Chapter 261, Qin Shuang, you and I are one

Jiuyou Demon City.

In the majestic demon palace belonging to the Blood Nightmare Lord.

Su Zhi was half lying in Su Yuan's arms, raising her head to receive a spiritual fruit fed by Su Yuan with her mouth.

Her eyebrows were stretched, and there was a touch of spring on her pretty face, and the Yuan Yin Qi had dissipated.

It was obvious that Su Zhi at this time had become a real woman under the hands of Su Yuan.

Come to the Demon Palace for these days.

Su Zhi looks like a little white flower, clinging to Su Yuan day after day, enjoying the joy of fish and water.

In fact, he kept pouring ecstasy soup into Su Yuan, and even openly sent people to search Hu Sui's location in the name of the devil's concubine.

Because the Tuntian pot is missing a lid.

So these days, Su Zhi used the Tiantian Pot to absorb Suyuan's huge luck, and at the same time let the Tiantian Pot's weapon spirit sense the location of the lid.

But two and a half years have passed.

Still no news on the lid.

However, the evil cultivator Hu Sui, whom she and the Sky-Tunning Pot Weapon Spirit were searching for, was found by the demons.

At this time, the demon general kneeling in front of the palace reported this matter to Suyuan.

When they heard that the Hu Sui they were looking for lived in the first Qianhua Sect in the direction of Tongzhou.

Suyuan's brows wrinkled at that moment.

He held Su Zhi in his arms, and his eyes were complicated and difficult to distinguish for a moment.

But Su Zhi had no idea. Instead, she sat up excitedly and hurriedly urged the Demon General to tell more details.

The demon general looked at Suyuan carefully.

Seeing that the Blood Nightmare Lord did not interrupt, he then told the news he had found out.

Among them, the massacre of families led by Tongzhou and spread to the surrounding areas attracted Su Zhi's attention.

Su Zhi's eyes suddenly brightened when she heard that there was something strange happening in the heart-locking formation set up in the Lingxian Sect, and that it was suspected that the evil fairy Hao Po from ten thousand years ago had successfully resurrected.

"Suyuan, I want to go to Tongzhou."

"Can you take me there?"

"Or if you help me find that Hu Sui, I'll be satisfied."

Su Zhi climbed up Su Yuan's tall upper body with both hands.

She asked softly while kissing him softly.

Suyuan closed his eyes and enjoyed the little woman's attentiveness, his heart as clear as a mirror.

At this time, he nodded indulgently and agreed to all Su Zhi's requests.

Here, except him and Su Zhi.

Everything is fake.

Even if Su Zhi caused trouble, it would have no effect on him.

However, if we can take advantage of the opportunity to find the mark of the evil fairy Hao Po, break through the ban on the Qianhu interface, and ascend to the upper demonic realm.

Then the hundreds of years of waiting will be even more worth it.

Su Zhishang didn't know what Su Yuan was thinking.

After getting Su Yuan's approval, she ordered many demon soldiers and generals to lurk into the territory of Tongzhou, and must quietly kidnap Hu Sui.

She entered the ancient battlefield, and then came to this Qianhu cultivation world that was suspected to be more than 870 years ago.

What he did was to help Tuntian Pot successfully find the lid and complete the restoration of its body.

As long as her true body is restored, the problems that trouble her about spiritual root cultivation and the weakness of her spiritual body can be easily solved.

In fact, she can completely use the power of swallowing the sky to sacrifice the entire Qianhu cultivation world, forcibly tearing apart the restrictions of the powerful spirit fairy, and complete the first ascension after ten thousand years.

Just thinking about that scene.

Su Zhi couldn't help but feel excited and excited!

Suddenly, due to Su Zhi's unilateral order, an impetuous atmosphere arose throughout the demon world.

At this time, Tongzhou was in Jigu Mountain.

Qin Shuang, a fugitive covered in blood, was trapped in a spirit-binding formation and could not move.

The spiritual energy in her body disappeared quickly, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

But Qin Shuang still raised his head and stared at the figures outside the formation unwillingly.

"Hu Sui!"

"Did you let me go on purpose?"

"It was you who deliberately led me here..."

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"If you want to fight or kill, you just come, why do you have to act in such a roundabout way?"

"You're not tired, but I'm bored."

Qin Shuang sneered while staring at Hu Sui, who was dressed in a swaying body, with resentful eyes.

She went from being a core disciple of the Qianhua Sect with a bright future to being a prisoner today. It was Hu Sui who was the one who got in the way.

If he didn't hate her, it would seem that Qin Shuang was a little bit inferior to the Holy Mother.

Qin Shuang is gentle and kind, but she is not stupid.

Thinking of the chats she overheard in prison, Qin Shuang had guessed Hu Sui's true identity.

Looking at the lithe beauty with a look of resentment and unwillingness in her eyes.

Hu Sui sighed softly.

In the blink of an eye, she arrived in front of Qin Shuang. Through an invisible aura barrier, she suddenly leaned over and held Qin Shuang's pretty face.

Hu Sui's eyes were complicated, seeming to be pity and yet also coveting.

Qin Shuang only heard this good junior sister say in an erratic tone: "Good Shuang'er."

"Now, it's time to tell you the truth."

"Your junior sister and I are actually you."

"We belong together."

"It just looks different to the outside world."

"Now, the subject has awakened within me."

"To escape from here and return to the fairy world."

"Qin Shuang, I need to merge with your soul and perfect my body."

"Be obedient, it won't hurt."

"You just have to be obedient and accept me."

Hu Sui said in a bewitching tone.

As she finished speaking, a whirlwind of spiritual energy suddenly arose in the spirit-binding formation.

Qin Shuang saw Hu Sui rising with the wind and slowly flying into the air.

She lowered her eyes and looked stern.

That cold and arrogant look that was indifferent to everything made Qin Shuang's heart tremble.

——I will die!

When this idea came out of his mind, Qin Shuang suddenly felt a surge of unwillingness and anger.

She couldn't understand what Hu Sui was talking about.

She is her, she is Qin Shuang.

She and Hu Suicai are not the same person.

Hu Sui is the real evil cultivator, and she is the good person who was slandered by Hu Sui!

"Xiaotian, suck away Hu Sui's luck and return the spiritual luck that does not belong to her to this world!!"

Seeing Hu Sui quickly pull out the magic formula, a magic circle with flashing light appeared on his chest and flew towards him quickly.

The closer Hu Sui got, the more Qin Shuang felt that her soul was about to be pulled out.

An ominous premonition enveloped her deeply.

In a panic, Qin Shuang decisively chose to fight back.

Trembling all over, she used her last bit of spiritual power to finally summon the incomplete artifact she had contracted with when she was young.

This is a short round pot with two ears.

If it weren't for the intertwining cracks and numerous gaps on the pot body.

Even with the arrogant appearance of this pot body when it first appeared in the world, it does not deserve the status of a divine weapon.

Qin Shuang became angry and forced Tiantian Hu to attack Hu Sui.

But as soon as the pot body appeared, it spontaneously fell into Hu Sui's hands.

Qin Shuang's eyes widened, and he was immediately caught off guard by this turn of events.

"Xiao Tian!!"


Feeling the rapid separation between the round pot and his own soul, Qin Shuang couldn't hold back and spurted out a mouthful of hot blood.

She was shocked and trembling.

This time, she finally realized that Hu Sui's previous statement was not groundless.

Hu Sui is not crazy.

It's her who's going crazy.

"Qin Shuang."

"I said, you and I belong together."

"In the end, I gave you too much freedom, which enabled you to develop independent ambitions."

"Swallow the sky, form a formation to protect the law."

"Help me restore myself!"

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