Song Zhi flew up and stood in front of Shen Jiao.

She raised her glazed sword and pointed it at the Leng Yuefeng disciple not far away, her pretty face filled with fighting spirit.

Leng Yuefeng's disciples, headed by Tian Rui, were immediately furious and were aroused by Song Zhi's provocative behavior.

This was supposed to be their junior sister from Shuyue Peak.

But their training was taken away by Zhenjun Pingyue, and now he raised his sword against them.

This move is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Tian Rui, Xue Yue and others.

Thinking of this relationship, Tian Rui, who was still hesitant to tell the truth, immediately stopped caring about anything else.

At this moment, she just wants to represent Leng Yue Peak and win over the only disciple of Shu Yue Peak to officially start the main peak competition!
"Junior brothers and sisters, the opportunity to win Shuyue Peak is right in front of you, so cheer up."

"Follow me and kill him!"

Tian Rui shouted sharply and led a group of disciples to rush towards Song Zhi and Shen Jiao.

This scene of a large number fighting a small number caused high-level monks and low-level disciples of Xuannv Sect to compete with each other from afar.

"Shen-kun Aoki, how about a bet?"

"Just take my newly refined seventh-grade magic weapon as a reward."

"I bet that in this round, Leng Yuefeng will be defeated and break the title."

On a main peak not far away, two monks playing chess were chatting leisurely while using water mirrors to follow the grand competition in real time.

Song Zhi and Shen Jiao struggled to fight back under the siege of many disciples, showing signs of being isolated and helpless.

However, in the eyes of True Lord Nascent Soul, it is just a game in his spare time.

The middle-aged male cultivator known as Lord Aoki chuckled and readily agreed to the old man's proposal.

He was seen twirling a white chess piece made of spiritual jade, and after looking at the water mirror for a while, his face became clear, and he was extremely happy to beat Leng Yuefeng to win.

"Uncle Fan, based on my meager Qi-gazing skills, I conclude that Leng Yuefeng will still win this time in the main peak competition."

"Uncle, we can wait and see."

Similar discussions and speculations echoed throughout the Xuannv Sect.

Song Zhi didn't know about this.

She can completely use the enigma formation to stun all the endless disciples and win the victory.

But in the end, Song Zhi did not use this cheating method.

Since she attained the Great Perfection of Golden Elixir.

No matter it is the past life or this life.

They have never used what they have learned to have a heart-pounding fight with someone.

This time, the Xuannv Sect's main peak competition was clearly an opportunity for her to realize her dream.

She must not let it go.

Although it is impossible to summon the water-covering mandarin duck's double swords to fight against the enemy.

But Song Zhi kept it in mind.

So, in full view of the public.

Song Zhi, a young disciple of Leng Yuefeng, was born out of nowhere, with swordsmanship that they had never seen before.

Either the sky was filled with rainbow light, or a dragon danced with surprise, or some were slaughtered with all her strength. She actually managed to eliminate several monks of the same level by herself.

Although Shen Jiao was also trying her best to help, the main focus of this battle was on Song Zhi.

There are powerful monks who are proficient in swordsmanship, and Song Zhi's amazing talent in swordsmanship can be seen at a glance.

Not only is her academic skills superb.

She can even change her offensive in time and cooperate with Shen Jiao's skills to increase each other's ability to defend against enemies several times.

Such a talented female disciple is the only one among the Xuannv Sect, which has many female disciples.

"Mi'er, after the competition is over, bring this girl to see me."

"Her destiny is different and extraordinary."

Just when the battle in Dabi reached a fever pitch.

Standing in front of the main hall door and looking at the battle situation, Fuyang Mi, the head of Xuannv Sect, suddenly received a message with a vast and profound aura.

Fuyangmi's face turned pale at that time, and she turned around and bowed slightly in the direction of Yuewu Mountain. "I will obey my ancestor's orders."

Is your destiny different or unusual?
Could it be that this rising star Song Zhi is a person who seizes his body and practices evil?

Thinking of this possibility, a sour expression suddenly appeared on Fuyangmi's beautiful face.

Their Xuannv sect has been established for more than 6,000 years, although they are still among the six major sects.

However, because there is only one ancestor of the God Transformation who is close to his longevity in the sect, and there is no redundant God Transformation Sect, his status is now slightly unstable.

That Song Zhi could advance to Golden Elixir Perfection within two years.

If you devote all your efforts to cultivating such qualifications and cultivation talents, you may be able to advance to the level of god faster than those true monarchs who have been stuck in the Nascent Soul Realm for many years.

But the ancestor said she was different...

Could it be that their Xuannv sect has really come to an end?
Fuyang Mi thought with a frustrated look on her face, completely unaware that the area around Leng Yuefeng was the main battlefield at this time.

Song Zhi and Shen Jiao felt like they had collaborated a thousand times.

The two stood with their backs facing each other in tacit understanding, one holding a crimson rapier and the other holding a light blue glazed sword. They each released their sword formation ultimate moves and charged towards the triangle sword formation where Leng Yuefeng's disciples gathered.

In an instant, swords flashed and neon lights filled the sky.

Leng Yuefeng disciples kept getting kicked out of the melee.

After half a stick of incense, the only disciples who could still stand with their swords in hand were Song Zhi and Shen Jiao, who swept the entire field.

Looking at the monks lying on the ground in the forest, covering their wounds and yelling in various ways, with expressions of reluctance or eyes full of admiration.

Song Zhi gathered his breath, took the glazed sword back to his dantian, and smoothly withdrew the confusion formation, releasing the extremely angry True Lord Qiu Lengyue.

"This competition between the various peaks of the sect has come to a successful conclusion."

"Congratulations to Leng Yuefeng for successfully defending his title."

"The relevant rewards will be handed over to Leng Yuefeng personally by the Ministry of Internal Affairs later."

"Lingcao Peak and Alchemy Palace have been opened. Injured disciples can go there for medical treatment and recuperation."

After it was determined that no more disciples could be found on other main peaks who could fight, a golden elixir female cultivator who acted like a host jumped out.

She stood in front of Song Zhi and Shen Jiao and loudly reported to the losers below.

In an instant, the rest of the main peak was filled with boos and lamentations one after another.

After all, the main peak competition affects the resource tilt of the entire main peak.

Seeing the leader Fu Yangmi flying towards Song Zhi, Qiu Lengyue finally escaped from that hellish formation, the anger on her face could no longer be suppressed.

This Song Zhi is really unbridled!
While she was still in the sect, she, a junior, dared to attack her, the True Lord of Nascent Soul.

Although it didn't hurt her even a hair, it was still an insult.

Today's shame.

If she doesn't repay it, she will really be sorry for the true king she has worked so hard to cultivate!

Qiu Lengyue thought fiercely in her heart, and in the next moment, a female cultivator who made her angry even if she looked at her again suddenly flashed in front of her.

"Cough cough."


“One day without seeing you is like three autumns apart.”

"Where were you just now?"

"At such an important moment in the competition, I can't find you anywhere."

"Sister, even if you are annoyed that your disciple has no future, you should still do something to save face."

"For something as important as the competition, if you don't even show your face, you are really not a teacher!"

Qiu Pingyue appeared out of nowhere and met Qiu Lengyue's cold eyes, which made her look so mean-spirited.

When she saw Qiu Lengyue, the corners of her eyes turned red with anger, and she directly summoned the natal magic weapon, the Universe Circle, in her hand.

Only then did Qiu Pingyue finally remember the reason why she took the initiative to find her sister.

"Ah! Sister, wait a minute!"

"Sister, I'm here to seek peace!!" (End of this chapter)

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