Chapter 256, Main Peak Competition

The female cultivator who looked exactly like Qiu Pingyue was slightly startled at first, and then her slender eyebrows subconsciously wrinkled.

After bowing her head when she saw Song Zhi, the Nascent Soul female cultivator curved her lips and smiled, with a hint of malice in her eyes.

She pretended to be pleased and said: "Good disciple, there is no need to be polite. Get up quickly."

"You can cultivate to the Golden Elixir Perfection in Longtan for two years. This kind of cultivation talent is truly unique to the Xuannv Sect."

"With my disciple's current qualifications, my future achievements on the road will definitely be better than mine."

"The competition on the main peak has begun. I'm thinking of this disciple's first entry into the sect."

"This time, you will be removed from the list for the time being and there is no need to participate."

"Follow me back to the main peak to rest."

Qiu Lengyue smiled lightly, and her expression and tone were exactly the same as those of her younger sister Qiu Pingyue.

If it weren't for some subtle differences, people who weren't familiar with them wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

But Song Zhi was prepared to distinguish the two.

It's not that she is so smart and sharp-eyed.

Song Zhi was able to recognize Qiu Lengyue only because of the object recognition scanning function provided by the female supporting system.

With the help of the scanning function, Song Zhi not only identified Qiu Lengyue pretending to be Qiu Pingyue.

She also recognized that the pear forest where she was was clearly the territory of Leng Yuefeng.

But despite this, Song Zhi, who was facing Qiu Lengyue alone, under the pressure of the powerful Nascent Soul Lord, could only pretend to be dumbfounded at this time.

She really didn't believe it.

As a disciple of the same sect of Xuannv Sect, Qiu Lengyue will willfully cause disaster to her new disciple because of her disagreement with Qiu Pingyue!

Song Zhi thought and stood up obediently.

She seemed to be standing respectfully beside Qiu Lengyue, but in fact, she silently opened the [safe passage].

However, although.

Defenses can not do without.

She'd better be vigilant.

After all, to this day, she still has unbelievable thoughts about traveling back to more than 800 years ago.

"Master, they are all surrounding Senior Sister, do we want to help?"

Song Zhi followed Qiu Lengyue's gaze and raised his eyes to look at Shen Jiao, who was trapped in mid-air and felt a little powerless, with a touch of worry on her face.

Hearing this, Qiu Lengyue, who was satisfied with this scene, frowned and her anger suddenly rose.

Fortunately, she still has her wits about her.

He still had the plan to ask Qiu Pingyue to return Song Zhi, a talented disciple, after Leng Yuefeng defeated Shen Jiao.

Therefore, Qiu Lengyue suppressed her anger at this time and found it difficult to be patient enough to explain the ins and outs of the matter to Song Zhi.


Qiu Pingyue and Shen Jiao had attached great importance to the main peak competition two years ago.

Today, the curtain has been lifted.

However, it was different from the regular events in Song Zhi's memory.

The main peak competition of the Xuannv Sect is mainly a melee between the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Golden Core Stage.

Whoever laughs last is the winner of the competition.

The winner's main peak will be given priority to enjoy the sect's resources for two years.

Such good things are naturally what everyone yearns for.

And before the official competition.

All participating disciples must gather together to fight the winner of the previous competition first.

If they win the fight, then their main peak competition will officially begin.

If they lose, the winner retains the title.

The competitions of other sects all started one-on-one, starting with those with lower cultivation levels and gradually moving up to those with higher cultivation levels.

Only this Xuannv sect did the opposite.

Just because the ancestors of the founding sect once carved mottos.

It is stated that this journey of cultivation is full of desperate situations and crises. The disciples in the sect are away from home.

They often encounter enemies who are stronger than themselves.

In this case, if you want to protect yourself, you can only escape with high combat power and rich experience.

Therefore, this method is used in various competitions of the Xuannv Sect.

However, Song Zhi had only been a member for two years, and her reputation had spread throughout the sect, but no one had seen her legendary junior sister of Shuyue Peak.

Naturally, he was also counted as one of the participating disciples.

They don't care whether Song Zhi understands the rules or not.

At this moment, they just want to win!
"I see."

"No wonder Senior Sister has become the target of public criticism just after she left Longtan..."

I bet this is the recognition and challenge given to her by fellow disciples of the Xuannv Sect.

Song Zhi, who learned everything from Qiu Lengyue, murmured in sudden realization.

Turning his head to meet her thoughtful eyes, Qiu Lengyue, who was still pretending to be Qiu Pingyue, suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

What a strong murderous aura!
Qiu Lengyue's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly summoned her natal magic weapon for all-round offensive and defensive protection.

But at this time, she was already trapped in Song Zhi's heaven-level mystery formation.

Of course Song Zhi would not hurt Qiu Lengyue.

After all, they have no grievances or grudges.

However, Song Zhi wanted to stand out and establish his presence in front of the major figures of Xuannv Sect, and quickly intervened in the main forces of the sect.

She must make a splash in this competition.

"Master has said so much, you must be tired now, right?"

"Disciple hastily asked Master to take a break for now."

"After the disciple and senior sister take off the laurels of the competition, the disciple will ask the master to come out to thank you."

Song Zhi whispered to the angry Qiu Lengyue through the illusion.

It seems sincere, but in fact it is extremely bad.

At this point, if Qiu Lengyue didn't know that she was being tricked by Song Zhi, she would be a pure fool.

"Not too old..."

"There are so many evil minds!"

"Song Zhi."

"You'd better pray that you successfully win the competition!"

Qiu Lengyue stabilized her mind to avoid being haunted by her inner demons.

While gritting his teeth, he whispered with anger in his eyes.

At this time, Song Zhi was relying on the [Safe Passage], using the Talisman Lingbao, or taking advantage of surprise and sneak attack.

Or a fierce frontal attack to pull people out of the battle circle.

With her joining, Shen Jiao, who was under siege and her strength gradually diminished, breathed a sigh of relief.

"is her?"

"Sister, that child, she has actually advanced to the Golden Elixir Great Perfection!!"

"When we met her, she was clearly just a mortal with empty spiritual roots!"

Seeing that Song Zhi, the latecomer, came to the fore and defeated a group of brothers and sisters.

Her methods were so superb and ruthless that it was impossible to tell that she was a new monk who had only been in Taoism for two years.

Tian Rui, Xue Yue and others who were a little far away from the battle circle couldn't help showing dumbfounded expressions.

At this time, Song Zhi, who had finished cleaning up the disciples whose cultivation was lower than hers, stuffed a few Qi-boosting pills into her mouth, and then she turned her indifferent eyes on the group of people who were still immersed in jealousy and shock. female nun in.

As long as they win over Leng Yuefeng's group of disciples, Shu Yuefeng will be able to win the competition again!

By then, she will join the core forces of the Xuannv Sect and use the opportunity to find someone to plan, and the plan can be carried out smoothly.

I wonder what happened to the fifth senior brother and the sixth senior brother at this time?

The communication symbols she sent out were all silent, as if they were separated from her by time and space, and no one responded, which made people feel sad.

"Song Zhi of Shuyue Peak, respectfully invite the senior sisters of Leng Yue Peak to fight!"

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