Chapter 260, Solving the Puzzle

When Qin Shuang thought of this, she became furious.

She forced herself to stand up and used her remaining spiritual power to summon her natal spiritual sword from her dantian.

She rushed towards the law enforcement disciple with the lowest cultivation level.

When everyone in the group of law enforcement disciples was in danger, Qin Shuang made a false move, turned around and ran away.

Her sword-wielding skills are superb.

Even Fu Boshan, who was at the same level of cultivation, was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses.

"Qin Shuang, stop!"

"you come back!"

"Don't force me to do anything to you..."

The handsome young man murmured in a low voice.

I thought of my master's whisper when I came out.

The friendship that Fu Boshan had as a sect was immediately put aside rationally by him.

He took the lead and chased Qin Shuang, who had fled.

Soon, a fight between fellow disciples took place in mid-air not far away.

The master said that senior sister Qin Shuang was the reincarnation of the evil fairy Hao Po who caused the catastrophe thousands of years ago and caused the ladder to heaven to be artificially cut off.

The double-eared round pot artifact she contracted is the ironclad proof!

And her use of round pots to kill hundreds of monks to extract their flesh and blood is the best evidence.

The master assured him.

He said that as long as he brought Qin Shuang back alive.

He gave him the quick method of practicing sword cultivation to form a baby.

Fu Boshan has been stuck in Jindan Dzogchen for more than three hundred years.

Seeing that fellow disciples who were less qualified than him and had average spiritual roots, the good news of having a baby came one after another.

Only he stayed put.

How to successfully advance has become Fu Boshan's obsession, and even hidden inner demons have arisen.

In order to advance, Fu Boshan was even willing to cooperate with the Law Enforcement Hall and lure Qin Shuang out of hiding in the name of his junior brother.

He felt he had done nothing wrong.

Little did he know that he had made a big mistake and would regret it for the rest of his life.

After a fierce battle in which the color of the sky and the earth changed and the sea water churned, Qin Shuang, who had insufficient energy, finally became a prisoner of Fu Boshan's sword.

Looking at the scars all over his body, he didn't look like the noble and gentle Qin Shuang before.

Fu Boshan couldn't help but glanced away.

he kept telling himself.

He took action against Qin Shuang to uphold the truth and uphold justice.

He didn't do anything wrong.

The one who was wrong was obviously Senior Sister.

But the senior sister looked at him with indifference and didn't even want to say a word to him.

But it made him feel heartache uncontrollably.

Junior sister is just junior sister.

Senior sister, but not just senior sister.


"I promise you, I will do my best to keep you safe."

Young Fu Boshan stroked his Frost Sword vigorously, with a confident expression on his handsome face.

He is a genius in swordsmanship.

He is the youngest Jindan disciple of Qianhua Sect.

His master is a gentle and gentle gentleman with a high status.

If the two of them, the master and the apprentice, jointly submit the memorial, it would not be difficult to protect Qin Shuang in the law enforcement hall.

Qin Shuang was quickly escorted back to Qianhua Sect and placed in the dungeon of the Law Enforcement Hall under strict supervision.

The monks who were responsible for pursuing the reincarnation of the evil immortal were relieved after seeing Qin Shuang himself.

But they had no idea.

The real reincarnation of the Evil Immortal, Hu Sui, made an excuse to go out to look for medicine. According to the few words left by his predecessor, he quickly found all the fragments of the Sky-Swallowing Pot in a limited time. A huge conspiracy began to unfold in Qianhua Zong.

But everyone in the sect didn't know anything about it.

In the direction of Tongzhou, news began to spread that the demons died after exhausting their spiritual energy and blood.

Some righteous sects were quietly wiped out overnight.


In the Lingxian Sect of Wentian Mountain, thousands of miles away from Tongzhou.

Xie Linglong, who was meditating in seclusion, suddenly opened his eyes.

She frowned and made quick calculations with her fingers.

A soft sound of "bang" broke the tranquility of the cave and recalled Xie Linglong's mind.


"She is resurrected."

"I can already feel the breath of Tiantian Pot."

A black-gold pagoda floated in front of Xie Linglong without a call.

Xie Linglong only heard his voice, but could not see the trace of the person who spoke.

Therefore, this person is not the real weapon spirit of Zhenyuan Tower, but the weapon spirit born from the black and golden treasure cover on the top of the tower.

In the world of Qianhu cultivation, almost no one knows that the Zhenyuan Tower, the natal magic weapon of the immortal Wei Han, is actually composed of three artifacts.

It was Wei Han who had a bad taste and forcibly erased the original appearance of the three artifacts and forged them into the shape of a pagoda.

In other words, there are actually three weapon spirits in the real Zhenyuan Tower.

The weapon spirit on the pagoda body died long ago thousands of years ago, and the life and death of the weapon spirit on the base of the tower are unknown and are wandering outside.

Only the treasure-covered weapon spirit lives forever in the pagoda.

The Linglong True Master of the Lingxian Sect is actually the reincarnation of Wei Han, who died with the evil fairy Hao Po thousands of years ago.

Because most of Wei Han's soul was absorbed by the Zhenyuan Pagoda, and there was already a spiritual clone of Wei Han stored in the pagoda.

Therefore, after more than six thousand years of watering and protection, Wei Han finally came back to life from his spiritual clone.

To avoid being seen as wrong.

The resurrected Wei Han named himself Xie Linglong and began to wander around the Qianhu Continent.

One of her actions was to look for the missing tower body spirit, and the other was to find the remaining spirit fragments of the Sky-Swallowing Pot and Hao Po to completely destroy them.

The so-called emperor and heaven pay off.

Wei Han really found the half of Hao Po's heart left behind.

After discovering Hao Po's powerful power of reincarnation from the heart, Wei Han decisively drew an array to imprison the heart, pretended to be his own spiritual thoughts, and entrusted prophecy dreams to several powerful sects.

It is said that as long as there is any abnormal movement in the heart-locking formation, it means that the evil fairy Hao Po who caused the ladder to break has been successfully resurrected and is about to come back.

And this heart-locking formation, which has an early warning function, is now set up in the Lingxian Sect.

When Hu Sui gathered the fragments and restored the evil artifact, the Sky-Turning Pot.

In the heart-locking formation, Hao Po's half-broken heart also emits mysterious light waves in response.

This scene happened to be seen by Xie Linglong who was on daily inspection.

Xie Linglong, who had suppressed his cultivation and became the Nascent Soul Lord, suddenly became filled with worries and began to distribute communication talismans widely to announce this vision to the entire cultivation world.

In order to find out the reincarnation of Hao Po as soon as possible.

Xie Linglong also pretended that he had received guidance from the immortal Wei Han and had learned in advance the appearance and characteristics of the evil weapon Sky-Swallowing Pot.

Xie Linglong originally intended to use the Sky Swallowing Pot to identify Hao Po's reincarnation.

But she never expected that the cunning Hao Po and the cunning rabbit had two holes.

Not to mention that she took over a Hu Sui's spirit body.

She actually refined a clone in advance, and when she was reincarnated, she dragged this clone along with her.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Hu Sui also manually modified the fate of the clone's reincarnation and manually reduced the age difference between them.

In doing so, she was just leaving her clone as a backup.

And Hao Po's clone reincarnated was Qin Shuang, who took the blame for her.

Wen Liang and the head of Qianhua Sect sent Fu Boshan and the Law Enforcement Hall to pursue Qin Shuang.

In fact, it was Hu Sui's clever words.

Hu Sui not only wants Qin Shuang's people, she also wants to get the Heavenly Mark that was hidden in Qin Shuang's soul before she was reincarnated!

Only in this way can she break through Wei Han's ban and escape from the small world of Qianhu.

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