Chapter 262: Damn it, she escaped
Hu Sui, no, it should be said, was the awakened Hao Po body, and gave an order to the Sky Swallowing Pot.

The pot body immediately released the skill obediently. The invisible power of luck was continuously released from the pot body, and instantly turned into a powerful force, which was sucked into Hu Sui's body.

In this way they complement each other.

Qin Shuang watched helplessly as Hu Sui, who originally only had the Golden Elixir Dzogchen cultivation base, continued to skyrocket in just a few breaths.

First it was in the early stage of Yuanying, then in the middle stage, and finally it stayed in the late stage of Yuanying. Only then did this terrible rise finally stop.

At this time, Hu Sui, who had received a huge spiritual boost, let out a sigh of contentment.

She lowered her head to look at Qin Shuang, her fingers turned into claws, and she was about to grab Qin Shuang and forcefully join him together.

At this moment, a powerful sword light suddenly arrived outside the formation.

Hu Sui was startled and hurriedly dodged to avoid it, only to see that the entire formation was shaken by the sword light.

"Hao Po..."

"It's really you!"

"You are really an invincible Xiaoqiang. After more than ten thousand years, you are back again!"

Accompanying the sword light came a powerful and clear female voice.

Hu Sui immediately raised his eyes and saw several figures jumping around outside the formation.

The female cultivator in red who was leading the way was clearly her biggest rival in this life.

Wei Han...

"Hahahahaha, Wei Han? Thousands of years ago, you did not hesitate to test the law and pulled me to self-destruct and die together."

"I thought you were so upright and upholding justice."

"I didn't expect that you are just a superficial hypocrite."

"Aren't you also greedy for the beauty of the world, and have you left a trick for yourself?"

"I'm talking about Wei Han, you and I have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and now we are all trapped in this small Qianhu cultivation world."

"How about you and I join forces to extract the natal spiritual source of this world, restore spiritual immortal cultivation, break the Immortal Emperor's ban together, and leave here, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Hu Sui laughed loudly and said, but a pair of beautiful eyes slowly swept over the monk who appeared with Xie Linglong, and the abacus in his heart was rattling.

They are all the darlings of luck in this world, sons of heaven.

Such a strong and pure power of luck.

If she could absorb them all, it would be a great benefit to her and the Sky-Tunning Pot...


There's Wei Han in the middle, a damn blockbuster!
Hu Sui smiled on her face, but felt sorry in her heart.

Xie Linglong, the reborn Wei Han, did not follow Hu Sui's tricks at all.

She aimed her gaze at Qin Shuang, who fell to the ground and was getting weaker and weaker. A cold light flashed in her eyes, and she was determined to save Qin Shuang.

Hao Po is different from her.

Her true body awakens directly in her clone, and her memories are all there.

Hao Po was reincarnated together with the clone of his real body.

This move not only severely weakened Hao Po's strength, but also fragmented her original memory.

The most important thing is that Hao Poruo cannot take back the clone and merge into the main body.

Her power will be split in two and she will never be able to return to her prime!
Therefore, they must not let Hu Sui take Qin Shuang away!

After distributing the instructions to rescue Qin Shuang to the monks from various sects who followed, Xie Linglong did not want to say anything else. She held a long sword and attacked Hu Sui fiercely.

Hu Sui had to cultivate in the later stage of Nascent Soul.

And Xie Linglong is already a god.

The battle between the two was almost one-sided.

Soon, Hu Sui, who was pressed down and beaten by Xie Linglong, ignored Qin Shuang on the ground.

At this time, Fu Boshan on the ground took the lead, forcibly tore open the spirit binding formation, rushed in and rescued Qin Shuang.

Before Hu Sui's unabashed evil deeds, there was her own admission that she was the reincarnation of an evil immortal.

Only then did Fu Boshan finally understand.

Before, he was fascinated by Hu Sui, misunderstood and hurt his senior sister who raised him.

"Senior sister! Are you awake?"

"Shan'er was wrong, please forgive me, senior sister..."

Not to mention that on the ground, Fu Boshan was holding Qin Shuang, who was unconscious and breathless, feeling regret and regret.

In mid-air, Hu Sui took advantage of every opportunity to absorb the luck of several monks to make up for the lack of spiritual power. When he saw Xie Linglong offering a black-gold pagoda. She was completely shocked.

At this critical moment, Xie Linglong saw with his own eyes that a gap in the void suddenly opened behind Hu Sui.

A big hand with long knuckles pulled Hu Sui in, who looked panicked and was about to fight back.

The crack returned to normal, and everyone present was stunned on the spot.

"Linglong Zhenzhen, Zhenzun!"

"The crack in the void just now was full of demonic energy."

"The person who takes away Hu Sui is like a certain demon king in the demon world."

More than 870 years ago, the demon world was not yet unified, and there was no such thing as a demon king.

Only a few demon kings divided one side and guarded the demon land.

I don’t know which demon king in the demon world was the one who caused trouble just now.

How abominable.

It was clear that there was only a small chance that the reincarnation of the Evil Immortal Hao Po would be killed by Xie Linglong on the spot.

The smell of regret filled this place.

Xie Linglong looked at the place where Hu Sui stood, the light in his eyes flickering, and his pretty face turned cold.

This scene is exactly the same as the hexagram she deduced.

The power of Haopao is endless and will last forever.

Perhaps this is because the Immortal Emperor did not hesitate to sacrifice the magic circle and asked her to be the eye of the formation to reach the future of Qianhu Cultivation World.

It must also be the fundamental reason why Hao Po is banned here.

If Hao Po doesn't die, she, Wei Han, will never get ahead!
Therefore, Hao Po must die.

"Gentleman Wenliang."

"Please also bring Qin Shuang back, so that he can have a good life."

"Qin Shuang's matter is of great importance and cannot be damaged at all."

"Please also ask Wen Liangzhenjun and fellow Taoist Qianhua Sect to take care of you."

"Although Qin Shuang is the reincarnation of Hao Po's clone, he has a good nature."

"As long as she doesn't fall into Hu Sui's hands, merge with her."

"Evil Immortal Hao Po will never truly make a comeback."

"I want to go back to the Heart Locking Formation and use Hao Po's incomplete heart to find her."

"I won't disturb you fellow Taoists anymore. I'll take my leave first!"


This battle between good and evil that started thousands of years ago between evil fairies and immortals was fought with great momentum and chaos.

However, it was only the senior leaders of the six major sects who caused the storm.

The disciples below the Golden Core level and the rest of the casual cultivators had absolutely no idea about the evil immortal's reappearance.

Therefore, even though Song Zhi was practicing, he was borrowing Shen Jiao's help to closely monitor the major and minor events in the world of cultivation.

But she still didn't get any relevant information.

Ordinary monks have no way of finding out anything related to the True Master of Transformation God.

The demon world, the lost forest.

Only to hear an earth-shaking loud noise suddenly erupted from the deepest part of the Holy Land of the Demon Realm.

Then, a fiery red rainbow light quickly fled away from the demon world.

At a time when all the demons in the demon world are in a panic and can't find a reason.

The Alarmed Demon Clan Holy Lord shouted angrily: "Obstacle!"

"I'm going to die in a hurry!"

"Forget it, the fate is like this, why bother to keep..."

And the great demon that broke the restrictions of the Lost Forest was the fire phoenix, a mythical beast that yearned for the outside world.

"Fengjun, we agreed."

"After I help you escape from death, you have to take me to Dongzhou Wentian Mountain to find my master, the Lingxian Sect."

"Fengjun, you can't break your promise~"

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