Chapter 255, Hehe, the cultivation level has been restored
"Junior sister, let's go out together."

"Two years of retreat have made me hungry!"

"Let's go, senior sister will take you to the dining hall to eat meat and drink wine."

"Master Zuo of the dining hall is a powerful senior who entered the Tao through food from the mortal world."

"If we can grab the meal he cooked by himself, maybe our cultivation will be even better!"

At the exit of Longtan Barrier, Shen Jiao said with a longing look on her face, as if she didn't see Ye Lin's dark, resentful face.

Song Zhi glanced lightly, too lazy to look at Ye Lin's "night lady face".

She hummed softly and stood obediently behind Shen Jiao, preparing to leave Longtan.

After practicing in Longtan for two years, Song Zhi has figured it out.

At this time, Ye Lin, who was the sacred beast of the Qianhua Sect, did not get permission from the leader.

He couldn't leave Longtan.

According to Shen Jiao, Ye Lin is the contracted divine beast of the founding ancestor of the Qianhua Sect.

The ancestor of the founding sect has been ascending for more than 10,000 years.

The reason why Ye Lin was left behind.

One is that he is worried about the sect that he has worked so hard to establish and wants Ye Lin to protect it.

Second, Ye Lin voluntarily applied to stay.

It is said that the reason why Ye Lin is like this is just for the Taoist monks who are waiting for the reincarnation of their souls.

And the Taoist monk who was a red lotus demon in his previous life has become Shen Jiao in this life.

This is the fundamental reason why Shen Jiao can monopolize Longtan and come and go at will.

Song Zhi was able to enter Longtan to practice because of Shen Jiao's friendship with the same disciple.

Although Song Zhi asked himself that he had no sisterly relationship with his senior sister Shen Jiao...

But Song Zhi kept the kindness of Shen Jiao's protection in mind.

Only those who have truly practiced in Longtan know the differences and benefits between Longtan and the outside world.

"Alin, I will come back to look for you after the peak competition is over."

"I will bring you your favorite dessert, steamed eggs!"

"Just wait for me to come back~"

Shen Jiao turned around and looked at his wife, the stone-like black dragon, and said softly.

With just a few words, she soothed the black dragon's restlessness and reluctance.

After being looked at by Shen Jiao sweetly, Ye Lin finally obeyed and finally opened the barrier of Longtan with a wave of his hand.

Just the next moment, after detecting several auras flowing outside the barrier, Ye Lin frowned subconsciously.

"elder sister……"

Ye Lin opened his mouth and called out softly. The situation he had detected had been passed on to Shen Jiao through the seal of the contract.

In this regard, Shen Jiao showed no panic at all.

"A-Lin, don't worry."

"Even if they come together, I won't be afraid!"

"If Master hadn't said it before, I would have been required to participate in the main peak competition."

"Otherwise, during this retreat, I have already taken advantage of the opportunity to attack the Nascent Soul."

Shen Jiao snorted softly, showing high spirits.

She turned her head and gave Song Zhi a reassuring smile, the corners of her lotus skirt flew up in a flamboyant arc, and the next moment, she took the lead and stepped out of the barrier.

As soon as Shen Jiao's figure appeared, the group of people waiting outside Longtan immediately rushed towards her.

The female cultivator who attacked first with her sword was clearly Tian Rui, the senior sister of her arch-rival Leng Yuefeng.

"Shen Honglian, you are such a shy turtle, you are so willing to give up!"

"I, Tian Rui, will pay back the humiliation of the past. Today, Shen Honglian, watch your move!"

Along with Tian Rui's angry scolding, Shen Jiao was greeted by dozens of male and female disciples using various tricks.

Seeing this scene, Song Zhi, who was still standing in the barrier of Longtan, couldn't help but be slightly speechless. When she was still considering whether she was suitable to go out to join the battle, Ye Lin, who was standing behind her, waved his hand. Song Zhi was caught off guard and was pushed out of the dragon pool, slamming into someone who was trying to sneak attack Shen Jiao. male cultivator.

Song Zhi: Damn!

Ye Lin, the swordsman! !
Don’t talk about martial ethics! !

"Is it Leng Yuefeng's new junior sister Song Zhi?"

"Hiss, you have actually achieved the perfection of Golden Elixir?!"

"This level of advancement is as simple as eating and drinking. Genius, a living genius!"

Before Song Zhi was about to hit the male disciple, he quickly stabilized his body and retreated.

Unexpectedly, the male disciple looked unattractive, but his five senses were very sharp.

He quickly turned his head to take precautions while accurately locating Song Zhi's position.

He originally wanted to summon poisonous bees to deal with Song Zhi, but the next moment he screamed in shock.

Following his call, a few of the monks surrounding Shen Jiao couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

Seeing their malicious and fighting eyes, Song Zhi became a little scared.

No, what the hell!
If she remembers correctly, she is a member of the prestigious Xuannv sect, right?

What about helping fellow students and respecting the elderly and caring for the young as promised? ?
As soon as she left Longtan, these disciples from the same sect turned on her...

Er, no, the main one was shouting at Shen Jiao?
Could it be that something happened that she didn't know about?
Thinking of this, Song Zhi suddenly understood.

Her phoenix eyes were crescent, and she smiled toothily at the male disciple who was in the middle stage of the golden elixir. She was instantly unparalleled in beauty.

The next moment, Song Zhi's expression immediately changed and he threw a spirit-locking whip at the male disciple.

As soon as the whip was pulled, the male disciple's arms and narrow waist were immediately bound by Song Zhi with precision.

Looking at the male disciple who couldn't move, Song Zhi was also dissatisfied.

She flew forward, ready to drag the person to a dark place to "torture him severely" and force him to find out the truth.

Unexpectedly, before she came closer, four graceful female cultivators emerged from behind the male disciple.

Seeing the female fairies wielding swords and clubs, they glared at her, looking uncomfortable with her.

Looking at the distance, Shen Jiao was fighting with several monks and was not losing.

Song Zhi...

Song Zhi took out a concealment charm and ran away decisively in front of this group of people.

Taking a look at Song Zhi, this little fat sheep, the disciples from all peaks were about to take the opportunity to make a killing: "..."

Leng Yuefeng's new junior sister is really a cunning and knowledgeable person from the same school.

Since Song Zhi recovered her cultivation, her storage bag can be opened and used.

However, the Zhenyuan Pagoda and Yuanyang swords seemed to be sealed, lying lifeless in her Dantian, like dead objects.

Song Zhi was really worried.

The concealment talisman she just used was of mid-level quality.

But if you hide your figure in front of a monk with a Golden Core cultivation level or below, it will have no effect on those with a Golden Core cultivation level or above.

Therefore, when Song Zhi landed in a pear forest and met the eyes of a female cultivator wearing a white robe, Song Zhi decisively removed the effect of the concealment charm.

She shouted with some uncertainty: "Master Pingyue?"

Seeing the beautiful Xiu who looked the same as Qiu Pingyue but had a very different temperament, Song Zhi couldn't help but beat a little drum in his heart.


She seemed to have accidentally stumbled upon the command camp of the Blue Army.

But on the surface, Song Zhi pretended to be serious.

She smiled obediently, bowed her head to the nun, and showed respect and submission.

"Disciple Song Zhi, pay homage to Master!"

"Disciple lives up to Master's expectations, and the golden elixir he has cultivated is perfect."

"Master, please give me some instructions!"

"If Master has instructions, no disciple dares to disobey!"

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