Shen Jiao and Qiu Pingyue were using tricks that they knew each other well, while Song Zhi on the side was only looking at the senior sister.


Long live!
She actually saw Sister Jiaojiao alive! !
Is she really not dreaming?
The woman in front of Qiu Pingyue who was smiling sweetly was clearly her female sword spirit.

"Hehe, little junior sister~"

"You stared at my face without blinking."

"Sister, is it really that good-looking?"

"Look how obsessed you are, as if seven souls have been lost and six souls are lost~"

"Come back to your senses, senior sister will take you to refuge!"

Shen Jiao smiled coquettishly, twisting her slender waist, and a strand of pink shawl automatically wrapped around Song Zhi's waist without any wind.

Song Zhi still didn't know why, and was secretly thinking about the word "refuge" mentioned by Shen Jiao. The next moment, the cave they were in was violently destroyed from the outside.

"Qiu Pingyue, you bitch!"

"You give me back my disciple!"

"Pretending to be me with this face is a shameless thing that only the entire sect, and only a bitch like you, can do."

"You have really brought shame on our Leng family, come out and ask for a beating!!"

As soon as Song Zhi heard the scolding of the person who made the move, her figure quickly disappeared from the spot.

It was Shen Jiao who realized something was wrong and decisively activated a teleportation talisman.

After the two of them successfully escaped, Qiu Pingyue adjusted her clothes and floated into the air with an innocent look on her face.

"Oh sister~"

"You and I are sisters from the same mother."

"My mother, ancestor, and the others will be sad if we break our friendship for the sake of a mere mortal girl."

"Hey, let's stop making trouble. Let's just laugh and resolve our grudges?"

Anyway, we have been coming here for so many years.

Qiu Pingyue didn't dare to say the last truth.

To be honest, this time she accepted a disciple, she was indeed unjust and unjust.

However, before Song Zhi completely becomes a disciple, everyone has the opportunity to compete fairly.

Wasn't she Qiu Lengyue who snatched Song Zhi from Qian Huazong?
She robbed him, she robbed her again...

In the end, whoever grabs it will naturally win!

Qiu Pingyue naturally thought that this shameless appearance made the leader of Leng Yue Peak who came to kill him almost to death.


"I will kill you today!!"


As a result, a battle between sisters took place as scheduled over the Xuannv Sect.

But below are the disciples who are sparring and the monks who are pouring water to plant elixirs.

Even the elders at the head of Xuannv Sect turned a blind eye to this.

No matter how Qiu Lengyue and Qiu Pingyue fought with each other to the death, no one in the Xuannv sect raised their heads to take a second look.

Some of them put up protective shields as a matter of course, and some quickly put away their spiritual beasts and spiritual grasses.

Then there were the serving monks from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who were squatting outside the battle circle in advance, eager to wait until the fighting stopped to go in and sort out the flowers and plants damaged by the two true masters, hoping to ask for compensation.

Fighting and killing in the sect is nothing.

As long as you can afford the spiritual stones and compensation, then there will be no problem.

I have to say, compared with other sects’ strict and regular sect rules.

Xuannv Sect is really unique and a little different.

But Song Zhi had no idea about this.

She has been taken to Dongfu's private residence by Shen Jiao.

Song Zhi originally thought that Shen Jiao's cave must be similar to Qiu Pingyue's, with both pink and tender decorations.

But when he was actually in Shen Jiao's cave, Song Zhicai realized that people cannot be judged by appearance.

Shen Jiao's cave not only did not have a large bed in a wing that resembled a room like Qiu Pingyue's, but was instead filled with futon cushions, which were as rough as a large hole dug at random in the mountain.

"Uh, Sister Jiaojiao."

"Are we going to live here?"

Didn't Qiu Pingyue keep saying that she wanted you to take good care of me?

Beautiful Sister Jiaojiao, is this how your aunt takes care of you? ?

Zhiwei was puzzled. Zhiwei expressed shock.

Shen Jiao didn't pretend to be stupid.

She could see Song Zhi's dislike at a glance.

It's just that it's true, and she can't hide it.

"Junior sister is being laughed at."

"Although the cold room is simple and crude, it is a precious place for concentration and hard work."

"Tell Junior Sister secretly that even if the other members of the sect want to come in, they won't be able to come in~"

Shen Jiao covered her mouth and said with a smile, looking a little mysterious.

Song Zhi didn't know why, but he couldn't hold on to it any longer.

She politely thanked her and put a futon in the hole next to Shen Jiao.

She wanted to ask something related to the Shui Shui Yuanyang swords, but when the words came to her lips, she found that she had nothing to say.

Have anything to ask?

More than 800 years later, Shen Jiao is clearly just a spirit relying on the female sword to survive.

Even though she could remember the past, she was already dead at that time.

But now Shen Jiao is clearly a charming and charming person.

Shen Jiao is here, but where is Ye Lin, who loves her dearly?

Speaking of which, she still doesn't know what year she is in?
Thinking of this, Song Zhi took out the disciple's jade plaque and put it gently on his forehead.

This disciple jade plaque, like that of later generations, is engraved in the history and achievements of the sect.

What follows immediately is a general introduction to the spiritual world.

For example, the almanac, the distribution of sects, the power and other common sense in the world of cultivation.

Song Zhi absorbed this knowledge almost hungrily.

Just when she was satisfied, a huge golden eye suddenly appeared in the deep pool not far from the cave entrance.

Shen Jiao's eyelids trembled slightly as she entered the cultivation state and she ignored it. However, Song Zhi beside her was immediately alarmed by the huge and hostile pressure.

dragon? !

A black dragon? ? ?
Song Zhi, who was only at the second level of Qi Refining, held the disciple token in one hand and stared at Zhizhi's eyes intently, unable to move.

She was forced to accept the scrutiny of the giant dragon. After a stick of incense, just when Song Zhi thought she would be swallowed by the dragon, the black dragon with exposed pupils suddenly transformed into a woman wearing a diamond-shaped dark robe. gorgeous handsome man.

"elder sister."

"Who is this person?"

"Why is she so close to you?"

As soon as the handsome man landed, he walked straight to Shen Jiao.

When he put his hand around Shen Jiao's waist.

Shen Jiao recovered from her cultivation state first.

Hearing this, Shen Jiao chuckled and told Hei Long everything about Song Zhi's origin.

Thinking of the twists and turns and the angry Lord Leng Yue.

Shen Jiao couldn't help laughing.

The black dragon didn't understand her smile, but he followed her with a soft smile.

Seeing this man with a lot of affection, he seemed to be a bit unobtrusive.

Song Zhi, who was watching the whole process, really wanted to cry this time.


This big black dragon could hold her in place with just pressure.

It is clearly the sword spirit of Yuanyang Sword Xiongjian!

Very good, both before and after birth.

Even Ye Lin didn't like her.

——Sister Jiaojiao, help me!

Song Zhi really had nothing to do with Ye Lin.

However, she has Shen Jiao.

Shen Jiao is Ye Lin's destiny.


Song Zhi snickered in his heart, while using his spiritual consciousness to send a message to Shen Jiao's sea of ​​consciousness to ask for help. (End of chapter)

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