Chapter 246, Rebuilding

If this is the case, wouldn't the lives of Niu Dahua and her mother Niu Wenshi be in danger? ? ?

Thinking of this, Song Zhi immediately became serious.

"Dahua, can you help me get a better communication talisman?"

"I don't have any other intentions. I just want to wait until I can establish a foothold in the spiritual world."

"I will come back to play with you. Then, maybe I can bring you and Aunt Wen to the spirit world to open your eyes."

Song Zhi said pretending to be shy, showing obvious intimacy.

In fact, she wanted to rely on the communication talisman to take away Niu Wenshi and Niu Dahua as soon as possible after her cultivation was restored.

Place them in a safe place in advance.

In the catastrophe of more than 800 years, the only area that suffered was the Southwest Continent of Qianhu Cultivation Realm.

Dongzhou and Southeast China are not affected.

Therefore, after the war, Hanyuan Sect and other powerful sects chose the Wuji Mountain area of ​​Dongzhou as their sect's location.

"The communication talisman..."

"Hey, don't tell me, I really have two!"

"That was given to me by Brother Bao."

"Brother Bao is my childhood sweetheart. We grew up together and are childhood sweethearts."

"My mother said that if Brother Bao hadn't been so talented, he would have been born to become an immortal."

"When I grow up, Brother Bao will marry me!"

"It's a pity that after seventy-eight years of not seeing each other, I am no longer worthy of him."

Thinking of the young immortal prince who returned to Guyong City to accept disciples with the immortal princes of Qianhua Sect seven years ago.

Niu Dahua lost interest in nibbling chicken legs.

In the end, beauty is misleading, and Qingqing yearns for herself, full of sorrow.

The carefree Niu Dahua rarely showed a sad side, but Song Zhi on the side was secretly frightened, with his phoenix eyes widening.

Niu Dahua is actually over eighty years old! !
You can't see it, you can't see it at all, right?
She said, why were they so sure before? She came here for the Immortal Fate Ceremony.

Why did a trace of spiritual power suddenly rise in her body after eating the big buns with chives given to her?

Be honest, everything was done deliberately by Niu Dahua and her daughter.

He is a well-informed old man.

It's a shame she didn't act recklessly before, otherwise, she would have been trapped by two mortals pretending to be weak.

"What's the surname of the Immortal Lord?"

"If possible, after I go to the spirit world, I will find an opportunity to bring a message to Sister Dahua."

Niu Dahua not only mentioned the old sweethearts, but also looked full of lingering resentment.

Song Zhi listened to the music and recognized the elegant meaning, and immediately realized what Niu Dahua was thinking.

Seeing Song Zhi's serious look, Niu Dahua, who is an excellent singer and songwriter, immediately burst into laughter.

She reached out and pinched Song Zhi, but her words changed and she talked about something else.

"You, you, you are not a big person, but you are very clever!"

"Since Miss Song is so sensible, I won't pretend anymore and just tell the truth."

"I do have something to ask of you, but I'm not asking you to find my sweetheart."

"But I want to ask you to help me find my father."

"Those words I said before were all lies to you."

"My biological father is not dead, but in my heart, he is no different from dead."

"My mother is so stubborn that she can't get over the fact that my father abandoned her to seek fate in the spiritual world."

"She wanted an answer."

"I heard that in order to avoid being killed by my ancestor, my father shamelessly joined Yuqing Palace, the rival of Qianhua Sect."

"If possible, please ask Miss Song for me, Niu Junjie, do you still remember the Wen family and her daughter from Guyong City in the mortal world?"

Niu Dahua explained with a serious face.

After Song Zhi nodded in agreement, she ordered someone to get two communication charms and give them to Song Zhi.

The two of them talked nonsense again, talking happily.

A puppet Tao boy came to look for Song Zhi, saying that Wang Buyu and the others were going to take them away to the spirit world.

Song Zhi's spirit was shaken, and he immediately followed him with suppressed excitement. I saw five male monks in flowing white clothes sitting or standing in the wide courtyard.

In the open space, there were more than a dozen young boys and girls standing side by side.

All in all, Song Zhi, who was in his early twenties, was actually the oldest and tallest among this group of disciples.

"Hello, Sister Song~"

As soon as Song Zhi stood still, the little carrots beside him began to chirp.

Song Zhi smiled and responded repeatedly, then raised his head to look at Wang Buyu who was sitting on the stone bench.

Next to the stone bench, there was an old man with gray hair and a bright face sitting.

This is Wen Liang, the lord of Guyong City and Niu Wen's biological father.

Wen Liangzheng said goodbye to Wang Buyu and the others, talking about the situation in a way that both of them understood.

After a tug-of-war, Wang Buyu and the others finally accepted the gentle gift and took Song Zhi and the other children onto the flying boat.

Looking at the flying magic weapon soaring into the sky, Song Zhi remained calm.

The boys and girls beside him screamed in surprise and novelty.

Probably because he saw Song Zhi's boredom and hesitation.

Wang Buyu, this wild senior brother, was very considerate and actually gave Song Zhi a sect teaching manual at this time so that Song Zhi could learn how to practice in advance.

In this regard, Song Zhi only felt that someone would give him a pillow when he felt sleepy.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wang!"

"If senior brother is called in the future, just give him any orders!"

Song Zhi thanked him sincerely, making Wang Buyu feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

Not only did he not leave, he stayed with Song Zhi, carefully teaching Song Zhi how to sense spiritual energy, how to introduce the energy into the body, and how to start practicing with five hearts facing upward.

Song Zhiben was still not sure whether the cultivation method used more than 800 years ago was different from other places.

Now that she was guided by Wang Buyu, she immediately discovered the subtle differences between the two.

In short, the rules of cultivation have remained unchanged throughout the ages.

"Thank you, senior brother."

"I can't afford it."

"I'll try it first."

Song Zhi sent Wang Buyu out politely.

The young disciple who was passing by happened to hear this. He pouted and cast a mocking look at Song Zhi's door.

"Hmph, do you really think that any cat or dog can be called a genius?"

"At such an old age, even if you have good spiritual roots and excellent qualifications, it is impossible to say that you can introduce qi into the body!"

He himself has a golden spiritual root with a purity of ninety-two, and he is taught by elders in the foundation-building stage at home.

It also took him three months to truly introduce Qi into his body and start his own path of cultivation.

Song Zhi, who only knows how to flatter and flatter, wants to surpass him.

I'm afraid it won't be easy.

The half-grown boy named Liang Kang thought so with obvious complacency.

He was about to go to the deck to spread the word about Song Zhi's small stove.

The next moment, an icy blue spiritual light suddenly shot out from Song Zhifang, covering him directly.

Liang Kang was immediately stunned.

But the five monks on the deck and in the cabin rushed over with surprise on their faces.

"Little junior sister!"

"Don't tell me that you introduced Qi into your body so quickly?!"

Wang Buyu took the lead and asked.

Among them, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are all foundation-building monks. With a little perception, you can tell that Song Zhi has introduced Qi into his body.

The five of them looked at each other and smiled, and they all felt that Song Zhi was a valuable treasure.

With Song Zhi in hand, this trip was a great success for them.

They were immersed in the joy that Song Zhi was a genius disciple, but they didn't know that Feizhou had been targeted by a group of hunters in the cracks in the mountains not far away.

"Are you sure that the disciple with the best water spirit root is on that boat?"

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