Chapter 275, what a sin! Met my former master
Su Zhi pulled Fu Boshan's arrow sleeves and cried.

It is both a plea and a complaint.

She cried so hard that she looked weak and vulnerable, but her eyes were filled with tenacity that refused to admit defeat, which made people pity her but not look down upon her.

After she was taken out of the illusory realm by Su Yuan, Su Yuan escaped first on the pretext that something was wrong.

When Su Zhi was left at a loss, the Tiantian Pot Artifact Spirit hurriedly gave her some advice.

The newly born weapon spirit of the pot lid was swallowed by the top of the Zhenyuan Tower, and even the lid itself was absorbed by the top of the Zhenyuan Tower as materials to repair the body.

When he thought of this, Tiantian Pot became so angry that he wanted to tear the spirit on top of the Zhenyuan Tower with his hands.

After waiting for more than 800 years, the pot body could be restored to its complete state, but the success fell short because the top of the Zhenyuan Tower was inserted horizontally.

No one can stand this.

Therefore, after seeing her escape, Su Zhi, an idiot, looked like she was out of her mind and didn't know what to do.

The plan for swallowing the sky pot was immediately taken into consideration.

He is eloquent and can clearly explain the seriousness of losing the lid in a few words.

In order to prompt Su Zhi to agree to implement its plan.

It even did not hesitate to tell the truth that it was connected to Su Zhi's soul.

This frankness successfully frightened Su Zhi.

This is what happened now.

Su Zhi followed the instructions of Tiantianhu and directly used the fixed-point teleportation talisman given to her by Fu Boshan to teleport herself to Fu Boshan.

She briefly described her experience after entering the ancient battlefield.

Afterwards, Su Zhi focused on her newly contracted artifact and the injustice of Song Zhi deliberately snatching the lid of her artifact.

This magical pot is the Tiantian Pot that deliberately changed the appearance of the pot in order to cooperate with Su Zhi's lies.

Eight hundred and seventy-four years ago, Fu Boshan, who listened to his master Wen Liang's slander, was possessed by inner demons and killed his senior sister Qin Shuang, who had been secretly in love for many years.

Once Qingqing mastered the art of swordsmanship, he finally cultivated into Nascent Soul.

Although he did not answer the call, he joined Xie Linglong's camp to kill the evil cultivator Hu Sui.

But before Wen Liang died, he revealed that he targeted Qin Shuang because he was bewitched by Hu Sui.

Therefore, Fu Boshan placed all the blame for Qin Shuang's death on Hu Sui and tried every means to hunt down Hu Sui.

As Hu Sui's golden finger, he had met the young Fu Boshan many times.

Therefore, in order to avoid the failure of the plan, Tiantian Pot could only pinch his nose and transform himself into a white jade round pot, pretending that he had the ability to extract the power of faith and that he was an immortal artifact lost in the world of Qianhu cultivation.

It was this flawless-sounding rhetoric, coupled with Su Zhi's cry of grievance, that caused the sword master with white hair and black armor to be completely moved.

"Zhi'er, don't cry."

"My master promises you that I will get back the artifact pot lid that was taken away for no reason."

Fu Boshan comforted him in a cold voice, and what he said was true to his word.

Su Zhi only felt warm in her heart.

I am also secretly looking forward to the next good show.

Song Zhi advanced to the Golden Elixir Dzogchen. He was indeed extremely talented and made people jealous.

However, no matter how strong and arrogant she is.

After confronting the Sword Lord, she had no choice but to be beaten obediently.

Master Fu Boshan has now reached Nascent Soul Dzogchen!
Su Zhi followed Fu Boshan's instructions and obediently retreated into the protective barrier.

Her face was flushed, and her gaze towards Fu Boshan was full of admiration and emotion.

Fu Boshan couldn't help but stare at this little daughter's coquettish look.

Senior sister...

But soon, Fu Boshan regained consciousness.

Su Zhi is not senior sister Qin Shuang.

The senior sister has been killed by him personally.

Senior sister hates him.

She said that if there was an afterlife, she would never lend a helping hand to him trapped in the snowy mountains. She would watch him freeze to death...

Senior sister.

Thinking of that woman who was sometimes lively and charming, and sometimes gentle and patient, Fu Boshan gently closed his eyes.

His love has become a cloud and can never be undone.

That's the case.

Now, he only yearns to ascend and leave this world!
Su Zhi cannot die.

The so-called pot artifact she said must also be restored to its complete form.

Therefore, Song Zhi, the disciple he was most optimistic about.

For the sake of the immortal path of the entire Qianhu cultivation world, he can only take action personally to clean up the door today!

Wherever he looked, three figures flying quickly with the help of teleportation talismans were approaching quickly.

Fu Boshan, who was well prepared, immediately activated the sword formation.

When thousands of arrows suddenly appeared, trapping Song Zhi and the three of them in mid-air, Song Zhi also quickly threw out the invincible Tianji Lost Formation at the same time.

Unfortunately, this time, she miscalculated.

Fu Boshan, who had already investigated her methods clearly, stood outside the scope of the mysterious formation from the beginning to the end.

Without him entering the game, Song Zhi's formation would not be effective against the enemy.

"Junior sister, be careful!"

Seeing Song Zhi frowning and thinking, seemingly not noticing the sudden sword, Zhao Muyang pushed Feng Ye away and flew towards him.

After two "Puff" sounds, two black iron long swords were inserted into Zhao Muyang's back.

"Sixth Senior Brother!!"

Song Zhi shouted loudly and quickly activated the [Safe Passage] prop.

She threw out a bundle of spiritual ropes, tied up the unconscious Feng Ye, and then flew to catch the injured Zhao Muyang.

Amid the menacing sword attack, a group of three people relied on the guidance of the green arrow of [Safe Passage] to dodge and retreat.

After such a coquettish operation, Song Zhi and the other three were lucky enough to find a breakthrough in the sword formation and finally escaped successfully.

Seeing the huge sword array chasing after Xun Sheng, Song Zhi's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

It's Fu Boshan!

The one who robbed and killed them was actually her former master Fu Bo Shan.

What does he want to do?
Why set up a sword array to stop and kill them?

Could it be that he was doing it for her?

Song Zhi has been Fu Boshan's apprentice for decades.

She dare not say that she understands Fu Boshan 100%, but she still understands him 70%.

In her impression, Sword Master Fu Boshan was not the kind of unscrupulous powerful man who would rob and bully the weak just for the sake of treasure.

What's more, Fu Boshan, who was outside the ancient battlefield site, didn't know what treasures she had brought out.

The only one who knew about this was Zhao Muyang.

Song Zhi thought, perhaps, it was Su Zhi who chased Su Zhi to the Mountain of Wild Madness together with the Heaven-Swallowing Pot Artifact Spirit in the illusory realm.

Thinking about it this way, Fu Boshan's strange behavior can be explained.

While Song Zhi was distracted in his thoughts, he summoned the completely repaired Zhenyuan Tower.

The situation is critical now.

In order to better escape, Song Zhi planned to put the unconscious and seriously injured senior brother in the tower first. After reaching a safe area, she would release him to heal his injuries.

But what Song Zhi didn't expect was that Fu Boshan, who had been standing far away, staring at her silently with only his spiritual consciousness, was waiting for the moment Zhenyuan Tower appeared!
A male palm with long knuckles and protruding veins suddenly peeked out from the dark clouds.

Song Zhi's mind suddenly moved, and he was about to order Zhenyuan Tower to accept the two senior brothers.

The next moment, the black-gold Zhenyuan Tower sat in mid-air in front of her.

Then he was snatched away by this hand.

(End of this chapter)

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