Qiu Pingyue did come to seek peace.

She seemed to have a conscience.

He actually offered to give half of the reward resources from this competition to Leng Yuefeng free of charge.

"Ahem, sister~"

"My ancestors and mother have already punished me."

"Just accept my apology."

"When my good disciple comes out from the head office, I will take her to Shuyue Peak in person, serve you tea, and call you my good master."


Song Zhi didn't know yet, but Qiu Pingyue triggered a war between sisters because he snatched her midway.

First, he was severely tortured by his own sister, and ended in defeat.

Later, he was recalled by the ancestor of the Leng family, and he was scolded for half a day, and then was sent to the Guichou Forest for a day of corporal punishment.

The anger of the elders of the Leng family was extinguished. They released her and ordered her to apologize and seek peace with Qiu Lengyue.

Song Zhi didn't know that she had been betrayed by the cheap master and found another Nascent Soul master for her.

At this time, she was being taken personally by Fuyang Mi, the leader of Xuannv Sect, to Yuewu Mountain where the ancestor of the Transformation God lived.

It was said that the ancestor spoke in person and asked to see her by name.

Song Zhi immediately had a bad premonition.

She didn't think that she would become famous in one battle and have such a bright future that even the True God Transformation Master would be impressed by her.

Perhaps, her time-traveling body has been noticed by this True Master.

After all, the power of transforming into a god is comparable to half of the power of heaven.

Song Zhi didn't dare to be complacent.

She looked solemn and followed Fu Yangmi obediently, after passing through several entrances to the barrier.

She finally met the only true god-incarnation of the Xuannv Sect.

"Song Zhi, kneel down to greet me."

"This is my ancestor of the Xuannv Sect, Yue Yan Zhenzun."

"Ancestor has something to say to you, so I will take my leave first."

Fuyangmi bowed respectfully to Zhenzun Yueyan, and then turned around and left.

At this point, Song Zhi and the old woman sitting quietly with their eyes closed were the only ones left in the huge space with only a lake at their feet.

The woman's eyebrows and hair are all white, but her face is as clean and delicate as a twenty-eight-year-old girl.

She opened her eyes and looked.

With just one glance, a vast force grabbed Song Zhi's heart tightly, suffocating her.

Song Zhifeng's eyes widened slightly, and her heart beat faster and faster.

My life is over!

At that moment, Song Zhi felt that she was very close to death.

"You have a different destiny."

"I can't see through you."

"You are not from this world."

Zhenzun Yueyan said in a sweet voice.

The tone of the sentence structure is a bit playful and soft like the girl next door.

This contrast made Song Zhi couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhenzun Yueyan had already withdrawn all his power, giving Song Zhi a chance to continue breathing.

"I think you have something to say to me."

"Let's sit down and talk in detail."

Zhenzun Yueyan said softly.

She pointed slightly, and an off-white futon appeared out of thin air behind Song Zhi.

Song Zhi was confused and wanted to find out the news, but he didn't dare to mess around in front of the True Master of Transformation God.

But she really didn't know, when Zhenzun Yueyan said that she was not from this world, did he mean that she came from the earth?

Or is it that she traveled back in time from more than 800 years ago to more than 800 years ago?

Seeing Zhenzun Yueyan open her eyes and look quietly, her eyes were clear and clear, as if she understood everything.

Song Zhi bit his lower lip and slowly sat down.

"Ancestor, I really don't know where to start."

"If the ancestor doesn't give up, please help the younger generation start."

Song Zhi thought about it and finally chose to play rogue and throw the problem back to Zhenzun Yueyan.

As the saying goes, the more you say, the more mistakes you make, the more loopholes you have. It's better to be appropriately cautious in your words and deeds.

How could Song Zhi, with his little cleverness, deceive Zhenzun Yueyan, who had lived for nearly ten thousand years?

Zhenzun was silent for a moment, and then he thought of something and actually started talking.

"A few years ago, I was traveling abroad."

"I once passed through a place called the Valley of Dreams."

"There, I had a rare dream."

"It was a nightmare."

"In the dream, the day when I transformed into the god Shouyuan was incarnation, it was the day when the Xuannv sect died and was defeated."

"A hundred years from now, the Xuannv Sect that I worked so hard to create will no longer exist at all."

"Before I met you, I never took this dream seriously."

"After seeing you, I thought, maybe, you are the culprit that caused the defeat and disappearance of the Xuannv Sect!"

As Zhenzun Yueyan finished speaking, his anger turned into murderous intent and swept towards Song Zhi.

Song Zhi is not someone who just sits there and waits for death.

She followed the guidance of the [Safe Channel] and mobilized all her spiritual energy, and she narrowly escaped this powerful attack.

Looking at Song Zhi, who was lying on the ground panting hard and unable to follow up, Zhenzun Yueyan closed his eyes slightly and suppressed the agitation in his heart.

No, it was not this girl who caused the Xuannv Sect to perish.

But, she.

A wisp of soul quickly flashed from Zhenzun Yueyan's sea of ​​consciousness, bringing back her long-forgotten memories in time.

It was only then that Zhenzun Yueyan, who was in grief and rage, finally remembered her mission here.

"It's you."

"Song Zhi..."

"You finally came."

"I have been waiting for you here for many years."

"You don't need to say anything more, I already know your purpose."

"Go out now, I have my own arrangements."

"When the time is right, the treasure you want will appear."

Zhenzun Yueyan said softly, with a strong sense of fatigue in his voice.

It was as if even the deepest part of his soul was exhausted.

Song Zhi stood up unbearably.

She felt that at this moment, the God-Incarnation True Master who was right in front of her was as fragile as a clay sculpture.

If she reaches out and touches it lightly, Zhenzun Yueyan will shatter into ashes.

"True Lord."

"I don't quite understand what you mean."

What treasure?
Why wait until the time comes?

Could it be that what Zhenzun Yueyan was talking about was that she took Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang to the ancient battlefield to seize the chance of being the male and female host?

However, how could Zhenzun Yueyan know about this matter?
Does she know that she is a time traveler?
Thousands of thoughts flashed through Song Zhi's mind, and finally, with Zhenzun Yueyan's silent farewell gesture, he slowly turned around and retreated.

She had only taken four steps on the water, and the next moment, a gauze-like mist enveloped her entirely.

When Song Zhi saw the light of day again, she had already left Yuewu Mountain and stood at the entrance to the outermost barrier.

Here, the leader Fuyang Mi is holding a small sparrow in his hand, feeding the bird food in a leisurely manner.

"Disciple Song Zhi, I have met the master."

Song Zhi took two steps forward and bowed politely.

Fuyang Mi, whose back was facing her, turned around and looked around.

She looked at Song Zhi with complex eyes, her eyes filled with a thousand words, but she said with a free and easy smile: "No need to say more."

"The ancestor has informed me of the general matter."

"This token is the jade token of the inner sect's elite disciples."

"Just put it away."

"The ancestors have said that in the coming days, you must practice diligently and improve your cultivation as soon as possible."

"If you need to leave the sect, you can go to the sect's outer palace with a license."

"That's all I've said, go ahead."

"As for your unreliable and cheap master, I will help you restrain and suppress her, and you can rest assured." (End of Chapter)

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