Chapter 251, distress, it’s not good to be too popular

"A Lin, please accept your intimidation."

"Don't scare my new junior sister."

"Zhizhi, it took a lot of effort for my master to get admitted."

"If you scare Zhizhi away, my master will make trouble for you."

By then, the entire Xuannv Sect will inevitably experience a bloody storm.

It's okay to have a little fight at ordinary times.

If fellow sects at the Nascent Soul level fight against each other, the ancestors of the sect's god-forming ancestors will never sit idly by and ignore it.

By then, whether it was the master or the little black dragon who was injured and punished, she would be sad.

Seeing the worry in Shen Jiao's eyes, Ye Lin, the Zhen sect's divine beast, took on the form of a human body and felt submissive in her heart.

He easily withdrew the pressure.

At this point, Song Zhi, who was almost out of breath, ended the torture.


"This ant is a bit stronger than the previous batch."

"However, it is unknown whether she will survive in the end."

"In two years, she will have to reach Foundation Establishment Perfection, and then participate in the peak competitions to compete for the resources of the main peak."

"Sister, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you, my little junior sister, to do this."

Ye Lin was lying next to Shen Jiao. He picked up Shen Jiao's long hair and played with it while speaking with disdain.

Song Zhi, who accurately accepted Ye Lin's criticism, smiled politely and silently swallowed his grievances.

That's it.

The second level of Qi training is indeed like an ant in the eyes of Yuanying realm.

Before she could win, she chose to endure! !

"Sister Jiaojiao."

"I counted with my fingers and realized that I didn't match the horoscope here."

"If you wait for a long time, your Taoist heart will inevitably be damaged, causing your cultivation to stagnate."

"So, please ask Sister Jiaojiao to open the door of the cave. After I ask Master to explain the reason, I will find another treasured place for cultivation."

"Thank you very much!"

Song Zhi never raised his head to look at Ye Lin during the whole process.

But every word she said was clearly alluding to Ye Lin's bullying.

Shen Jiao was not stupid, so she naturally understood Song Zhi's hidden dissatisfaction.

Thinking of her master's instructions before leaving, she immediately felt embarrassed.

After struggling and hesitating for a while, Shen Jiao finally chose to tell the truth.

"Zhizhi, it's not that senior sister won't let you go."

"The main thing is that you came out of Longtan."

"I'm afraid that I will be captured directly by Leng Yuefeng's group."

"Master Lengyue Peak is not as gentle and approachable as Master. She is famous throughout the sect for her harsh torture."

"I really don't want to see my junior sister going to Leng Yuefeng to suffer!"

Shen Jiao shed tears as she spoke.

She cried sincerely, with worry on her face.

Song Zhi was stunned immediately.

No, why was she captured by the Lord of Leng Yue Peak when she left here? ?
Isn't she the disciple of Master Shuyue Peak?
They are both disciples of the same sect, Leng Yuefeng arrests her...


She seemed to understand.

"Sister Jiaojiao."

"I vaguely remember that before you brought me here, Master's cave was violently destroyed by someone."

"The man kept scolding the master, saying that she had robbed her disciple..."

"This apprentice shouldn't be the one to tell, right?"

Song Zhi asked hesitantly, pointing to the tip of his nose. Seeing the shocked expression of disbelief on her face, Shen Jiao turned her face silently, feeling truly embarrassed.


"Little Junior Sister, I can explain this matter to you on behalf of Master."

Under Ye Lin's playful gaze, Shen Jiao bit her red lips and finally told the truth.

And Song Zhi finally knew.

Her tortuous journey to becoming Qiu Pingyue's apprentice.

It turns out that the person who did bad things on the Qian Hua Zong flying boat was indeed "Wen Qi" who claimed to be a female disciple of the Wanxiang Sect.

And this "Wen Qi" is actually Xue Yue, a disciple of Leng Yuefeng.

The reason why Xue Yue and the others set their sights on Song Zhi was by chance. They learned that Song Zhi had the best water spirit root, and they were delighted to see him.

Tian Rui, Leng Yuefeng's senior sister, tried to rely on Song Zhi to make a comeback, so she designed to kidnap Song Zhi.

Unfortunately, they were unlucky.

"Before Tian Rui and the others brought you into the sect, they unfortunately happened to bump into the master who returned to the sect."

"Master and Master Leng Yue Peak are actually sisters."

"Master is my younger sister, and Master Leng Yue Peak is my older sister."

"But the two sisters have been at odds since they were young and regard each other as a thorn in the flesh."

"If they don't call eight times a day, they will feel uncomfortable all over."

"Master looks gentle and calm, but in fact he has a very naughty temper."

Qiu Pingyue met Leng Yuefeng's disciple by chance, and she was just curious to find out.

Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly learned of Song Zhi's existence.

Thinking of Song Zhi being one in a thousand, with spiritual root qualifications that are rare to see in a thousand years.

Then I heard Tian Rui keep saying that it was up to Song Zhi to avenge his humiliation and trample Shuyue Peak under his feet in the main peak competition.

It was impossible for Qiu Pingyue to let such ambitions and clever plans go unchecked.

Therefore, adhering to the principle that it would be a fool not to take advantage of it, Qiu Pingyue used a little trick to successfully coax Song Zhi into his hand.

Qiu Pingyue's clever plan was to assume Qiu Lengyue's identity with a face that was exactly the same as Qiu Lengyue's.

"Junior sister, the whole process is like this."

"Before coming to Longtan, Master made three orders, asking me to protect you and advance to Foundation Establishment before taking you out."

"Otherwise, you might just fall victim to the grudge between her and Master Leng Yue Peak."

When he said this, even Shen Jiao, who was well-informed and experienced the unreliability of her master, couldn't help but look away with a guilty conscience.

Song Zhi, who learned the truth: "???"

Is she the origin of the second master? ?
Isn't it too catchy?
Probably because he could see Song Zhi's resistance and displeasure.

Shen Jiao quickly stood up and sat next to Song Zhi, and comforted her earnestly: "Little junior sister, don't worry too much."

"Don't worry, even someone as powerful as Master Lengyue Peak would not dare to force his way into Longtan at this time."

"The black dragon that locks the Dragon Pond is an ancient divine beast, a top-notch existence guarding one side."

"Let me tell you secretly, Alin appears to be a Nascent Soul cultivator, but in reality he is the Supreme God Transformation!"

"He likes me the most. As long as I open my mouth, he will definitely protect us."

"The water spirit energy here is most pure and abundant."

"When you practice here, you will advance ten times faster than outside."

"Little Junior Sister, just for the sake of Senior Sister, don't worry about the bad things Master does and just practice with me, okay?"


Shen Jiao begged and said all the good things.

Song Zhi felt that her coming to Xuannv Sect was too much, so she could only silently agree to it, sit back down and start practicing formally.

No matter what, her first priority now is to try her best to improve her cultivation.

Only in this way can the world of Qianhu Cultivation, which she established over 800 years ago with numerous talented people and the Golden Core Foundation, be able to gain a foothold!

At this time, Song Zhi didn't know that the people she cared about were in even worse situations than her.

She probably wouldn't even think of it.

The heroine Su Zhi actually followed the plot setting this time and successfully traveled from Jianchi to the Nine Nether Demonic City more than 800 years ago.

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