks were also nervously waiting for the Black Tortoise's reply.

At the same time, the Qingjiao monks who had been thrown into the formation by Song Zhi had woken up one after another.

They already knew about the spirit sacrifice formation, although they didn't know the truth.

But as the executors of the settlement plan, Song Zhi and others stood outside the formation without incident.

Without thinking too much, these golden elixir monks understood what happened.

"Venerable Xuanwu!!"

"What are you doing?"

"Please let me go out of the formation. The sacrifices for this spirit sacrifice formation are clearly the group of people standing outside the formation."

"These are the venerables who have determined this from the beginning!"

"Could it be that Your Majesty has forgotten it?"

In the formation, a monk with perfect golden elixir shouted like this.

Several more monks followed suit.

Those Qingjiao members who kept their heads down and didn't speak either had low cultivation levels and hadn't recovered yet.

Or they are stimulating tokens one after another and seizing the time to shake people as quickly as possible.

The old turtle responsible for guarding the spirit sacrifice array is crazy! They are in the same camp.

But the old turtle chose to stand with the experienced ones at the last critical moment.

He has betrayed other sages.

This matter is no longer something that their little golden elixir can rule on.

Let a few venerables talk to the Black Tortoise!

Following the movements of this group of people, several strong pressures soon descended over Jianfeng out of thin air.

The spirit-sacrifice formation that was in operation was stopped artificially.

Seeing this, Song Zhi and others outside the formation felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and were frightened.

The Jindan monks in the formation breathed a sigh of relief and helped each other to try to leave the formation.

But at this moment, the Black Tortoise sitting on the formation's eyes opened his eyes in vain.

With a cold expression on his face, he first shot a vast spiritual light into the formation and directly restarted the formation.

After that, he raised his head and looked in midair indifferently.

There, five figures loomed, all glaring at the old turtle.

A tall, middle-aged male cultivator wearing a twelve-pointed crown, with a look of contemplation on his face, was the first to attack the Xuanwu Turtle.

"Old Turtle, we see that the spirit sacrifice formation is about to come to an end."

"The day when you and I will ascend is just around the corner."

"Why do you do such treacherous things?"

"Don't you think that by doing this, you will step back from the brink and wake up, and your achievements will be remembered by future generations?"

"Old turtle, you are confused!"

The female cultivator, who was wearing a white dress and had a noble temperament, frowned and summoned a guzheng in her hand.

"There's so much nonsense, if you want to fight, just fight!"

"Since Lao Turtle has chosen to judge, he is no longer our accomplice."

"Anyway, the spirit sacrifice formation is about to be completed. Leaving Qianhu Cultivation World is no longer a dream."

"Wouldn't it be nice for you and me to have a hearty fight before ascending?"

"Hahahahaha, old turtle knows what to do!"

The female fairy shouted loudly, and the guzheng in her hand immediately launched several powerful sonic attacks.

She said she was going to war against the Xuanwu Turtle, but in reality she was acting like a madman, attacking everyone on the Sword Peak indiscriminately.

"Junior sister, get out of the way!"

The situation on the top of the mountain instantly became chaotic and dangerous.

In a battle at the level of a god, the golden elixir is as fragile as an ant.

Just when Feng Ye frantically threw out the protective spirit treasures and talismans, Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang were protected in a protective shield.

Several golden elixir cultivators who were of average wealth and did not protect themselves in time have been attacked.

"Little junior sister?"

"Zhizhi, I saw my junior sister!"

"You go first, I will catch up with you after I meet up with my junior sister."

Because Gu Zichen was close, he was lucky enough to reach the corner of the protective shield.

But he himself did not have this awareness.

When he discovered that the missing Su Zhi was escaping in a hurry not far away, Gu Zichen immediately became emotional and had a hero complex, and turned around and rushed out.

But Song Zhi and Feng Ye didn't pay attention to his behavior at all.

During the panic escape, Zhao Muyang fell into a coma due to the loss of his spiritual power source. Song Zhi continued to input abundant spiritual power and force-fed Qi-boosting pills.

He finally came to.

He weakly called Song Zhi and Feng Ye's names, and had just figured out what happened.

The next moment, he saw a blazing spiritual light ball, rushing towards the three of them.

Zhao Muyang's eyes were cracked, and he felt that all the blood in his body had stopped.

The shadow of death enveloped him.

Song Zhi also noticed this aura attack.

She wanted to repeat her old trick and get into the Zhenyuan Tower to seek self-protection.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw with her own eyes that Gu Zichen led Su Zhi and a male cultivator wearing a Tai Chi hexagram plain robe into the spirit sacrifice formation.

But they did not appear in the formation, but simply disappeared.

Song Zhi was inspired immediately.

It's Jianchi!
Gu Zichen used the sword test stone to successfully enter Canglan Supreme's sword pool! (End of chapter)

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