Chapter 245: Still wearing it

But if these monks in front of you are disciples of Qianhua Sect.

Then the problem is coming.

After all, in Song Zhi's knowledge, Qianhua Sect had been destroyed for more than 800 years.

It was impossible for her to see a living Qianhua Sect disciple.

So, the possibility of this happening...

Either that or she was possessed by a vision of the world.

Either that or the group of disciples in front of me are all fakes.

They are playing her off on purpose!
Or, she is no longer in the Qianhu cultivation world.

But he traveled through time for the fourth time and came to the world of cultivation more than 800 years ago.

The last guess frightened Song Zhi the most.

"Dare I ask some of the Immortal Lords?"

“My little girl’s spiritual root aptitude that was measured just now, is it considered good or bad?”

"Can I follow the immortal kings and go to the spiritual world to cultivate immortality?"

Song Zhi's heart was filled with turmoil, but he pretended to be nervous and asked.

Facing her expectant eyes, the most outgoing young male cultivator immediately put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly.

"Junior sister, just put your heart back in your stomach!"

"With your spiritual roots and qualifications, you are simply a one-in-a-million, gifted being."

"When you return to our Qianhua Sect, regardless of whether you are a real king or a real person, everyone will cry and shout, begging to accept you as a disciple!"

"Little junior sister, be more confident, you are my sect's fragrant steamed bun now!"

The golden elixir male cultivator who called himself Wang Buyu said swornly.

Song Zhi knew he wasn't lying.

After all, she had personally experienced this kind of grand occasion when she was in Hanyuan Sect.

What Song Zhi was interested in was the Qianhua Sect itself.

She wanted to find out now.

Was she more than 800 years ago, or was she still in the Qianhu cultivation world more than 800 years ago? !

Is she alone in this situation?

Or are Su Zhi and others who also entered the sword pool, like her, trying to adapt to hibernation in the new environment?

It's a shame that her spiritual power has never recovered, let alone finding two senior brothers now.

It was a bit difficult for her to even protect herself at the very least.

Thinking of this relationship, Song Zhi couldn't help but feel excited.

Regardless of whether it is true or false.

Now, she just wants to find a way to restore her cultivation!

"Thank you, Immortal Lord, for your kind words!"

"If my daughter is really lucky enough to become a member of your noble sect, I will never forget the care of these immortal kings."

Facing the scorching gazes of several Qianhua Sect disciples, Song Zhi also realized what was going on and immediately came out with two heart-warming replies.

Wang Buyu, who kept calling himself senior brother, responded with the most enthusiasm.

"Good good!"

"With these words from my little junior sister, I am satisfied."

"Don't worry, they can't guarantee which peak you can enter, but I, Wang, can!"

"Just because of your top-quality water spirit roots, hehe, you were born to be our disciple of Shuiyue Peak!"

Wang Buyu said with a proud look on his face. Although several fellow disciples on the side looked resentful, they did not refute.

Well known.

Qianhua Sect divides the main peaks based on spiritual root attributes.

All disciples with a single water spirit root will be stationed at Shuiyue Peak.

Wang Buyu's words may not sound very good, but they are an indisputable fact.

However, this did not prevent several other monks from being enthusiastic about Song Zhi, their future fellow disciple.

The best water spirit root, ninety-nine purity!
With this qualification alone, he is already a member of the reserve force of the future True Lord.

If you don’t hug this future thigh now, when will you hug it? ?

"Yes, yes, junior brother Wang is right." "Don't worry, little junior sister. With your spiritual root attributes and qualifications, you will undoubtedly become an elite disciple of the inner sect after you join our Qianhua Sect."

"Who is my little junior sister's name? Where does she live? Come and come, tell her senior brother."

"Senior brother, I will register you and take you home to say goodbye to your parents soon."


Here, Wang Buyu started talking, and his fellow disciples followed closely behind, coming forward and talking around Song Zhi, showing extraordinary enthusiasm.

Song Zhi seemed ignorant and curious, but in fact he was trying to find information at every opportunity.

When she tentatively proposed famous sects such as Hanyuan Sect and Wanfo Sect.

Wang Buyu and the others had never heard of it at all.

But when Song Zhi mentioned the Lingxian Sect, the Yuqing Palace sect was said to have become famous more than 800 years ago.

Wang Buyu and the others looked hot and took over the conversation very naturally.

Song Zhi listened carefully and tried to absorb the information he needed.

From their words, Song Zhi learned.

The six major sects at this time were Qianhua Sect, Yuqing Palace, Wanxiang Sect, Xuannv Sect, Supreme Sword Sect, and Jishi Dan Sect.

However, Jishi Dan Sect, Supreme Sword Sect and Lingxian Sect are far apart from Qianhua Sect.

Even the king did not speak to them, and only heard their names but did not know who they were.

Seeing Song Zhi's disappointment, Wang Buyu rolled his eyes, but did not criticize it. He only comforted and said considerately: "Little junior sister, don't be discouraged."

"When you join me at Shuiyue Peak, learn the master's true teachings, and achieve the foundation-building Dzogchen cultivation."

"The world is so big, you can come and go as you please."

Wang Buyu waved his hand and spoke very boldly.

Song Zhi pretended to have a longing expression, but in his heart he faintly murmured the word "building a foundation".

After such a back-and-forth conversation.

Song Zhi, a talented disciple who was chosen after opening the back door, became familiar with Wang Buyu and the others.

Because I heard that Song Zhi’s family has a scumbag father who dotes on his wife and kills his concubines, and he also has a so-called fiancé who is full of all kinds of evil.

And she herself said she would never go home to say goodbye and let those so-called "family members" enjoy her blessing.

Therefore, Wang Buyu and others took only the fourteen preparatory disciples they had received and went home to say their final farewells.

As soon as the group of people left, Niu Dahua, who was the king of the city lord's mansion, approached Song Zhi with a basket of lotus leaf chickens.

"Little sister Song, I really envy you."

"Not only are you beautiful, you also have spiritual roots. You can become an immortal, live a long life, and fly to the sky and escape from the earth."

"But I can't."

"Because I don't have spiritual roots, I'm destined to have no immortal destiny and live a life of mediocrity."

"My mother said that if our Wen family has an ancestor who is the Nascent Soul Lord in the spiritual world, it will be enough for us to have food and drink and live forever."

"I'm not suitable to go to a place like the Immortal Realm that eats people, and she doesn't want me to go either."

"My dad..."

"My father was obsessed with the chance of immortality and used his mortal body to steal spiritual treasures from the spiritual world, so that he died without a burial place."

"My mother is scared."

While Niu Dahua was holding a roast chicken and chewing it, he showed his sentimental side and talked to Song Zhi.

She seems to have compromised, but in fact she still harbors a dream of cultivating immortality.

Song Zhi had seen many such people.

Personally speaking, Song Zhi felt that Niu Wenshi was right.

This huge world of cultivation is originally a world of cannibalism.

There are no legal restrictions here.

The law of the jungle is the only law of survival.

Even a talented monk like her has to work hard to survive.

Niu Dahua is a mortal girl. If she breaks in rashly, she will only die.

"Guyong City..."

But in Song Zhi's memory, more than 800 years ago, with the collapse of the Qianhua Sect.

Guyong City, where she is now, was also annihilated.

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