Chapter 274

"Junior sister, it's the fifth senior brother!"

"Quick, let's rescue Fifth Senior Brother and get out of here!"

"This Jianchi Cave is probably going to collapse!"

Song Zhi was still rejoicing that Feng Ye came out on top in the end, while Zhao Muyang on the side had already rushed to Feng Ye's side in a hurry.

He bent down and helped the scarred Feng Ye up.

Even so, Feng Ye, who was in a coma, still clutched the green wood sword box tightly.

Zhao Muyang didn't care much and dragged Feng Ye towards Song Zhi.

As soon as he met Song Zhi, several cracks opened in the ground where Feng Ye had been.

Amid the huge shaking, these seams in the ground were cracked, extending directly to where Gu Zichen was.

There was a boom.

I saw that the territory centered on Gu Zichen fell apart in an instant.

A huge hole appeared under Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen, who was half-conscious and half-awake, was suddenly awakened by fright.


The huge suction force dragged Gu Zichen into the hole.

In a panic, Gu Zichen quickly summoned his natal sword and thrust it into the stone wall.

He slowly crawled forward, but in the end he couldn't resist the evil suction coming from behind him.

Just when Gu Zichen secretly thought that his life was at risk, a familiar figure that he thought about day and night appeared in his sight.


It was actually his junior sister Song Zhi!

At this time, Gu Zichen could no longer care about being reserved.

He faced Song Zhi, opened his mouth and let out a high-pitched cry for help.

"Zhiwei! Song Zhi!"

"It's me, Gu Zichen, junior sister, save me!"

Even at the critical moment when his life was at stake, Gu Zichen, who had always wanted to be strong in his life, still couldn't say the word "beg".

He roared at Song Zhi's back at the top of his voice, while using his hands and feet to climb up.

He clearly saw Song Zhi pause for a moment after he shouted.

But the next moment, Song Zhi seemed to have not heard his voice. He supported the unconscious Feng Ye and ran away without looking back.


"It's me……"

Gu Zichen stared at Song Zhi's retreating back with a hurt look on his face, feeling as if his heart was filled with despair at this moment.

He was sure that Song Zhi must have heard his voice at that time.

She even saw Feng Ye's existence when she rescued him.

However, even before the Jianchi Cave collapsed, Song Zhi never opened his mouth to wake him up.

Not to mention, she came to save him in a critical moment.

Why is this happening?

A few years ago, they were obviously very good friends.

Why since that incident happened, why since junior sister left Han Yuan Sect and joined the Lingxian Sect.

Has she become less like herself?

Senior brother...

"Hahahaha, I am your real senior brother!"


Gu Zichen allowed the huge suction force in the cave to drag him into the ground.

He raised his head and laughed like crazy, but tears of regret flowed from the corners of his eyes.

A ray of white light shining soul, together with the black and red inner demon, quietly penetrated into Gu Zichen's dantian at this moment.

In order to confuse him and the subsequent rebirth, he was making warm-up preparations.


Wow! !
When Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang relied on the teleportation talisman, they were tossed all the way.

After destroying many teleportation talismans, the three of them finally escaped from the huge sword pool.

The crazily shaking Sword Pool and Sword Peak also completely collapsed and shattered at this moment, no longer existing. Looking at the jagged Jianfeng with almost no trace of life, Song Zhi suddenly remembered what sounded like Gu Zichen's cry for help coming from behind her when she escaped from the cave.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered.


Also appearing with Feng Ye was her former senior brother Gu Zichen.

However, at that time, she only focused on taking Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang to escape, and she was only focused on getting the sword box for Feng Ye and was filled with joy.

She was not distracted at all by paying attention to the situation of her former senior brother and her ex-fiancé.

So, is Gu Zichen dead?

Song Zhi turned around and looked blankly at Yuan Jianfeng, who had been razed to the ground, feeling mixed for a moment.

She thought about killing Su Zhi, and thought about snatching the opportunity from Gu Zichen.

But Song Zhi never thought of killing Gu Zichen.

There was also a true relationship between her and him.

Unfortunately, she was labeled as a vicious female supporting character, and she was destined to go in the opposite direction from the male protagonist Gu Zichen and drift away.

"Junior sister, fifth senior brother is awake!"

Just when Song Zhi was staring at the ruins with mixed feelings, Zhao Muyang, who was sitting behind a huge stone with Feng Ye on his side, suddenly let out a shout of surprise.

Song Zhi gathered his thoughts instantly, turned around and rushed over quickly.

She and Zhao Muyang wanted to take care of Feng Ye's body first.

Unexpectedly, the first thing Feng Ye said when he opened his eyes was shocking, catching Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang off guard.

"Junior brother and sister..."

"Run away!"

"The battle in the sword pool is a conspiracy set up by Lord Canglan to seize the body!"

"Today, the sky is going to be in chaos!!"

Feng Ye was short of energy and blood, and his spiritual power was almost nonexistent.

His injury was extremely serious. After Song Zhi carefully investigated, he was horrified to find that the golden elixir in Feng Ye's dantian was faintly broken.

Song Zhi's face suddenly became serious, knowing the seriousness of the situation.

Feng Ye was able to wake up for such an instant, thanks to the seventh-grade Qi-Building Pill refined by Zhao Muyang.


Xiao Zhao was trapped in the Lost Forest of the Demon Realm for two years and was forced to become the exclusive alchemist of the Fire Phoenix Demon.

At this time, he has advanced again, and his alchemy skills are so superb that he can compete with the level of a seventh-grade alchemist.

His elixir is good.

Unfortunately, Feng Ye's injury was too serious and he was obviously too weak to make up for it.

After saying a few key words, he closed his eyes and passed out again.

But at this time, Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang no longer cared to delve deeper.

Both of them knew that Feng Ye was not a random person.

Therefore, one person who cooperated quickly and tacitly held Feng Ye's arm, took out several high-level teleportation talismans, and sped towards the direction of Desert Continent.

Master Liu Yuyin is still in retreat, and it is still unknown whether he will become a god or not.

Moreover, they did not know the specific location of Liu Yuyin's retreat.

At this time, she and Zhao Muyang could only think of Zhuangjiabao, where fourth senior brother Zhuang Fei was located, in Desert Continent to protect Song Zhi and the others.

No matter what happens, they can also let Shui Yixin take action after escaping to Fengyue Tower and take them across to the third senior sister in the demon world.

However, Song Zhi, who was dragging Feng Ye and quickly escaping from the ancient battlefield, did not know this.

On their only path, her former master and former junior sister had already set a trap for her.

And Gu Zichen, who crawled out from the depths of the ground again, also followed the scent and chased after them.

They are all determined to win over Song Zhi and the others!
"Master, you must make the decision for Zhi'er!"

"The treasure lid that senior sister snatched away is clearly the lid of my pot."

"Not only did she snatch it directly, she also allowed her contracted spiritual weapon to swallow the lid of the pot, so that my magical pot is now severely damaged."

"Even with five of the normal magical powers, Hu'er can't even use them."

"Master, I can give up anything to Senior Sister. I can even kneel down and beg for mercy from Senior Sister."

"I only hope that senior sister will return the lid to me for the sake of our meager friendship..."

"This pot is intertwined with my destiny. If the pot gets in the way, my little life will not be guaranteed!"

"Master, please save me!"

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